Worst things in Star Wars movies

Put these things in order of worst to least worst:

Flying Leia
Sny Snoodles
Jar Jar
Han not shooting first
Ackbar's death
Young Anakin
FTL Holdo ram
Palpatine kills Mace & co
Prequel droid army
Rose Tico
Canto Bight
Yoda force ghost affecting real world
Luke's death
Vader "NOOOooo"
Vader's swish
Vader's one liner
Boba Fett's death
Died from "lack of will to live"
Slow space bombers "droping" bombs
Space map
Jyn, save that baby!
Senate votes to lose their own power
Saw Guerrero
Luke doesn't even acknowledge Chewie after Han's death
Evazan and Baba on Jedha
Obi Wan's 50's diner scene
Suddenly "take prisoners" instead of the killing just moments earlier in RotJ
"Droid please"
Luke trying to kill his own nephew because of a sense
Rey does everything without effort
ep2/3 Anakin
C3PO's prequel one liners
Hux jokes
Finn killing troopers despite being traumatized by a trooper that was killed 30 minutes earlier
Finn knowing key plot points about classified First Order tech
Luke milking creature
Wookie tarzan cry
R2's rockets
Chewie still co-pilot
Ewok traps
OT remaster CGI additions
Chewie gets no hug from Leia after Han death
Chirrut's chant
Chewie gets no medal


When Jar Jar is the least worrisome issue on a long list like that, you know there is a serious problem.


I think Jar Jar is worse than more than half of the list. He is top 5 bad. This list is nearly in my order with only a few changes.


Ackbar's Death


Green milk from sea creature's tit
Forest Whitaker saying "Bor Gullet"


Jedi Rocks scene


I got Forrest up there as Saw.
I will add the milking scene. Definitely qualifies.




The moment when a new Death Star is abruptly introduced out of left field and you realise the entire plot of TFA is a lie to hide the fact it's a reboot not a sequel.

(almost) everything else can be forgiven but never that.


Rey is by far the worst thing to happen to Star Wars


The moment when a new Death Star is abruptly introduced out of left field and you realise the entire plot of TFA is a lie

Return of the Jedi did it worse. Somehow the Empire whipped up a newer and bigger Death Star in just a few years.

But weren't they crippled after A New Hope? Not at all, the ending to A New Hope meant literally nothing and the Empire was not hurt. Will you now criticize the original trilogy for its very obvious flaws? Of course not.

It's funny to see people bashing the sequels for things that were done far sloppier in the original trilogy... Of course, it's basically just people who love to bitch and complain (in a tone-deaf, history-ignoring AKA hipster fashion) about the same things over and over and over and over and over and over every chance they get, like you Arghhhh.

You were good for a conversation here and there, LONG AGO, but now I swear all I see you do is post the same complaints repeatedly here on Last Jedi. I really don't think I see you anywhere else on this site anymore and I don't think I see you posting anything else.

At least you've found your rut.

You're definitely stuck in it. Have fun.


It's fascinating how quickly sequel lovers will turn on the OT in a bid to defend the indefensible.

No, RoTJ didn't do it worse and I refuse to believe you actually think that, you're brain is just grasping at straws as you're so desperate to convince yourself TFA is a good film (and I understand, that must take a lot of effort).

It wasn't 'whipped up' was it, it is first seen 6 years after the last one and for all we know the empire was building it before the first one was destroyed. And you know what, even if it was pulled out of their arse like it was in TFA that STILL DOESN'T MAKE IT OK NOW. Christ. If there's something bad in the OT (which there is plenty of btw, few people claim they are flawless) then it doesn't make it ok to do the same fucking thing 30 years later! If anything it makes it less ok to keep making the same mistakes.

The puppets in Jabba's palace were shitty but that doesn't excuse the awful CGI in TFA.
Luke instantly being given an x-wing to fly doesn't excuse Rey instantly being able to do everything with no struggle.
The rebels somehow defeating the entire Imperial fleet doesn't excuse Admiral Quota Filler from taking out 50 star destroyers in one ridiculous manoeuvre.

Do you understand?

And you're right I generally only ever post about Star Wars because I need to vent the supreme frustration of being literally conned by a fucking lazy hack - and for the 2nd time! Of all the great artistic failures I've born witness too I have only ever felt cheated twice, once was with Lost and the other was with TFA and can you spot the link? Though these weren't weren't really failures were they? These weren't projects put together in the hope to entertain that failed dramatically (ala the Prequels) these were a series of lies strung together in the hopes to separate me from my cash and in that regard they worked beautifully!

