9-11 was the product of many acts, including US foreign policy. Middle Easterners are not the only ones to be subjected to harmful US policies. Latin America has suffered for far longer. Guess what? They aren’t committing terrorist acts in the US. You also ignore the fact that these Islamicists are killing other Muslims in droves. What did these people do to the Islamicists?
The issue of terrorism is much more complex than just US foreign policy. Radical Islam is a byproduct of a poverty, educated Muslims aware of Islam’s rise and fall, and internal problems(oppressive regime, theocratic states) within the Middle East.
American foreign policy was the way it was because of the Cold War. You can’t understand why the US was doing what it was without understanding what the Soviets were doing. Both sides were waging war-by-proxy. You can find that distasteful, but that’s the reality of it. They were using other countries as chess pieces in a global ideological war.
The US did this because they saw what the Soviets did to the Germans. They knew what Stalinism was capable o.9He starved to death some 5,000,000 Kulaks in 1932-33). The USSR was a tyranny rivaled only by Nazi Germany. Gulags, show trials, mass shootings, state-sponsored famines, officially sanctioned torture(decades before the US did it)...the USSR was a hell on earth. Now add China, Cuba, Libya, Vietnam, North Korea, and you start to see that freedom was a very rare trait in much of the world for 50 years.
American foreign policy was based on fear and when you base an action on fear you will inevitably commit despicable acts. The US did just that and now we have to live with that legacy. But the story is infinitely more complex and grey than the extremely simplistic understanding of it that you have.