Original Trilogy-only fans are too blame and are the main reason we got horrible poorly written unoriginal trilogy.

They hate everything after Return Of The Jedi, they think the Originals were oh so perfect with no flaws whatsoever, they think anything Star Wars-related that doesn't involve Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Stormtroopers, Ewoks sucks and that's a big reason why they hated the Prequels because they had much better lore and and much better lightsaber fights and special effects.

They think Star Wars should never evolve beyond what their precious cheesy black and white movies they grew up were with and or never try anything because they geezers who want to hold onto everything from the 60's, 70's and 80's forever. Their the type of guys that think The Beatles are still the greatest band ever and their favorite TV show is the original Star Trek.

They WANTED this trilogy to be nothing more apology letter for Episodes 1-3 and they WANTED these movies to be nothing more than a giant Original Trilogy-rip-off, just like they seriously thought bringing back the old cast was a good idea even they were old as fuck and Carrie Fisher wasn't even in good health to return.

Even if these movies were A LOT like the Prequels but with better scripts, better acting and better dialogue and execution, they would have HATED them still because it wasn't a carbon copy of the Original Trilogy.

This is why no one likes Star Wars fans...except well Star Wars fans. Oh well...who cares the Dragon Ball franchise this overrated franchise out of the water and replaced Star Wars as the "Star Wars" of this generation years ago...


Reminder: OP likes Dragon Ball Z and Eminem.

Personally, I think the only actual "good" movies in the franchise are ANH and ESB. Are they perfect? No. There are others with parts I like (like RotJ, R1, TFA, and a small part of TPM) but I find most all of the rest to be pretty bad. My love of the first two was so strong that I kept up hope. To theorize that complaining about the very low quality of what has come out is the reason for the low quality is utter sophistry. There are some bad actors out there that complain about some ludicrous things and their voices get added to the din and thus license people to disregard all complaints as "bigoted," "misogynistic," etc. That attitude toward the OT fans effectively blotted out the signposts that led to quality. The idea that OT fans will "hate everything" is part of this. OT fans are loving The Mandalorian (myself included) so that sinks that theory. It all boils down to who is in charge of it. The absolute wrong people have been in charge.

OP is deluded and should have to pass tests first before posting anything anywhere.


Nothing wrong with a guilty pleasure of DBZ. We all were kids once.

Unless you mean the liveaction movie. Then i dont think theres a way to help the guy.


Blaming the customer for not liking your product . . . let me guess, you're a woman who's not in business.


I'm a fan of the original Star Wars and Empire Strikes Back... Jedi was a mess. Even when I was 7 and saw it in the theater I thought it kind of stunk. Sure, there were some good ideas, and neat special effects, but I was generally let down by the movie. Prior to seeing the movie it was the first time that I had made up all sorts of things in my head about what was going to happen... well, none of what I made up happened, and to be honest if some of the stuff that I was hoping would happen ended up happening we would have got a better movie.
The prequel had great ideas, but suffered from poor writing and directing. George saddens directed anything in years and it showed. He also was surrounded by yes men who didn't have the courage to tell him that he needed to hire an editor and a director.
The new trilogy was a mess. It rendered everything that came before meaningless. It's no longer the Skywalker Saga it's the Palatine Saga. It doesn't bother me as my preferred Star Wars cannon consists of the first three movies (even if Jedi sucked) and the original books by Bantam Spectra.


I'm a fan of the original Star Wars and Empire Strikes Back... Jedi was a mess. Even when I was 7 and saw it in the theater I thought it kind of stunk. Sure, there were some good ideas, and neat special effects, but I was generally let down by the movie. Prior to seeing the movie it was the first time that I had made up all sorts of things in my head about what was going to happen... well, none of what I made up happened, and to be honest if some of the stuff that I was hoping would happen ended up happening we would have got a better movie.
What ideas were they?


It's not the fans who are at fault here. It is JJ Abrams and everyone in charge of Star Wars at Disney. JJ basically can't write original stuff to save his life. That's why he builds on the works of others to get recognition. And then he had to go let Ruin Johnson blow up the re-hashed turd pile he started, and things got ugly. Kathleen Kennedy is also squarely to blame, considering she's the one who turned Star Wars into a 3-part SJW propaganda piece.

I honestly don't care what the oldest purists have to say about the prequels. They were part of my teen-hood, and I still have fond memories of that time in Star Wars cinema. People still talk about them to this day, and it inspired an entirely new branch of the franchise involving the Old Republic.

People expected this to be something better than it was, but what can you expect from a bunch of arrogant, Hollywood shitheads who live in a bubble and completely ignore and disrespect a franchise's source material? It was all about money to them. It was never a labor of love.


how do you know all this...... you are projecting


a big reason why they hated the Prequels because they had much better lore and and much better lightsaber fights and special effects."

they were CG nightmares


That was pretty dumb.