And so far the motherfucker has gotten away with it, though thankfully the tide seems to be turning.


PS - Rey is a Mary Sue.


I actually agree with both of your complaints to an extent. But I liked TFA in spite of its many flaws. One of which was, indeed, that it was far too much like ANH. My appreciation of TFA grew after R1 and especially after the sand trap that is TLJ.

I don't mind Mary Sue characters in general as I crave high octane action and a Mary Sue will catch that branch while falling which is more interesting than a character that wasn't capable and just fell to their death. Stars of the story have to be exceptional or it is a drama and/or boring. However, I do have a problem with the complete lack of effort it has taken for Rey to manifest the Force. I'm fine with her being supremely adept at it but you can practically SEE the script itself bestowing the power on her on screen. This aside, I like Rey. They just botched her training and origin.


Correct, rey IS a mary sue.


Obi Wan's 50's diner alien friend


How could I forget. Added.


Han not shooting first
OT remaster CGI additions


Chewy gets no hug from Leia after Han dies
Janitor knowing key plot points about the First Order's classified technology
rey not selling a droid for money despite being starving
snoke, as a whole
Jedi Facetime
Chewy remaining co-pilot
Luke trying to kill his own nephew because of a sense (despite not doing so with Vader)
Luke dying from being tired

There are many, many more.


"rey not selling a droid for money despite being starving"
Lots of characters in the SW universe treat droids like people. I don't mind this.
"snoke, as a whole"
I hated that they threw away Snoke without any development but it doesn't qualify for worst to me. He got more than Darth Maul (not that the prequels are any measure of quality). Sometimes a bad guy dies early. I learned to be OK with Snoke. Don't like it but it is not bad enough to rank with these others IMO.
"Jedi Fcetime"
I actually liked that part.
"Luke dying from being tired"
I already have Luke's death on the list.

Adding all the rest though. Good ones.
Also added Luke doesn't even acknowledge Chewie after Han's death


Oh, got some more from the OT/PT:

Anakin being the most well treated slave in history (a home, a Mom ... a job?)
Sand ...
Killing younglings
"Door's locked, move on to the next."
"Hold your fire. There's no life-forms."

More from BST:

Finn killing troopers despite being traumatised by a trooper that was killed 30 minutes earlier
rey speaking astro-droid + wookie + every other language
Luke speaking astro-droid?
The kanji-klub ... and scottish accents
rey being offered a job after 1 hour
Yoda using force powers from beyond the grave???
Luke's robotic hand disappearing when he died
Blind Kung-fu shaolin monk master + chinese proverbs, from china, in the SWU
Finn getting 'friend-zoned'
A defected First Order soldier (well janitor) not being screened or interrogated by the Resistance at all
Poe enacting a mutiny and hardly being punished for it


"Finn killing troopers despite being traumatised by a trooper that was killed 30 minutes earlier"
"Yoda using force powers from beyond the grave???" (shit, how'd I forget to add this? This is a huge complaint of mine)

Adding these two. The others are either already up there, bad but not quite bad enough, or I don't mind as noted below.

"rey speaking astro-droid + wookie + every other language
Luke speaking astro-droid?"
Everyone in Star Wars knows tons of languages including droid (makes one wonder what C3PO is for, eh?)

"The kanji-klub ... and scottish accents"
This felt way out of place to me but I didn't feel like it was the worst.

All of Canto Bight sucked and all falls under its listing already. This is a very good point though.


Well in the OT that's exactly what C3PO was for, to translate languages that everyone *now* seems to speak? - Luke needed to interpret R2-D2 through 3PO or his X-Wing computer?

OK agree Canto Bight is all encapsulating.

Oh, did you have Captain Phasma being basically a pushover?

Or that fuel is now a plot point?

Also they are 'The Resistance' ... but call themselves 'Rebels' (...for nostalgia's sake?) as well?


eh, "Leia hugged First" is the worst scene in all Star Wars: Leia & Chewie ignoring each other after Han's death, Leia ignoring her returning heroes, and only having eyes and hugs for the sad Sue she never met before (bit who may have killed her only son) is beyond ridiculous. It's writing so amateurish that it deserves to be called fanfic/Mary Sue writing.
