In your opinion between these 2 which do you think hurt the lore, story, characters and themes of Star Wars more (especially now with the trilogy being complete)?
I think I might be in the minority that thinks that JJ did more damage. It was he that undermined the characters of Leia and especially Han; turned Luke into an absent leader and never had a reason planned for it, turned the force into marvel like super powers, set up a completely implausible setting with the First Order and did not one bit of world building to make it feel in place, did another death star, and now with TROS finished off the trilogy by completely undermining the legacy of STar Wars by bringing back the emperor and making Rey related to him (effectively ruining the entire point of the OT and changed it from a Skywalker Story to a Palpatine story).
Rian did quite of bit of damage and made some of this wounds much worse so it would be interesting to discuss which was the worse between the 2.
Would you be interested in sharing the reasons why you think so; turning Luke into a cynical failure is pretty bad but IMO bringing back the Emperor does more damage because it means the story was fundamentally changed from being about the Skywalkers to being about the Palpatines. The way I see it that is worse than depicting the character of Luke, 30 years after ROTJ, completely wrong. Not saying that isn't terrible in itself, but I think Palpatine is worse.
Johnson killed off Snoke, that is the reason why Palpatine was brought back. I agree JJ set up the new trilogy in a limited way story wise but he did not ruin it. Johnson ruined it.
That is a good point about Rian going out of his way to not subvert but actually undermine expectations. That is not good. My argument though is if JJ had any answers actually planned and had a cohesive story put together (without a bunch of open ended mystery boxes) Rian could would never have had the opportunity to undermine expectations.
IDK if I agree that Rian killing off Snoke was 'why Palpatine' was brought back. The manner in which they brought him back they could have easily just had Snoke in Palpatine's place and say he was cloning himself. It was a purposeful decision to bring back Palpatine and to do so without any kind of satisfying or plausible explanation. But all of that is on JJ and not Rian; at least IMO.
I don't think the cloning part is a good idea. If Sith lords could be manufactured (maybe even in large quantities) then the story would become very comical.
Well by showing Snoke was a 'clone' being controlled by Palpatine isn't that effectively the same thing as Snoke cloning himself? To me it seems like the same problem, only worse because now both Snoke's whole existence and the mystery surrounding him is undermine at the same time the OT and Vader's redemption is undermined.
why the shit have you created this post? pretty much everyone's opinion here you have counter argued? so why post when you have your own answers and opinion? is attention seeking?
To have intelligent discussions about a topic that some people might not agree on. To present my opinion and have rational discussions with people that both disagree and agree. to see the reasons and evidence that people have for their opinions. You know the most basic of reasons to have any conversations.
"pretty much everyone's opinion here you have counter argued?"
That is not true even in the slightest. Read through the comments over half of the opinions I have agreed with.
Your comments are sounding more and more desperate.
Dude , im not the one spamming the board day in day out with the same shit , go write a letter to bob iger and tell him to make a trilogy that you're happy with , god knows what that will look like considering the little knowledge you have on star wars and what made it great in the first place.
Dude, you are replying and commenting at a much faster rate than I am. I would say you are here more than me.
But this is another sign of the desperation of your opinion. Now you are questioning why I should be allowed to comment? yeah, and I am the asshole? Seriously do a little self reflecting.
" considering the little knowledge you have on star wars and what made it great in the first place"
Lol, now the "you don't know star wars" fallacy. My god you are like taking every play from the sophistry play book that exists. But for my amusement, tell me oh wise "True" STar Wars Fan what is your infinite knowledge of star wars that is superior to my own and what made it so great in the first place? I would like to know your opinion of what made Star Wars great.
I was born in that era for one , so i understand the impact it had on us and our culture , what made it stand out there and then was the epic effects, seen nothing like that before , the score , and the simple story line of good vs evil , the characters , specifically the bad guys , Vader, Empire, Death Star , the Good Guys , Luke Leia Solo, great chemistry , to me these elements are what made A New Hope epic, id say the effects and score play a huge part of what made it what it was.
You know what star wars is about, fathers and sons, its a soap opera , simple as that.
You did not have to be born prior to 1977 to 'get' the theme of star wars. And the films are beyond the impact they had at the time of their release. The OT is much more timeless touching on archetypes and themes from much older narrative structure. Shows how much you know.
"You know what star wars is about, fathers and sons, its a soap opera , simple as that."
