Will J.J. Abrams Keep His Promise to Add Gay Characters to ‘Star Wars?’


It’d be great to see not only a woman, POC or an LGBTQ director join Lucasfilm, but until then, we have to rely on Abrams to keep his promise. Kennedy and Boyega have teased a romance for Finn and Poe, and Abrams has said that there will be an LGBTQ character in the universe at some point. If not those two in Episode IX, the sky is the limit. It’s sci-fi and Kennedy and Abrams are crafting this universe themselves, calling all the shots. There’s no studio head above them to keep gay characters out of Star Wars, it’s just a matter of whether or not they want to make the effort.


I'd settle for a coherent story that isn't a complete rip-off of another movie.


Here here!! Priorities !!!


Asking Jar Jar for a story is like asking a bull for milk.


I really don't get this need for 'diversity' for a fantasy film. I don't want to be constantly reminded that I am watching a movie in a time bubble. If the setting for a movie takes place in modern America then yes it makes sense for there to be a wide range of diversity. But for example a film like dunkirk was a historical movie that involved mostly White English men. So the fact that the cast reflected this reality was fitting.

Now with Star Wars and gay characters, I really do not see the need or can't see how it is proper to even bring up. Sexuality is not a focus point of the film so really the question of a character being gay should never come up because a discussion of orientation should never come up.

Further more. It is a fictional fantasy universe. There is no reason to assume homosexuality even exist in a fantasy universe.

Those clamoring for this 'inclusion' as an important fulfillment; like the filmmakers, seem to have difficultly distinguishing between fiction and reality. and the stories are suffering for it. Checking the diversity box is more important that competent story telling.

That being said I do not care if they include a gay actor or actress for a role. That would not be in anyway problematical. And it still gives the inclusiveness that some want so bad. I just don't see why it is important for it to be brought up in the story.


Star Wars isn't reflection of "America" it's a global brand now. It's no coincidence that they are actors who are not just from North America, Europe or the British Commonwealth.


It is a fantasy universe, it is not supposed to be a reflection of anything. Again some people seem to be having a hard time distinguishing between reality and fictional fantasy stories.

It simply does not matter where the actors come from or who they are. All that matters is they serve the character well in the fantasy.


It is a fantasy universe, it is not supposed to be a reflection of anything. Again some people seem to be having a hard time distinguishing between reality and fictional fantasy stories.

And those people seem to be you as you're the one griping about seeing non-white actors cast in a fantasy movie. Since you don't produce or direct these movies I guess you'll either have to accept the changes or just boycott it until it magically reverts back to a movie that casts mostly white people.


woe, woe, woe now; when did any discussion of non-white come up in my discussion of star wars? That was a completely seperate topic on the discussion of historical films like Dunkirk. Star Wars was focused on the question of whether or not it would be fitting or proper to include openly gay characters. To which I said sexuality had no place in Star Wars as far as I am concerned and that it would be improper. I added to this by stating there is no reason to assume homosexuality even exist in a fantasy universe because IT IS FANTASY. Whom ever created the fantasy gets to decide what is in it and what is not. If George Lucas came out and said yes there is homosexuality in the Star Wars universe I would shut up, however again sexuality has never been part of this universe before. so i doubt he would touch such a question.


Thank you....... Great rebuttal! Yes, homoSEXUALITY is just that, SEX! Albeit, a deviant SEXUAL lifestyle but ABSOLUTELY ZERO to do w/the Star Wars universe mythos! Also, that PATHETIC IGNORANT "bourbon queen" saying that you "only wanted white male characters" is a COMPLETE TOTAL FAKE accusation, CNN style! When you mentioned Dunkirk, yes it should have only white men in the storyline! Also, it would be the same logic that it's COMPLETELY NOT NEEDED to have a gay character in the "ALIEN" movies! The mythos of "Alien" should NOT justify to have gay characters and would only further alienate it's fanbase, which h is what Kathy Kennedy is doing to Star Wars by butchering the entire mythos, in order to please S.J.W.~ PATHETIC IMBECILES!!!!


"I really don't get this need for 'diversity' for a fantasy film"

You're a white straight male, aren't you? White males are the ones who tend to forget that the vast majority of human beings are NOT actually white straight males, even though the vast majority of movie protagonists are.

FYI the rest of us can get a bit tired of Hollywood assuming that we love watching white straight men on screen, and want to see more, more MORE of them! No, the truth is that the majority of the world's moviegoers would like to see someone like themselves given some screen time for a change; not that we can't love or identify with a Han Solo or Wolverine, but that's not all there is to moviegoing and if Hollywood wants our money it needs to make more of an effort to please us. There's billions of dollars to be made in doing so, which FYI is the real reason is making more of an effort these days.


