I would make 47 appear nothing but methodical, highly intelligent and almost "machine like". Both films have seemed to make some sort of a statement on his morals or feelings - and though it could be hinted at in a movie very subtly that he's still human, although different, I would still try to make him appear like he does everything only to be efficient, never hesitates etc. Just absolute confidence in every move.
If the viewer would be given a good, similar portrayal of 47 than the games do, they would be undoubtedly interested, despite how much action you would put into it.
When it comes to the plot, I would definitely forget the whole "there needs to be a girl/normal person going along with him, so people have a character to relate to"-factor.
I'd most likely make the movie revolve alot around Diana and 47 - with Diana seemingly being the only person 47 slightly cares about, having been "together" for so long. But this could be the thing that is only slightly hinted at. No "romance".
I'd start the movie with contracts, so 47 could do what he does best and we'd get to see it.. just a cold contract, no personal ties in the way. Then Diana going MIA and 47 not being able to contact the agency at all.
Maybe make it so that a previous target had been a very meaningful person to another secret organization, who is now coming for the agency - and more specifically 47. (Something that wasn't disclosed in the mission briefing, so 47 wasn't aware of the organization that he "pissed off" in taking that target.)
I wouldn't make it a story about "47 needs to save Diana" though... 47 would appear to only do it to ensure he gets back to business.
I would also kinda make the movie play out like the "Home alone"-movies, but obviously in a darker way. Haha, ofcourse not in a comedic way, but I simply mean that every time you think the "bad guys" would be getting closer, it would appear that 47 was one step ahead. (Though I would make 47 get cuts and bruises, maybe even shot, but he would take that in the same kinda-emotionless way as everything else.
It would be awesome to create a character that's just about maximizing efficiency.
I imagine 47 being chased - he's running from gunfire and runs through a doorway. Instead of continuing running, he stops at the doorway, calm and collected he catches his breath in a few short breaths and almost settles down to this meditative state for those few seconds; Stops, conserves energy and waits. Not seeming nervous or worried at all - just waits for his enemy. The assailant would clearly think 47 kept running, so when he comes through the door running, 47 uses their speed against them by just extending his arm and hitting them in the nose with the clip of his gun and as the enemy falls, so does 47's hand. 47 lands a bullet into his enemy at the same time they hit the ground and then starts walking.
In this movie, there were a few things that really fit 47; Like just waiting in the dark/sleeping while sitting, as the computer was searching for a match - aswell as when he woke up and found out his weapons missing, I liked how he immediately gets up and heads to the door and stabs a glass into the neck of the first person who comes at the door.
That's exactly the kind of zero-hesitation-efficiency I would really go with.
Similar sort of "action choreography" that would definitely want to see from 47 can be found in "John Wick"... In a few scenes the moves really managed to look like he took the shortest, quickest and most efficient way with all means necessary towards eliminating people.
Oh and 47 definitely wouldn't say "Yep" ;D