It is most certainly NOT as simple as that. It is about good versus evil, archetypes of young idealism rising against great evil, individual character and bravery triumphing over incredible adversity, inspiration from personal and religious belief, mystic and spirtual strength from beyond the individual person, sacrifice, failure (and growing from it), redemption. There is so much going on in the characters, story and plot beyond 'its a soap opera' about "fathers and sons". Sure that is part of it but only one part. Again shows how much you know. Some benefit seeing STar Wars (1977) in theaters has if this is all you got from it. No wonder TFA touched on all the stuff you liked, you got the special effects and soap opera (although the acting and dialogue were pretty bad even by soap opera standards) that was all you needed.
I am sorry but there is just nothing about your opinion i find worthy of respect, and you have provided no justification for liking TFA; and you also reduced the meaning and themes of the OT in the process. You are the 'fan' that I can't stand because of you the ST is what we got.
really you think one 13 second clip of Lucas summarizing a single question about the most important element of the series is the summary of all of its parts? He also said the PT was designed for kids but filled it with a bunch of boring politics, he said he always planned on Vader being Lukes father, and Leia being Luke's sister (even when they were kissing). So yeah he says a lot of things. How about watch Empire of Dreams (an actual documentary) on the creation process. then come talk to me.
No it is because you love only 1 element of the OT (the spectacles) and completely ignore the deeper character themes and elements is why we got the ST. The ST successfully recreated the spectacle but it was devoid of character and soul. And you are happy with it; at least the first part.
Boomer? I think technically I am a gen x. But I don't pay attention to such things. I am more than my generation.
And this is why you fail , as a kid do you think i thought as you do now? Do you think when i first watched star wars i went into all that detail in my thoughts as you gave put ? And here is the issue , most of us that fell in love with star wars were toung kids , simple pleasures, big effects , space chases, laser guns, light sabers big bad guy, good evil, fast paced , heroes win.
Your problem , you expect far too much , because you just dont get it, and i thank you for pointing that out, hereth the end of the lesson
As a i child i understood the presence of these themes even if I did not fully know all the details; maybe I am just more perceptive then you but don't think you speak for all the youth that were just there for the space ships and the explosion. Also grow up and realize there is more to Star Wars than that. You just were so desperate to relive the spectacle of your childhood that as long as the visual imagery satisfied that you didn't give a damn about the story or characters. You ARE the one that doesn't understand star wars and seemingly wanted a movie that would allow you to regress to your childhood, which is a little pathetic.
"Your problem , you expect far too much"
Yes, because good characters that can have the torch passed to them, coherent world building, a planned out direction, and a new story instead of a carbon copy is expecting too much. jesus
" because you just dont get it"
Oh I get it. I see it all clearly. My eyes were wide open the whole time and I was my brain was not overcome by delusions of recapturing my childhood and flashy familiar imagery.
And again thats the oroblem you will always have, if there was 50 versions of the ST we would still be having this conversation i guarantee it, lucas, nolan , speilberg, coppala, any of those involved you wouldn't of liked it , and i wouldnt mind after all this im not even saying the sequels are brilliant or anything , i just dont there as bad as people make out, apart from TLJ, i hate that movie
That is a gross assumption on your part. I would have like TFA if they had a good exposition for the First order (more of a guerilla/terrorist type of group), I would have been fine with Rey if she was not so grossly overpowered and undermined the themes and mysticism of the force, I would have been fine with Finn if he was not reduced to comic side kick and actual had a personality that represented an indoctrinated soldier, I would have been fine with Luke being missing if there was a reason for it (such as he had to flee to protect something). There are so many things I would have been happy with. So no you are wrong.
TFA and TROS do more damage than TLJ did in my opinion. Han and the force was ruined in TFA and the entirety of the OT was rendered pointless by bringing back the emperor
You know one thing I don't get; it is okay for your to like a bad movie. I would never knock someone for their opinion. I like some bad movies and I dislike some great movies.
For example I like Bad Boys II despite the fact it is a mindless dumb action comedy. I dislike Forrest Gump and Shawshank redemption. I have never once felt the need to try to justify my opinion by ignoring objective reason. I give my subjective reasons for my opinion but I never claim that say FG is a shit movie or that Bad Boys II is great.
Just say TFA was shit but you liked it anyway; and that will be sufficient to end the conversation.
What you can't do though is claim it is good and provide no evidence to support it and then claim contrary opinions are wrong for no reason given either.