I kind of agree with mxpowers43.And yes i am a white straight male.But that has nothing to do with my opinion.The era a movie takes place in,Dunkirk for instance,can dictate the race of the characters.Blame history for that not Hollywood.I was watching some show,Mr Robot possibly,the other week with my nephew and there was a scene that had 2 young men passionately kissing in the background.Nothing to do with the plot whatsoever.Just there for the sake of being there.And my nephew smiled and remarked "and there's the token gay characters".He wasn't being mean or homophobic.He was just commenting on this modern need to have the obligatory gay character in every movie and tv show lately for no other reason than to be diverse.I'm fine with Star wars creating homosexual characters.I just hope that these characters are created for the sake of creativity and plot and not just so they can pat themselves on the back and say "hey look were diversive".


Well don't I wish that gay characters were obligatory! FYI very few filmmakers even throw gay characters into the background, fewer give them any dialogue, and nobody but nobody will make them leading characters in mainstream films. Or include them in historical ones, and believe me there have been same-sex relationships through history.

However, I will agree that occasionally the diversity concerns gets a bit silly. Like in the recent "Arthur: Legend of the Sword", there was not only a black character but a Chinese character who teaches King Arthur kung fu! Okay, I can believe there could be a few black people in Dark Ages England, the Roman empire was extremely diverse and they'd conquered England (as well as a good chunk of Africa and the middle east) and recently decamped, and people of many races and ethnicities could have stayed behind. But their empire didn't extend all the way to China - there was just long-distance trade along the Silk Road! A kung fu teacher in Dark Ages England was ridiculous.

Which isn't to say I'm against diversity in casting, because really I do get tired of watching nothing but straight white men, I'm just against ridiculously badly done diversity in casting.

EDIT: Can I ask what you think of films where they shoehorn in a white straight male lead where no white male should be - things like "The Great Wall"?


I agree there aren't nearly enough lead roles for gay characters in films.But i do think the television medium is doing a decent job of representing the gay community.Supergirl,Legends of tomorrow,Will and Grace,Doctor who,Sense8 and Modern family to name a few.Hell one the greatest sci-fi tv characters of alll time was gay.Captain Jack Harkness.


Captain Jack was the first gay male Action Hero... and I DO hope he won't be the last.


The Great Wall was an attempt produce a Chinese fantasy film that would appeal more to western audiences hence the casting of Americans Matt Damon and Willem Dafoe and Chilean actor Pedro Pascal. Interesting enough your belief about representation validates the choice this film made since you will find their are not a lot of western actors in Chinese fantasy films, so this represented a diverse casting choice for this film.


Yup, it was Chinese filmmakers pandering to western audiences!

I wonder if Hollywood's efforts to pander to other groups looks as ridiculous to them? Because damn, that was RIDICULOUS, that film is so bad it's funny.


Exactly! Gay characters for ABSOLUTELY ZERO LOGIC but just to be SHOVED DOWN OUR THROATS is assinine! Hollywood HAS tried movies w/diversity and it was a BIG FAIL! The Last Jedi and Ghostbusters (redux) is proof positive..... It's about making MONEY, instead of pleasing a VERY, VERY, VERY, VERY, VERY SMALL market niche just to make you "happy"! OTTER, You are a PATHETIC KLOWN w/a Kapital "K"......


We already have Threepio.







I demand that Threepio get a boyfriend in Episode 9!


The question is: why does it matter whether a character is gay or not, except in case he has some specific romantic subplot.

For example: Obi Wan, is he straight or gay?. The character could fit perfectly both cases. Indeed, we don't know anything about his romantic life because it's not relevant for the story.

Yoda... is he straight, gay? male? He's an alien and we're not even sure how many biological sexes they have. We don't even know if they have something similar to human sex, because it's not relevant for the story.

And that's the big problem with all this stuff: when you're more interested in including elements that convey political messages instead of elements that convey storytelling... we have modern SW :(


We already have 1 LGBT character in Star Wars : everybody knows that Gastropods (like Jabba the Hutt) are hermaphrodites.

Furthermore, it seems like in this new Trilogy no one has time to fall in love with anyone : gay, straight or otherwise.

Disney's Star Wars is even more cold and soulless than the prequels: sure Padme and Anakin 's romance was garbage but at least it was there and was actually essential to the overall story.

Shame on you Disney : you made me write something somewhat positive about those terrible prequel movies.

That's disgraceful.


Maybe Rey will come out?


bring it


I don't care, considering I'm not gonna watch any more Disney-produced "Star Wars" farces ever again after TLJ. They can make as many crap films with all the fake diversity they want, I'm not giving them my money or time anymore.