"X" is responsible for the movie studio putting out poorly written crap.
If only "X" hadn't done "Y" THEN they would have gotten great writers and planned out something amazing.


Yeah, I agree the logic does not follow. The fans are to blame because Disney couldn't come up with their own story to tell and put on screen? so the argument is Disney was trying desperately to please everyone and therefore make a product that went out of its way to give literally everyone the most non-challenging thing to watch (lowest common denominator to the extreme). Somehow this is the fans' fault, that disney was consciously making a product to be consumed and not a film?

By trying to make everyone happy, they made a series of films that no one liked. Even if people liked one part of it, they ended up hating the others that moved to please the people upset by one of the other parts.


Most of these original trilogy "only" fanboys have been proven to be full of sh*t. Many of these same supposed OT purists who bashed Lucas and the prequels, the creator of the their beloved OT Star Wars until he got sick of it and sold it to a soulless mega conglomerate with no vision or passion for Star Wars whatsoever, who only saw dollar signs and a popular IP to spread whatever social ideology they want to the masses. Many of these supposed OT "only" fanboys celebrated when Lucas sold Star Wars to Di$ney & also embraced a poorly conceived and poorly constructed soft reboot, TFA that undermined the OT and the PT, proven by the unavoidable trainwreck sequels that followed.

OT fanboys attacked Lucas for years and celebrated the birth of Di$ney Wars and in the end got exactly what they deserved. It's just a shame the rest of us had to suffer too.


To be fair, ROTJ was riddled with problems and the prequels were good concepts horribly executed. It was not right how much the fans bashed Lucas and prequels, it was toxic; but at the same time ANH and ESB were near perfect films that set the bar high; Lucas went a little too far with the micromanaging and ended up making a product that was much less than the first 2 films. I think objective criticism of Lucas and his films is fair game; but yes the "OT purist" are a toxic bunch; only 2 of those films are great and one is good. You can criticize the art without attacking the artist.


I still love ROTJ & think it succeeded in being a very satisfying conclusuon(it was my favorite as a kid ) but it definitely had some issues. IMO the entire Luke/Vader/Emperor confrontation in the third act alone saved the film from being just average.

I wouldn't say the prequels were horribly executed. I think they were excellent in conception & most of the issues in the execution (particularly the first two PT films) could have been greatly improved upon with some fairly simple tweaks. Even as someone who enjoyed and still value the PT the films would have benefited had Lucas stuck more to his strengths instead of taking so much of it on himself & had someone to reign him on some ideas. Lucas was always great at conceptualizeing overarching narratives & world building which we all saw were glaringly absent from the Di$ney trilogy .

There is plenty of constructive criticism of the prequels that I have actually agreed with over the years But I always had a "bad feeling" in my gut with the toxic over the top bashing of the films and especially of George Lucas personally. It never sat right with me at all and I knew nothing good would come from it. Enter Di$ney Wars.


I agree, the dynamic between Vader Luke and Emperor saved the film; but not from being average; it saved it from being terrible. Just ewoks and Leia being Luke's sister is enough issue but then you have the Jabba scene going on way too long, the pacing overall being atrocious, Han being relegated to background character with nothing really to do (instead of being a lead, he was reduced to side character). The use of color and cinematography was rather uninspired. At least the music was great. No one could screw John Williams up until JJ came along; but let us be fair, we might have fund memories of it, but ROTJ is a bad movie that has a few redeeming qualities.

I agree that PT could have been something great just a few tweaks and cut off some fate and expose more the dogmatic and holier than thou jedi that Palpatine exploits for power; Lucas is not a good directory, he is a good story teller. He needed a good editor too though; the PT he did not have one and it shows; like ROTJ they are bad films but in this case with fewer redeeming qualities. But yes, the conceptualization and big picture narrative was the backbone of star wars, and as you point out that is non-existent in the disney era Star Wars.

That is true, the venomous way people didn't just criticize but actually attack Lucas was unacceptable; that was the birth place of toxic social media in early 2000's. It was ridiculous. Episodes 1 to 3 were very flawed and in some areas unwatchable; but they formed together to create a cohesive narrative. After ROTS I was pretty well satisfied. I watched plinketts reviews on Red Letter Media and nodded along for most of it; but I underestimated how nasty some of the 'fans' being. Good job everyone, you burned Lucas out of his own house and he sold it to Disney that gave you a deformed monstrosity.


Many of these supposed OT "only" fanboys celebrated when Lucas sold Star Wars to Di$ney & also embraced a poorly conceived and poorly constructed soft reboot, TFA that undermined the OT and the PT, proven by the unavoidable trainwreck sequels that followed.

That Christmas my family asked me why I disliked the movie. I said "It's a scene on scene Star Wars, there's not a new story, except it's a girl, they are gonna milk this for money, nothing more, they have no idea what they are going to do. They paid billions of dollars to try and make many billions more dollars. That's Disney."
