MovieChat Forums > The Jungle Book (2016) Discussion > For those complaining about the 'bad' cg...

For those complaining about the 'bad' cgi...

You guys need to stop sippin' that Haterade! The entire movie was CGI; jungle, animals, pretty much everything except for Mowgli. The detail was pretty incredible. Say what you want to say, I give the creators lots of respect for what they did.


Agree. Stupid hating internet nerds. CGI was phenomenal. The movie not so much.


This is like the best looking CGI movie ever made thus far. Do people realize how much of the scenes are rendered, I bet you have a lot of tards out there thinking some of these amazing backdrops are filmed and only certain elements are put over top of it. Nope, mostly all CGI. This film is one of the first where I say CGI and reality start to finally get mixed together, but yet you got these eternal internet nerds who do the same whining every time. Doesnt matter if a film came out that was 30 years ahead of its time in CGI, these geeks would find something to bitch about anyway.
Now if you criticize the movie and plot itself, sure, thats fine. Been done since movies began. But here to complain about the CGI in particular is just sad.


As technically impressive as it may be, I thought it looked fake and not that beautiful


Too me bad cgi is when there is nothing but teal as far as color goes.
This movie although dark was colorful.


What bad CGI? This movie looked amazing. I couldn't even tell you where there was CGI. I guess they used CGI to make the animal's mouths move. Everything looked perfect, though.


The cgi was really poor and expected it to be a lot better .The Tigers in Life of Pi were miles better.


You are either out of your mind or a troll. Try recreating an entire world using nothing but cgi. The details were all there, and except for the animals, everything looked pretty damn real. Even the animals looked great, the one that seemed a little artificial was Kaa. My question is, why would you expect ultra-realism in a movie adapted from a cartoon that revolves around a boy communicating with animals??

The production crew did a great job and if you disliked it, that's fine. But saying it was very poor is just straight hating.


Anyone who thinks the cgi was bad is just a wannabe edgy troll looking for attention.

I know you've had a rough time.


The cgi was really poor
I couldn't even tell you what was CGI and what wasn't. That's a testament to how good the CGI was.


You must be pretty blind. While I enjoyed the movie the CGI was pretty bad. There was never a time that I could look at the screen and not know it almost entirely CGI, even the portions where they CGI's Mowgli.

Dr. Who is to entertainment what Special Olympics is to athleticism.


Everything was cgi minus the kid, so ofcourse you dont notice the diffrence casue there isnt one


I'm sure there was a few shots of him CGI. There was one seen with his back to the screen, looked a bit off to me.

I thought the CGI was fine though. Movie was fine.


image for user touser2004
by touser2004
» Wed Apr 27 2016 16:34:40
IMDb member since August 2007
The cgi was really poor and expected it to be a lot better .The Tigers in Life of Pi were miles better.

It's like comparing a city to a solar system.

Some tigers > a whole jungle?


The point of going to a movie is to enjoy it. Not look for bad CGI.

< A peaceful place so it looks from space A close look reveals the human race.> Blog info on profile


I thought it was very good.


I agree. The CGI was amazing!!!


The CGI was top tier and pretty much the only thing I liked about the movie.

By Grabthar's Hammer...what a savings.