Well you can say that in both the case of Palpatine and Snoke they were not really defeated, it was a 'sneak' attack in both cases.
I do not see any difference between Snoke Cloning himself and Palpatine cloning Snoke. Only in the latter case it undermines the end of ROTJ; which I think is arguably the most impact moment in all of film history for me.
Mainly due to the fact that he went his own way with it for shock value, to be talked about.
Ill run through my issues with the movie
I hated the jokes from the off , poe and hux, cringe
The fact it took place straight after TFA, should of been 3 years after.
The plot bored the hell out of me , space chase until the resistance ran out of fuel.
Pointless plot for a hacker that led to nowhere, cantino bight
Finally , killing off luke to bide the resistance sometime, absolutely appalling, just think of the possibilities the ending could of been or how Episode 9 could of played out if luke was alive
Honourable mention , snoke death , could of been a decent bad guy for 9
TROS , yeh the plot was weak but i had fun watching it , could of used a different villain , maybe darth plagius , not much to play around with after johnson made his own little star wars episode 8 and 9 combined into 1 movie
"I hated the jokes from the off , poe and hux, cringe"
Agreed, but Hux was already a cliche cheap pathetic version of Tarkin; so maybe he should have died on StarKiller base. Hux was already a crap character that had no further arc to explore so what was Rian supposed to do with him? Poe was another open ended character that had no plot arc outlined so anything could have been done. Enter Rian how just filled in his own arc to him.
", should of been 3 years after."
What would that have solved? You would still have the problem of Rey being too overpowered in TFA without explanation, the implausible and unexplained rise of Snoke and the First Order, Finn's undermined character potential (Rian just did the same that JJ did to him made him the butt of every joke).
"Pointless plot..."
That is because they had to come up with something for them to do while almighty Rey was busy training herself and belittling a disgraced and humiliated Luke. TFA relied 100% on Rey to move the plot every since her introduction. If Rey was out of the picture how would the plot move.
"killing off Luke"
He was already absent without good reason for TFA, what good reason could have been provided in TLJ without undermining Rey in someway? What good excuse could have been given for why he abandoned everyone, Luke who never abandon anyone; not even Darth Vader. There was never going to be a good answer.
"plot was weak but i had fun watching it"
you see this is my problem with those that liked TFA (and now TROS) how do you enjoy watching something when the plot and characters are weak by your own admission? The image of a gold fish impressed with pretty jewelry comes to my mind.
But, but,....muh explosions and ships rising from the ground..... droll.
You need to turn your brain off aka dumb yourself down to enjoy the "finer things" in life.
Yes, my problem with those that like TFA is it seems they really had to not pay attention to plot, characters, lore, continuity, or coherency to enjoy this film. Most of the arguments I have seen in support have all been spectacles based, they say it "felt more like Star Wars" When I ask why it felt more like star wars and point all the ways it was not usually the conversation immediately breaks down into fallacies. See my arguments here with furiousstyles it is a perfect example.
JJ, because TFA was crap. It didn't feel like a real Star wars movie. Rian at least tried something different, but fanboys like to have their egos stroked by having each movie fulfill ALL of their expectations.
Yes I agree, this whole ST failed to begin with because of how terrible TFA was; Rian's film felt a bit like an "FU" to TFA. So despite the fact that TLJ is terrible, I think I hated it less.
What twist? 21st century virtue signaling? complete abandonment of continuity from the OT? In explicable over powered main character that undermines the lore and themes of the franchise? setting up a potentially complex character (finn) and turning him into a buffoonish side kick? Completely open ended mysteries that could have literally gone in any direction and actual not cause contradiction because there was nothing present to contradict?
"its a good intro movie"
What did it introduce? a young idealistic noble force user from a dessert planet? Only this time she already arrived at being master level without training. A carbon copy of Vader (kylo), the Emperor (Snoke), The Empire (First Order), Rebels (Resistance), Death Star (Star Killer), Star Destroyers (Same), Stormtrooper (Same), R2-D2 (BB-8), C3PO (cut out because Rey can translate droid). TFA introduced nothing, it was a visual carbon copy that changed some names around but presented almost the same exact movie (only worse).
"reminds me of the originals "
Because it was an attempt at a visual imitation of the originals. It visually was good at mimicking, but it was like a soulless clone.
