MovieChat Forums > The Jungle Book (2016) Discussion > For those complaining about the 'bad' cg...

For those complaining about the 'bad' cgi...

You guys need to stop sippin' that Haterade! The entire movie was CGI; jungle, animals, pretty much everything except for Mowgli. The detail was pretty incredible. Say what you want to say, I give the creators lots of respect for what they did.


Sorry but if a movie from 1993 can portray dinosaurs in a way that is commonly considered life-like, there's no excuse for a 2016 high-budget release to make existing creatures look like they came out of a video game.


I thought CGI was EPIC. Those that complain, lets see you do better ok? oh wait you might say "i am not a CGI artist or dont have the same budget etc" that's right you are not.

I am sure CGI could be done better but why? I thought it was already fantastic. Big respect to CGI artists and everyone involved in created this movie!


The jungle was impressive, the animals not so much. There are points where it looks like they belong in the likes of Ice Age or some video game rather than as realistic renders.

It's good a lot of people don't notice it though, another step forward for CGI in general. Still work to be done.


those one who complain BAD CGI, people who download it for free and watch it when still on CAM rip or HDTV rip. i think jungle book CGI is one of the best that happen on movie,...the bad CGI is all DCEU until now (MOS, BvS , SS) - seriously WB, the cgi is like B-flick...


The CGI was awesome.

Lincoln Lee: I lost a partner.
Peter Bishop: I lost a universe!




Couldn't agree more. The CGI in this movie sets new standards IMHO.

Especially the movement of the animals was astonishingly realistic. As if someone on the CGI team found the "real gravity and acceleration" switch, as opposed to the slightly sluggish movement of characters in many 'top notch CGI movies'.


This is one of the two or three most well done CGI movies I have ever seen. The only thing that holds it back slightly is every now and then the animal movements are slightly jumpy (jagged?). Aside from that it was amazing.

There are maybe five beings I hope I never have to fight and J'onn Jonzz is one of them. - Superman


People who say the CGI was "bad" in this have clearly never seen bad CGI before.
