Nope, they lost me with Solo and TLJ
SW is dead
shareSolo suffered unjustly from the abomination that was The Last Jedi, which killed the Star Wars franchise.
shareYep Star Wars is dead
The only slight interest I have in this movie is to see what J.J does for the lightsaber duel but that’s it. I have zero interest in the characters or the story or how this fan fiction trilogy comes to an end.
Ah well, we’ll always have the original trilogy.
Star Wars is not dead.
The Last Jedi was awesome, it didn't kill the Star Wars franchise.
I don't know how a movie can kill a franchise.
I will show up for:
1. The Obi-Wan movie they're afraid to make.
2. An Ahsoka movie.
3. The Old Republic movies the Game of Thrones guys are making.
Solo wasn't bad.
shareWell you've come this far, so you might as well watch the last one for the sake of completing the trilogy.
Personally, Rogue One was my favorite, even though its a spin off.
You went further than I did. You went and saw Solo. TLJ killed Star Wars for me, I didn't even see Solo. I don't know if I'd have gone to see Solo even if I liked TLJ. Digging up an old character like Han and having some new actor play him to make up a back story for him was never going to be something I was interested in. Move forward, make up NEW things, don't just make movies about all of these old canon characters with their back stories. Disney has failed on so many levels for me with this.
shareI just simply don’t care about any of these new characters