"sets up an intreasting story arc"
1st of all a film should HAVE a story arc, not set one up to come in the future. 2nd of all what arc did TFA set up; it was literally completely open ended mysteries that left for endless theories that could all work equally because there was no support evidence for any of them. There was nothing in the mystery box, the box was empty. What arc doesan empty story set up?
I think you were just one of the people that as long as the visual aesthetics looked like the originals you were not going to give it much more thought. That is sad because star wars used to be about the story and characters that was supported by the visuals (not vice versa). Fans like you are why this changed and why this franchise is going to die.
Fans like me ? Yeh , star wars fans , lets check the facts , high critic score, check , high audience score , check , big box office , check , seems to tick alot of boxes , tell me kid , were you around when the original trilogy was released ? Did you want the sequels to follow the same path as the prequels ? TFA was a nice warm comfort blanket for star wars fans burnt by the prequels, it follows a similar template to the originals , but builds a new story arc , i liked it , as did the millions of others that watched it.
Fans like me ? Sorry kid i had nothing to do with the story , i just watch movies, id actually say its people like you that have helped destroy the franchise, no matter what or whom would of made the sequels you'd still be here moaning about them, self entitled little bitchy whiners, its a no win situation with peopke like you , if it was lucas, speilberg, Orson Welles , bitch bitch bitch
Yeah right, what they did to Han Solo in TFA. You are no fan of the originals.
" high critic score,"
critics had an vested interest in painting it in the best light possible. Read the actual reviews they did, they talk about all the weaknesses of the film but somehow still score 9/10 and such. The devil was in the details.
"high audience score"
Some people (like you) were all gitty about getting the visual fodder you craved and others went along with the status quo. No one gave a good reason to rate the film as high as the originals, they only said some form of "it looked like the originals" or "it felt like the originals".
"tell me kid , were you around when the original trilogy was released "
Yes but I was a little to young to go See ROTJ in theaters. Saw them on VHS though around I think 1988 for the first time, got the VHS OT Box set for christmas. Don't remember the exact year but I was under 10. So I grew up on that shit. I Saw TPM in theaters when I was in high school and hated it. but not nearly as much as I hated TFA.
"Did you want the sequels to follow the same path as the prequels "
No, but I didn't want it to be a weaker imitation of the OT either. why did it have to follow either and not strive to create it own path. Oh because "fans' like you just wanted you OT visual fodder and didn't care about the story.
"TFA was a nice warm comfort blanket for star wars fans burnt by the prequels"
Exactly, you hated the PT so much no matter what crap disney churned out you were going to eat it up. This is such a telling and pathetic statement it demonstrates why you are not even close to objective when analyzing TFA.
what they did to Han yeh , he was contracted for one film due to other commitments, and who are you to decided who's classed as a fan, who the fuck are you to judge ? you sound like massive ass hole
If you are not as bothered by what was done to Han in TFA as you are by what was done to Luke in TLJ, then yes I question your status as a fan. You are fan of star destroyers, space explosions and the mellinium falcon. But you are not a fan of the lore, mysticism, story and characters of the originals. Which is why you are not bothered by them being belittled, rendered pointless, humiliated and replaced by poorly written (modern/woke) 21st century versions.
I might sound like an asshole, but trying to deflect questions my age and now descending into ranting depicts the utter desperate nature of your position. You have no support for your opinion that you have presented so now that the fallacies have been called out, now you go to unsubstantiated name calling.
Similar my ass, it is a weak carbon copy. It tries to check the box of just about every story element and visual affect of the Original. Oh it gets all the checks in the box; it just does a worse job of it.
"builds a new story arc"
What story arc? there was no arc in TFA. There was potential and a set up for an arc. But because there was no plan it was never fulfilled. and as I said else where a film needs to have an arc in itself it can't be just set up for an arc or else it is just a 2 hour long trailer.
"Sorry kid "
Ad hominem. You are backed into a corner and know you have weak argument and reasoning skills you try to paint me as an inferior, as if age has anything to do with this discussion.
" i just watch movies"
Yup, just watched and didn't think about it to much. Just don't think and consume. You are Disney's target audience.
