What's wrong with anal?

If she would have just said, "if you save the world, I will sleep with you." there would be little controversy over the movie. But since she said anal, lots of people called it misogonist. Some women actually enjoy anal and some prefer it over vaginal sex. Some even regularly orgasm from it. So is it really about misogyny or is it about the stigma of anal sex?



It's just *beep* being *beep* They don't like these jokes because they think they're about them, you know, being *beep* and all.


Don't assume a few people complaining represent the majority. I doubt even 1% of the people who watched this movie have an issue with it. Every over sensitive idiot has a blog or facebook page these days and it gives them a platform to voice their criticism but they don't speak for everyone.


Did I miss something? I didn't see or hear the scene everyone is talking about with the princess. Did they change it up for the US release?

-- I hate Robots. But Ninjas are awesome. --


Who ever called it misogynist? That's insane. Anybody who said that should contribute to population reduction by jumping off a bridge!


Nothing wrong with it but its not the accepted norm. The humour is derived from the 'shocking' aspect.

that joke would only work now (or earlier) as probably in x number of years it won't be shocking at all and therefore not funny.

75 years ago you couldn't say the word 'damn' on film - THAT was shocking, the word c^nt was unheard of like what 15 years ago now its on main stream TV.

intersting to see how as we get more used to things the effectivness of shocking humour becomes a lot less! or things will mobe to more extreme things for shock value...

"ah land at last, I've been at sea for 5 months, I have't raped a baby in months... ITS BABY RAPING TIME!!" <-- Seriouslyy even that isn't THAT shocking and thats one of the worst things I can think of!



What movie is that baby quote from??


 nothing wrong with anal at all and I admire guys who defend it... as long as they take it too. Wait, something wrong with anal now? 

For every lie I unlearn I learn something new - Ani Difranco



I'm no prude, but I found that remark tasteless, and a bit disgusting.

Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar and doesn't.


And yet you agree that the movie was a great parody of spy movies in which the beautiful woman gives up her sex to the gentleman hero at the end?


It was a great parody of spy movies, and it doesn't really matter to me whether the woman has sex with the hero at the end or not.

Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar and doesn't.


It may not matter to you, but it is fully inline with the whole aspect of the movie.

In all James Bond movies he gets the woman at the end of the movie. This movie was an over-the-top James Bond movie and Eggsy wasn't a British gentleman. He was barely above a thug.

So, keeping to the "over-the-top" aspect, instead of coyly teasing him of what might get should he save the day, she "over-the-top" offers up anal sex.



Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar and doesn't.
