That is what Russia was called in the 18th Century. While the Atlantic coast nations prospered - Holland, The UK, France, Russia was a mixture of its own self and the World around her. The Russia Royal Family intermixed and married with the gentry in the rest of the World. Russia was always struggling to prove herself. In World War One, Russia was way behind and got hurt badly. This lead to a revolution. This, in turn, led to a horrible period of insecurity, idealism, and nationalism that mostly hurt a lot of innocent people. Stalin didn't do much of anything during World War Two, but by 1943 the USSR was finally asserting itself as a force to be reckoned with. In the 1980s, an article stated that the USSR could take over western Europe in 72 hours if they tried to. Then, the wall came down. Why? Mostly, because Russia had embraced the utopian ideals of Marx which basically denied human reality in favor or utopian dreams. The Nomenclature had become corrupt and it was no long tenable. Has the "free market" helped Russia. It is another story of growing pains. There is a plus side to "western freedom", but there is also a big downside to "western freedom". Russia still struggles with wealth and poverty. Although, in Russia employers care more about their employees than in my country, The USA. Russia is not the only example of a country that has struggled with self esteem. North Korea happened, because the Korean people had been invaded for centuries. When the Japanese brought "Westernism" into their country it was a destructive thing to their psyche. Hence, we have North Korea today. China was a horribly humiliated country until The Revolution. However, utopian ideals caused a lot of damage to, and created a cult of Mao. People talk down President Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe, but hate him or not, a lot of Africa looks upon him as the alternative to "outsiders" interfering in their internal affairs and bringing chaos once again.
So, is Russia corrupt? I don't know much about Russia today. I do know that in the USA we suffer from too much. Too much money and power causes people to become selfish. People are always talking about their rights and freedom in my country, but very little respect and appreciation of history and tradition. After all, The USA was built upon stealing land from two hundred ethnic groups that were already here and did not need us to come in and "civilize" them.