Worst things in Star Wars movies
Put these things in order of worst to least worst:
Flying Leia
Sny Snoodles
Jar Jar
Han not shooting first
Ackbar's death
Young Anakin
FTL Holdo ram
Palpatine kills Mace & co
Prequel droid army
Rose Tico
Canto Bight
Yoda force ghost affecting real world
Luke's death
Vader "NOOOooo"
Vader's swish
Vader's one liner
Boba Fett's death
Died from "lack of will to live"
Slow space bombers "droping" bombs
Space map
Jyn, save that baby!
Senate votes to lose their own power
Saw Guerrero
Luke doesn't even acknowledge Chewie after Han's death
Evazan and Baba on Jedha
Obi Wan's 50's diner scene
Suddenly "take prisoners" instead of the killing just moments earlier in RotJ
"Droid please"
Luke trying to kill his own nephew because of a sense
Rey does everything without effort
ep2/3 Anakin
C3PO's prequel one liners
Hux jokes
Finn killing troopers despite being traumatized by a trooper that was killed 30 minutes earlier
Finn knowing key plot points about classified First Order tech
Luke milking creature
Wookie tarzan cry
R2's rockets
Chewie still co-pilot
Ewok traps
OT remaster CGI additions
Chewie gets no hug from Leia after Han death
Chirrut's chant
Chewie gets no medal