"no matter what or whom would of made the sequels you'd still be here moaning about them, self entitled little bitchy whiners, its a no win situation with peopke like you , if it was lucas, speilberg, Orson Welles , bitch bitch bitch"
'accuse them that which you are guilty of'. Projecting much here? I didn't wine and bitch about the prequels. I thought TPM and ATOC were bad but the backlash I saw them get I thought was completely unjustified. You "burned by the prequels" crowed are what put disney into a position that they felt they needed to "redeem" the franchise
I was a young teen when the first Star Wars movie came out and agree with arflexit (530) about TFA not being the Star Wars movie that longtime fans wanted. I never understood why fans of the original trilogy liked TFA. It drove me crazy trying to figure it out. I still really feel that movies today(for the most part) are hollow and really don't have an aura or mystique surrounding it. Remember, the first Star Wars movie was made in the 70's which is arguably the decade where some of the best movies were made. Character, story and a moral compass was integral in these films. Today, films are made very differently and that is where the chasm between the two trilogies lie.
I agree, the 70's were the 'height' of filmmaking. The 80's started to dip the 90 even more. Since the turn of the millenium there has been seemingly less than one good to great movie per year if that. Until Ford V Ferrari came out I feel like it was 10 years since the last great movie.
It also drove me crazy trying to figure out why so many people and OT fans liked it. My conclusion is they were the fans that were there for the spectacle and felt anger and betrayal at the PT, so they overcompensate their like for TFA because of the hate for the prequels.
I also like that furiousstyles resorted to the ad hominems and you're no true fan (no true Scotsman fallacy). His arguments went to desperate pretty fast.
I also think that the original trilogies had rougher edges to them and our imaginations smoothed out those edges and made it all more interactive with viewers. Now, with all the effects, it is all done for us. We no longer participate in these films. They are too slick now.
I also think that all the playfulness between the characters was missing in this new trilogy along with the sharp dialogue. These days a good screenplay is not needed to excite movie fans. All you need are explosions and constant action. Hollywood has done this to younger viewers. They expect more of a video game than a story.
The special effects have little to do with why I love Star Wars. It was the characters, the story, the lore and the mysticism that captured the wonder and imagination of a galaxy far far away. TFA felt like it was created and presented in modern day hollywood.
There is such a wide gap between original Star Wars fans and younger viewers. I am glad you mentioned the lore and mysticism of the original movies, because I think that was another thing that was almost completely left out of the new movies. That is why they felt so hollow. Too deep for today's mass audience. Seems strange that after 43 years, people have changed so much as to not appreciate the profundity of the original movies. Now they want an amusement park ride instead.
Lucas tried too, and that doesn't make the prequels any better.
The new trilogy is crap, both with JJ and with RJ. This is not about 'fanboys', it's about demanding a minimum level of quality and storytelling in a movie.
Yes, there needed to be a minimum level of world building to set up the new films conflict and at the same time maintain continuity in setting and lore from the OT. I mean that is not difficult to do; just have a plausible explanation for the first oder getting its force augmented by Snoke's (who should not be a force user but equivalent to Tarkin) forces that maybe came from the outrim or was Palpatine's empire fail safe (reserve unit) plan. Then have some good explanation for Kylo turning to the dark side and joining the first order and then have Rey or some character like her either be a former student at Luke's academy or not have the force powers she has in the first film.
TFA has some interesting potential with Finn as a defective stormtrooper and maybe force sensitive, Kylo, and Rey (especially if they would shown some vulnerability and dark side potential instead of so ridiculously hyper nobel for no good reason). Think about what they could have done if JJ actually relied less on mystery box and nostalgia and just explored this potential in a well crafted narrative; but JJ can't actually write worth a sh*t
Yes exactly. Rian was just a middle made that got a bunch of crappy destroyed pieces of story to try to desperately put together. Though he got the character of Luke totally wrong, continued on the crappy storyline, undermined audience expectations in some of the worse ways, and embedded a bunch of heavy handed nihilistic/leftist politics into the story; all of this was done because of the crap that he was handed.
For example, He would not be able to depict Luke as he did if Luke wasn't already absent without explanation in TFA. What good reason could there be for Luke to be in hiding? JJ did not have an answer and left Rian the bag of crap to come up with answers. Maybe Rian came up with bad answers but the damage was already done, at least how I see it.
I view Rian's film, and maybe even TFA awakens, as crappy Elseworld stories. Mirror Universe. Darkest Timeline. Whatever. I think they're terrible, but I can easily dismiss and ignore them. But this third movie comes along and just destroys everything, before and after. Now I can happily still ignore it. But i'm no longer capable of even enjoying this trilogy as crappy fan fiction. Maybe if pretend it's a What If story. What If Palpatine succeeded. lol
It's really not the crappy movies that bothers me. It's the agenda behind the decisions to destroy our beloved modern mythology that rubs me the wrong way.
