What's wrong with anal?

If she would have just said, "if you save the world, I will sleep with you." there would be little controversy over the movie. But since she said anal, lots of people called it misogonist. Some women actually enjoy anal and some prefer it over vaginal sex. Some even regularly orgasm from it. So is it really about misogyny or is it about the stigma of anal sex?


I've read where doctors commented that frequent anal sex can do severe damage to anal muscles, but I have no experience with this type of sex, nor would I subject my wife to it.

But the princes had a nice posterior.


whats wrong with chickens feet and pig brains? some people like it i guess but id rather have the tenderloin than the crappy leftovers. some people are posting novels on here to fight for the anal cause it seems. a dog likes to eat its own turds sometimes and i always look to animals for intelligence for life lessons. like when they eat their own babies and when they chase their tail and eat their vomit they just threw up. go ahead and follow the animals all you weirdos that were making all the arguments for anal sex using animal behavior and other stuff. why not have anal sex with some animals and you can really be a guide for the animal knowledge and sex practices. try monkeys first so we can possibly get another sex virus like aids started

Uh....oh,oh, it's the pancakes! You don't like pancakes, I will get you somethin else!


I loved the joke and i found it fitted the mood and tone of the movie perfectly.
Even though for me the true gag is not her line, but his dry reply: "I'll be right back!" as if saving the world suddenly became some annoying household chore you still have to finish.

I think the controversy about it is largely some "american" thing - and i dont mean that as a judgement but just as an observation


why not have anal sex with some animals

Because I don't want to get your mother pregnant again.


unnecessarily coarse i thought. rather like the whole film in fact.



That was sort of sexy, innit?

The scene where he was swimming and all....

