Eli Roth loved it!

Maybe this is better than I thought, Eli Roth saw it and tweeted:

Okay...saw the very 1st screening of Devil's Due. Scariest found footage film since Paranormal Activity. It's so scary. Like Conjuring scary. Don't pre-judge Devil's Due because Rosemary's Baby is a holy grail movie. It's so smart, creative, inventive, and fun. Very very scary. The guys at Radio Silence killed it. Devil's Due is a legit scary, smart, horror film. So many awesome scenes. I loved it.

Now I'll see it for sure!


I admittedly have a soft spot for the found footage horror sub-genre, and while I will most likely see this, I have very low expectations set for it. Why? Primarily because it is a horror movie being released in January. January is the dumping ground for studios to slide in movies that they know are bad and that they have no faith in. I get this same feeling from Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones. Next year, The Marked Ones and Paranormal Activity 5 are both dropping, and you can tell by the release dates alone which one Paramount has faith in, and it isn't The Marked Ones. Anyways, I would say be cautiously optimistic if anything, because if history does in fact repeat itself as it tends too, we are looking at a cash grab horror movie here. Of course, I hope that I am wrong, because I would love a new horror movie to be happy with after being significantly disappoined with the horror offerings this year other than Insidious: Chapter 2 and The Conjuring.


If you like the found footage/home footage type sub-genre, you might like "Lake Mungo" if you haven't already seen it.



I wouldn't trust Eli Roth.

I count six shots.
I count two guns!


Lol "conjuring scary". No thanks. I fell asleep during that overhyped turd of a film.




So did I....I enjoyed The Conjuring, but did not find it scary! Insidious 2....Man, what a waste of time!!! I know there is an Insidious 3 coming, by the way 2 ended but I won't be paying money to see that one, I'll wait until that is on cable. I am also a little tired of the Found Footage Films, the only ones I like now are the Comedic Spoofs of them. But this movie looks interesting. It would be nice to FINALLY get a good old scary movie like the ones that were made back in the mid 70's!!


"the only ones I like now are the Comedic Spoofs of them"

Comedic Spoofs. now thereĀ“s some cinematic quality these days. ( lol ).


The Conjuring is scary!!! SCARY!! SCARY!! SUCKER


I didnt think conjuring was all that scary, but i still enjoyed it.


Amen to that !!


I love Eli but it doesn't change the fact that The Conjuring and Paranormal Activity were scary as a burp. I can imagine this being a fun time at the movies though. It looks 100% better than The Marked Ones.


The Conjuring was actually pretty scary, it just didn't rely on stupid gore effects, the way most "horror" movies seem to these days.

Don't let anyone ever make you feel like you don't deserve what you want.


Instead it relied on generic jumpscares, stereotypical plot developments, and underdeveloped characters.
Now Sinister was scary

Death Awaits you (Horror forum)


Hell yes. Sinister scared the crap out of me and most horror movies can't even get me a little creeped out. I thought the picture looked cool so I looked this one up. I haven't anything about it, but the trailer looks so-so. I'll see it because I get free tickets. Otherwise it would be a Redbox movie.


I haven't seen anything about it,


eli roth is a hack


Uhh you could make those same complaints with Sinister, as if the movie was any more original than The Conjuring. I liked both films, but I at least know both of them are not original. What I liked about them both is that they're better crafted than most *beep* horror films.


i agree. and this one looks like it's got a really cool storyline about the newlyweds and the characters seem very cool too. aren't scares part of what makes these movies fun?


Sinister featured character development. Ethan Hawke actually had a personality
Sinister featured some original aspects as well (The tapes, the fact the curse doesn't kill you until you leave the house and then it jumps to the new one)
Sinister featured suspense and an effective atmosphere, as well as effective scares (The Conjuring had "WHO's FARTING !?")

So no, they can't all be said about Sinister. The Conjuring was NOT better crafted than most horrors, in fact it was really poorly done.

Death Awaits you (Horror forum)


I disagree, if you watch movies like The Unborn, House at the End of the Street, The Apparition, and then watch The Conjuring, how can you say it was poorly done? It was beautifully directed, well acted, and it was really intense. I am not saying The Conjuring is the god of all horror movies, but to say it was poorly done is ridiculous. If you watch some of the really bad horror movies that have come out over the past couple of years and then watch The Conjuring, you can see a huge difference in quality and camera work. Also, sure Sinister may have featured some Character development, but it was minimal, he was just a struggling writer trying to catch a break, how typical. And it had generic jump scares as well, it had the stupid monster pop out at the screen in the end like every horror movie, it's the worst jump scare of them all. The Conjuring didn't have that. Like I said, I liked both The Conjuring and Sinister but I at least know the both of them aren't original, it's the quality of the camera work and the acting that separate them from the crop of *beep* PG-13 horror movies that come out on a regular basis.


