MovieChat Forums > Hitman: Agent 47 (2015) Discussion > How would you make a Hitman film

How would you make a Hitman film

After playing the games again I constantly sit there thinking this just wouldn't work on film a film about a single hit with little action just wouldn't sell.

Now I enjoy both films for what they are, much like the flood of Liam Neeson films we currently have they are just mindless action.

But Hitman is not about action. so how would you do the film and be specific in the plot ideas would love to hear how Hitman could work on the big screen l


I would stealth kill anyone who even dares to make another Hitman movie..


You know I've always envisioned a Hitman film as a rather Survival Thriller than outright action. Now my perfect Hitman film would be mainly be from the targets point of view. Now hear me out, Agent 47 is a ghost, a shadow whom noone ever saw and if they did they wouldn't live long enough to tell anyone about it. We never see who 47 is except the very last minutes or so. Now the Target is being informed that someone put a hit on him/her, but the problem is nobody knows what this guy (47) looks like. So in a paranoia he/she tries everything in order to get out and figure out what this guy looks like, while at the same time getting more and more psychotic due to fear and panic. We as the audience (assuming everyone knows 47) would be teased with a few decoy 47 lookalikes, though the character doesn't know what 47 looks like it is mainly for the audience (cheap I know). Let's say after an intense hour and 20 minutes or so (needs to be fleshed out as I am no Skip Woods: future Oscar winner no doubt) we as the audience finally get to see who 47 really is and he takes the target out. (either shooting him/her, Fiber Wire, Poison etc.) Of course this would take place in realtime.
And to top it of I wouldn't have revealed by whom 47 was being played if I were the writer/producer/director, further buildung suspense for the audience and probably the targer.
If you can't imagine this or I couldn't explain myself, (sorry guys/gals English isn't my first language) just imagine the Movie Alien, replace the Xeno as Agent 47 and that is practically my idea.
Hope you guys like it.


*beep* making another crappy brain dead film, I just want them to make another decent Hitman game. Absolution was the biggest consolised turd. Last good one was in 2006! Hoping the new one revives the franchise.



An interconnected narrative involving the assassination of multiple people involved in a conspiracy, possibly with the a twist like the hits are all working against the agency or the character. The narrative of the games has often been down to a single motivation. These motivations only came after the introduction, which distinctly lacked any meaning. A big issue is there is no easy jumping off point. The character of 47 was and always lacked much of any personality. Initially, lacking character is simply contrived, just convenient excuse to get on with the game. It's creators clearly didn't have an idea or an intention to flesh a more grand narrative but to get on with the vicarious thrills of the simulation and a lack of explanation adds to the mystery of the atmosphere and scenario. Rockstar used a similar formula with Manhunt. It's an idea that is specific to games. The first Hitman entry lends to the validity of subsequent plot. You get to see the character kill enough that you can buy his development of a consciousness and morality that he wasn't supposed to have. The idea of a man being incapable of being produced without a conscience or 'soul' no matter how well engineered is an interesting subtext to flesh out. In general, it may seem like you need to establish things in order, but you don't. You could start the movie from the same perspective as the opening of the second game and cover where the character came from and who he was, (IE his previous lack of character) via monologue (like game of thrones does) or by flashback (poor idea) or some other expositional device. Little explanation is needed if the character expresses enough external obscurity, quirk or depth in his strange and alien nature. Being strange would not make him a good killer, but this doesn't need to make sense and it's pretty much just what works when you're doing a monster you can't explain. Pretty standard for creatures, hitman or killers in alot of movies, look to Guy Ritchie or Tarantino's stuff for examples of killers. Hitman 2 started development of a character I think I would start there and backtrack, skip the plot of the 3rd game and use the plot of blood money. So a man who lives in a monistary turns out to be a killer when the priest he lives with is kidnapped by the mob. The mob has nothing to do with the reason for the kidnapping but was paid by a contact who is used by a rival of the agency to expose 47, yadda yadda... I don't know, if I were paid to write, I could write a script for this, what doesn't surprises me is that no one who gets hired to actually write one is a fan of the source, but random people wrapped around cashing in on something that isn't easy enough to work with to be that lazy and greedy about. A pre-requisite of any adaptation or homage is to actually like those inspirations and understand them, to respect them and have an intimate level of personal connection and knowledge to the material. People coming from an outside perspective not being fans of the material are looking in the wrong place and are misguided in the concept of what even sells. It is not at all that it cannot be done, but this is not an easy one to adapt into something else.


it should of been like the Mechanic meets Columbiana using more stealth kills that make it like it was a accident each act being contracts leading up to a major job ect ect

...introduce a little Anarky


I found this video, it has some good points on how to make a good Hitman movie or TV series.


I don't think the game would work all that well as a movie, but would be better served as a television series, particularly a miniseries. Each episode can Agent 47 can receive a different hit, with the episode focusing on 47 completing the contract. All of the contracts would either be unrelated and standalones, or they would all be related in who's being killed, eventually leading up to a final hit.

Agent 47 wouldn't be making romantic or familial relationships with random women, I wouldn't try to make the character sympathetic, and most importantly, what the movies seem to miss there would be some humor.

47 would utilize various disguises, sneak about areas, and kill people in creative ways (ex. like in blood money where you can kill the actor by swapping a prop gun with a real one). I suppose the main draw, besides seeing the character represented pretty accurately from the video game, would be seeing what inventive and creative way 47 dispatches his targets.


I think Absolution's condensed story line would have been pretty good for a film. It shows how 47 gets contracted to kill Diane but turns out she was trying to protect the little girl from becoming an agent. So most of the film is 47 killing a few people that leads him to kill Diane and then one major shootout at the end to save the girl and turns out Diane isn't dead to take care of the girl.