Yeah if they had just gone on to a different story and just did a bad job it would be a lot less insulting than like trying to go back and retell (and undermine) the original trilogy.
Lol; yes a big part of the failure is on her complete inability to manage this IP, but she did not actually write or direct the films. It seems her input was rather without care and limited to making sure that the female characters were in the lead rules and depicted as superior to the male characters. At least that is how it comes across.
But I was not asking who out of everyone was more to blame; I was limiting it to between the 2 writers/directors which hurt the IP more. K.K. was not a choice for the purposes of this discussion. That would have to be saved for a whole other discussion on the executive failures from Bob Iger (Disney) and Kennedy (lucasfilm).
Lol, yeah that is true; "Ruin" could only do so much damage with one film. JJ got and took advantage of having double the opportunity to Destroy the legacy of star wars. he was quite successful.
As near as I can tell, Abrams more or less intended The Force Awakens to be a cross between an audience fan theory sandbox and an improvised drama. He sets things up, the audience creates fan theories, the next director picks a few of those fan theories to make a film, lather rinse repeat. While I can see this in how Star Wars was originally written, I think this is a generally poor match for what Star Wars needed to grow into the future.
I do want to commend Abrams, though. If this was his idea, it’s a dark genius plan that could have (and probably should have) worked for a trilogy or two, anyway, whether it matched well to Star Wars or not. Alas, that was not meant to be.
Mistake # 3: Rian Johnson
Even after The Last Jedi, I still do not think Johnson is a bad film director. Rather, he was a poor match for Star Wars. But more to the point, he was an atrocious choice for continuing Abrams’s fan theory sandbox. He opted to break it over his knee rather than take any of the ideas.
That’s kinda the weakness of improvised drama. If you don’t work as a team, it will go bad fast.
I guess that The Last Jedi is a product of Johnson overpitching ideas to producers with pet ideas. Most of the ideas are good enough to make an enjoyable movie from…had they been isolated. But these ideas don’t play well with each other, conflict for screen time, and the next thing you know, The Last Jedi hits theaters as the distilled essence of turd.
Mistake #4: Returning To Abrams
I like Abrams’s work when it comes to somewhat vapid popcorn-seller movies, and I am impressed with his idea of bringing improv techniques to cinema. But he has one fatal weakness that anyone who watched Lost knows. It’s actually a common problem among people who do improv.
The short sighted & the handful of TFA apologists still left will of course say Johnson who certainly didn't help but as I've said many times Jar Jar & the dumpster fire that was TFA laid the groundwork for most everything wrong with the Di$ney trilogy. TLJ being a disaster was a forgone conclusion for those of us who saw past the nostalgia blue ball hype & denial following TFA to see it for the unmitigated, un-salvageable clusterf*ck disaster that it was.
I 100% agree with this. My take was about midway through TFA I came to the conclusion that there was no hope for the disney trilogy. I had already been getting annoyed with Rey since the moment she started 'conversing' with BB-8 (how the f*ck can a human speak binary?) but also Kylo/Snoke/First order having no proper set up and just poor development (the heavy handed scene with Snoke/Kylo with "the droid is in the hands of your father, HANNNN SOOLLOO!". I think the moment that the force was forever broken though was when Rey just 'figures' out how to use jedi mind trick (one of the most advanced Jedi powers ever shown).
How can people still defend this film and pretend that JJ had a plan and Rian ruined it is somewhat beyond me, hence the conversation I started here.
The biggest complaint about TFA was failing to bring the big three back and maybe Hans pointless death. If Abrams would ha handled this better, there would have been universal praise for the film.
But RJ would have ruined TLJ anyway because it's all about his ego and subverting expectations for no reason.
While there is truth to what you say, had JJ told an actual coherent story Johnson would not have been able to have so much free rain to 'subvert' (actually undermine) expectations. The fact that everything was so open ended in TFA left nothing but 'creative' freedom for RJ to have his way with. And since he is obviously not a big Star Wars fan and as you said was extremely egotistical (as well as hyper political and nihilistic) it lead to the disaster that we got.
My Opinion is that is JJ fault for handing a 'monkey' a loaded weapon, sort of speak.
As bad as she was at managing the franchise, the question was for which of the 2 writers/directors did more harm.
From appearances Kennedy just provided a few politically inspired guidelines (such as a overpowered female lead) and then didn't care what the directors did at all.