If she would have just said, "if you save the world, I will sleep with you." there would be little controversy over the movie. But since she said anal, lots of people called it misogonist. Some women actually enjoy anal and some prefer it over vaginal sex. Some even regularly orgasm from it. So is it really about misogyny or is it about the stigma of anal sex?
It's called the Kinsey Report based on individual polls.
You do realize that the Kinsey Report is over 60 years old and only supposed to be representative for US society?
Ever read one? Maybe you intentionally don't want to for some reason.
I have already more than enough to read in my backlog, why would i waste time on something so outdated and trivial? Why should i care about total strangers sexual preferences?
Now why exactly would a guy not want to know that most women don't really like anal sex but might go along with it anyway.....hmmmm?
Why would a "FINSLAW" keep on going with this sexist genderstereotyping? "All women like this", "All guys like that", like people are merely the sum of their gender and not individuals. You are a mere demagogue... mmmmh!
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I knew the second it was mentioned in the film people would cry about it on here. Some people just can't enjoy anything. I actually love that they were ballsy enough to mention it. If it was just regular sex people would not be bitching which is totally hypocritical.
You almost got it, it's true there would've been little controversy over "I will sleep with you if save the world", but that's why they used the anal line, as an intentional riff. Not "let's make love" but "fck me up the ass", as the line goes it's not that kind of movie where they wrap themselves up in sheets and cuddle passionately.
However, the accusations of misogyny are still relevant, because they intentionally riffed on the 'reward' element of classic action films - the hero gets the girl, but instead of subverting or satirising it, they play further into the power fantasy of the guy, no longer "let's subtly imply some sex here" but hardcore pornifying; the ending is even shot like a PoV porno to go along with the first person shooter segments.
It's self-aware but rather than using that as a criticism (isn't it a little pathetic many of us guys think of women that way? rewards?) they actually go to a further extreme than the films they parody.
It's a strange joke in an otherwise enjoyable film.
Both men and women can enjoy and love anal sex and both genders have been doing so for thousands of years long before "the pornification of sex in society and films" and modern taboos. And anal sex is not only about putting a penis inside a anus, it can also be practiced by using sex toys such as butt plugs, dildos, double penetration dildos and other similar objects to achieve pleasure. You can even just use your finger for anal stimulation.
Here is some info about butt plugs and women.
Why do women use butt plugs? One of the greatest sex myths is that women don’t enjoy anal sex and that they only partake in a little bum fun to make their partner happy. It's simply not true. Using a butt plug can make all kinds of sex feel more pleasurable for a woman (and her partner). A butt plug creates more pressure on the back vaginal wall, increasing the level of sensation she experiences - whether from a dildo, vibrator or her partner's penis. Many women also enjoy using a butt plug while receiving oral sex. At climax, orgasmic contractions around a butt plug feel more intense than without, and stimulate the nerve endings around the anus that usually get overlooked. Some women use a butt plug to enhance their partner's pleasure. By inserting a butt plug, the amount of space in the pelvis is reduced and as a result the vagina feels tighter. The firmer pressure and additional texture provided by a butt plug also makes her vagina feel different and seriously pleasurable.
It didn't offend me one bit although I had to replay to make sure I heard her right LOL.
That said, as a guy anal grosses me out. I don't want to stick my dick in the spot where crap comes out of (pee is diff. for some reason). I dunno, I just have ZERO desire in it... plenty of other good places to stick it.
Pee doesn't come out of the part where you stick it in. Two different holes. Plus, pee is actually sterile, which is why you can drink it if you're lost in the desert. You try to eat your own poop and you'll be dead of a bacteria infection. Either way, my husband feels the same way and I'm so relieved I don't have to deal with the anal discussion.
"You try to eat your own poop and you'll be dead of a bacteria infection."
Don't be too sure of that ^^
Hello, it is time for "Hey, Science," our nauseatingly scientific weekly feature in which we have your most provocative scientific questions answered by real live scientists (or related experts). No question is too smart for us to tackle, which will be our downfall. This week, medical experts answer the question: Can you eat your own poop?
THE QUESTION: This week's query comes from Gawker writer Max Read (not a joke, I want it to be perfectly clear that this question came from Max Read): Can you eat your own poop? We've all heard of people who claim that drinking your own urine has health benefits (vitamins, etc). Why not poop? Would there by any benefits to eating your own poop? Since it's already been fully processed by our own bodies, how could there be any dangers? Might it even be GOOD for us?