Haven't seen Unborn or House, since they both look terrible. I did see The Apparition, which was a terrible Paranormal Activity ripoff. As for execution, just because The Conjuring is better than that abomination doesn't mean it's a good movie.

The acting was fine, but hardly spectacular. I expected a bit more afdter all the hype. The dialogue was actually kinda rushed IMO, like the director wanted to just skip from one ineffective jump scare to the next. And yeah, I've seen bad horror movies in the past few years (Hellloooo Paranormal Activity)

Minimal character development is still character development. You're actually downplaying the character too. You're ignoring the fact that he lied to his wife about the house in order to stay there and his clearly inquisitive nature. Hardly the best hero of the past few years, but every character in The Conjuring was utterly interchangeable.

You forgot the lawnmower video in Sinister. More effective and original scare than anything The Conjuring had.

the quality of the camera work didn't impress me at all in Conjuring. It looked about equal to The Apparition. The acting was decent, but doesn't save it from the sh-tty, sh-tty script (the entire reason I give it a 1/10)

Death Awaits you (Horror forum)


The Conjuring was very good, imo. It gave me a very Poltergeist/Spielberg vibe. Sinister was more of a Ring or Grudge type movie and I've had enough of those for now. Sinister was okay, but The Conjuring was better and I thought it was going to be over-hyped trash going in. It was a nice surprise.

I'm about to watch Devil's Due, but I am sure it won't be as good as either of the two previously mentions films.

Hostel part one was awesome the first time I saw it. Very tense.

hey, hey hey, careful, man, there's a beverage here!


I agree. Everyone keeps comparing it to movies from the 70s. But as someone who loves older horror movies, I didn't see anything in common. It was just another jump scare she turns around and there's a creepy black eyed made up dead woman behind her. Maybe I missed those movies from the 70s, but movies like the Omen didn't use any of that crap, or gore, and it's still one of the best horror movies of all time.


I totally agree! The movies from the 70's and very early 80's were the best in horror. Rosemary's Baby is added in there too, although that was late 60's. But The Omen series 1-3 were well made and scary, not a lot of gore, I was watching them over the weekend, I had forgotten how creepy they were. Love the Exorcist!!! And remember when Halloween first came out, I remembered being so scared going home from the movies that night! The first time I saw the original Nightmare on Elm Street, I think I took only cat naps for about three days! LOL!


I didn't think the Conjuring was scary at all, I ended up taking three times to get through the whole thing because I was so bored. I do agree that a lot of horror movies rely on gore effects. However, if you watch most of the horror movies for the last 30 years, they ALL rely on a lot of gore effects it is not a new thing (Hellraiser,A Nightmare on Elm Street, any David Cronenberg movies, etc.). That's why I don't understand when people say "these days" when talking about gore.

If you're referring to torture porn though, that's different, and I hate torture porn. It's not scary, but I guess it's horror, because watching someone get their skin peeled off or their fingernails pried off is definitely horrifying to me.

The thing about the Conjuring though is people keep saying it's like the old 70s horror films. I totally disagree. No, it doesn't have gore, but it does have the same makeup used in movies like Insidious, or Grave Encounters (creepy black eyes, white face, dark circles).

I'm just saying I think horror movies these days mostly fall into one of two categories- torture porn, of weird black eyed ghosts that show up with a camera switch. I'm so tired of both of them. I just didn't think the Conjuring was a throw back to the great movies of the 70s and as much as I try, I can't understand why people think that way.To me it was basically another Insidious.


Love Eli Roth's movies along with his passion for the genre, but I really don't think I'd trust him if he's hyping up PA and The Conjuring
As for prejudging Devil's Due, the trailer was awful and it's coming out in dump month. Safe to say it sucks

Death Awaits you (Horror forum)


Tobe Hooper also loved Texas Chainsaw 3D....We'll just have to wait 'til this is out.

You mean Norman Bates Jr. is the baby daddy?


yeah, that's saying something...
Sorry, but eli roth made quite a few stinkers, so his word doesn't count for much


Eli Roth sucks big time. Probably a nice guy, but his acting and movies suck big time.

And he thought Paranormal A was so scary and good? jeez, what a wuss
