Early Reactions to Horizon 2 = not good
The movie premiered at Venice Film Festival on Saturday. They say this movie isn't good
Some publications already released reviews
They say the movie has the same issues as Part 1: too long, not enough payoff, jagged editing, and cliche production values. They say Part 2 needed a montage or something to allow viewers to catch up / refresh themselves with what happened in Part 1. The romance between Sienna Miller and Sam Worthington moves too slowly. The reviewer thinks Horizon should've been a streaming series
This review says Part 2 is "just as unwiedly and bewilderingly scattershot as the first." They say the movie is too long, and it needed a recap of Part 1 for the audience to follow. The best plot strands are the one with Luke Wilson and the one with Sienna Miller / Sam Worthington. The story with Costner's character sucks. The movie has nice cinematography, and there are some moments. But the movie's high-spots occur in between some long, dull stretches. The ending also has a montage for Part 3, similar to the end of Part 1. Like Hollywood Reporter's review, they say Horizon would've been great as streaming TV series
Like the above 2 reviews, they say Part 2 suffers the same problem as Part 1, with a poor storytelling rhythm. There are some good moments, but they're too few and far between. This review notes that two of the stories actually connect in Part 2: the wagons (Luke Wilson) and Sienna Miller + her daughter meet each other. The British girl in the wagon story apparently gets raped too.