Daniel Pomp, PhD, professor, UNC School of Global Public Health:
A big difference between urine and poop is that urine is sterile while poop is, well, you know, smelly and full of bacteria.
That said, those are the same bacteria that live in your gut and play many healthy roles in your body, so coprophagy [Ed.: this means "eating poop," write it down] is not necessarily unhealthy unless the poop originates from an unhealthy individual.
In fact, a recent article published in the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine showed that fecal transplants, where poop from one individual is infused into another individual's intestines, have performed better than regular antibiotics in treating certain bacterial infections that cause severe diarrhea.
Parul Agarwal MD, assistant professor of Gastroenterology & Hepatology, University of Wisconsin:
Thank you for this interesting inquiry. Drinking your own urine and eating your own poop is perfectly safe. Urine is sterile, poop is not, but they are your own bugs. There are no positive effects of eating your own poop that I know of. Hope this helps. [Ed.: it does help Max Read, in particular.]
Lars Eckmann, PhD, professor of medicine at UCSD Medical School, Division of Gastroenterology:
Interesting question. In theory, ingesting your own stool should not be harmful, as long as it "clean" (i.e., not contaminated with stool from others, as might occur by contact in a toilet bowl, etc). Furthermore, there may be a theoretical minor health benefit in doing so. Bacteria in the colon can metabolize non-absorbed food materials (fiber) and generate useful nutrients (e.g. vitamins such as biotin, or sugars and amino acids from fiber and other undigested materials) that are only partly absorbed during initial production, the rest is excreted with the stool. Re-uptake of these nutrients by ingestion of stool would give a second opportunity for absorption in the gut. In fact, coprophagy in mice (a normal behavior) helps to extract extra energy from food compared to mice that are prevented from coprophagy.
However, any theoretical biological benefit is heavily outweighed by our strong aversion to coprophagy. The primary reason for that is probably the unconscious awareness that stool is often a source of infections in humans (because we do not get to ingest "clean" stool, but rather mixed stool from other people). Practically all food-borne infections are ultimately transmitted through the stool (fecal-oral), so we have very good reasons to stay away from stool as much as possible by hygienic measures (toilet construction, separate drinking and waste water systems, etc).
Having said that, an increasing medical interest exists in "stool transplantation", where normal, "healthy" stool gets ingested by patients who suffer from certain forms of diarrheal disease caused by use of antibiotics. The challenge is to standardize the stool preparations and formulate them in ways that are acceptable to patients.
P.K. Newby, ScD, MPH, MS nutrition scientist and food writer:
Bottom line: the human body is a wondrous machine, with complex systems designed to extract nutrients from food and, during metabolism, excrete the waste products in the form of both liquids (urine) and solids (feces). The body is not 100% efficient, however (no machine is), so there could be some residual nutrition left in the waste.
That said, whatever small amount of nutrition that remains, which can have utility in some cases—-a likely explanation why certain species do eat their poop, like dogs; why poop from some species provides nutrients for others; etc—-it's not a terribly efficient way of obtaining energy and nutrition for humans. Your body has excreted this waste, and reconsuming it is literally a waste of energy and, further, could be harmful; there's a reason your body is excreting this waste, after all, and no reason to further tax your excretory and digestive systems with remetabolizing it.
There is likely some innate biological proclivities at play here that would lead a human to want to consume his/her waste, likely going back to days of hunting and gathering when food was scarce. But that is no longer the case in many places (like the US setting), thus there are certainly healthier, safer, and tastier ways of obtaining nutrition for our bodies in the 21st century.
In summary,consuming foods naturally rich in vitamins, minerals, and other things the body needs, like vegetables, fruits, whole grains, nuts and seeds, for example, are a better way to go than, say, consuming the waste of those (or whatever) foods.
THE VERDICT: Assuming you are a healthy person, eating your own poop would probably not harm you. Eating someone else's poop could make you sick if they were unhealthy, but eating poop from the right person could cure your diarrheal disease. But generally speaking, Max Read should stick to eating real food.
She already implied sex when she said "we'll do more than kissing". Then she randomly has to thrown in: "if you save the world we can do it in the a$$h0le" in her broken English and deadpan tone. It was just strange writing.