MovieChat Forums > Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017) Discussion > Things that would have made The Last Jed...

Things that would have made The Last Jedi better

1. Finn sacrificing himself instead of being pulled away at the last minute by his lame friend.
2. Get rid of the lame friend
3. Luke actually fighting Kylo and being killed in front of Rey to strengthen her resolve to fight against the First Order
4. Remove the Leia Superman sequence, just have her die in space at the hands of Kylo blasting the ship
5. Remove cucked Poe, he's supposed to be a rebel, not a little wuss. Poe should have witnessed Leia's death at the hands of Kylo blasting the ship and then become a stronger person and leader.
6. Get rid of giraffe neck Laura Dern


The biggest mistake was giving full control to the guy who made that joke of a movie Looper. He needs to stick to stuff like Brick and Breaking Bad, because he has no clue about sci fi.


Maybe if they were going to have three different directors they should have hired them all up front and hashed out a story together before going into production. A lot of people complain about its disrespect of Star Wars legacy and it is certainly there. But its the fact it doesn't even respect the film that came before it that may be its biggest crime, it feels out of touch with the trilogy its supposed to be a part of.


I couldn’t agree more with your every word. IMO JJ did a fantastic job but then RJ came along, took JJ’s hard work by the balls and squeezed till they were blue! Ouch.


Reading that JJ Abrams had done drafts for both 8 and 9 made me mad, because he was an executive producer as well. JJ is who pushed to have this trilogy made, it's his baby.

JJ also had to give his approval to anything that Rian did, and apparently he liked the Last Jedi script so much that he wished he had written it. Not sure why, especially since Force Awakens was so well written. Maybe Last Jedi just worked better on paper?


"Not sure why, especially since Force Awakens was so well written."

Yeah, by that you mean A NEW HOPE was so well written... Ah no, my bad, Force Awakens is indeed another movie... Pretty much the same movie, but different...


Yes they share some key plot points, but the scripts and stories are quite different.

Just like how Return of the Jedi is also about getting someone off Tatooine, by way of a cantina, and then heading off to destroy the Death Star... Yet it's quite different from A New Hope. Do you criticize Return of the Jedi for being "pretty much the same movie" as A New Hope?

Lots of movies share the same basic plot thread. There are a ton of action movies you could compare point-for-point.

Hell, straight-up remakes get respect, why is that? Does anyone go around slamming Peter Jackson's King Kong for LITERALLY copying an older movie?

Seriously. You obviously just want an easy method to criticize without actually saying anything.

I doubt you'd even accept that Star Wars is a ripoff of old Flash Gordon stories... Even though Lucas tried to secure the Flash Gordon license in the early 70's, failed to do so, and then altered the setting and characters SLIGHTLY and called it Star Wars.

The Flash Gordon story he was going for (yes this is a real Flash story): Flash, a naive young man from Earth (Tatooine), joins Dale Arden and Dr. Zarkov (Leia and Kenobi) to fly off toward the weaponized planet Mongo (Death Star), run by Emperor Ming (Emperor Palpatine), which is approaching Earth (Yavin IV) to destroy it.

Sound familiar?
If you want to talk about copying stories, you're not going to like where it's headed.


Actually, before reading your comment I've never even seen any major similarities between A New Hope and Return of the Jedi. They always seemed like two completely different movies.

While watching The Force Awakens on another hand, I felt like I was watching a remake of A New Hope. If there is something that kinda fulfilled me with The Last Jedi, is that I didn't have the feeling to watch Empire Strikes Back again. It did have this darker passing like ESB, but the plot was completely different.

"Lots of movies share the same basic plot thread. There are a ton of action movies you could compare point-for-point."

Yes you have a point here. But in my defense, sometimes it just works for the best. Back to the Future and first two Home Alone movies are prime examples. The problem with Star Wars is that they actually always wanted to progress the story and made each movies different from the others.

"Does anyone go around slamming Peter Jackson's King Kong for LITERALLY copying an older movie?"

Yeah... I actually do. Peter Jackson pretty much copied an older movie, and made it almost two times longer by adding boring, never ending and quite useless material. This is what Peter Jackson's King Kong is for me.

I doubt you'd even accept that Star Wars is a ripoff of old Flash Gordon stories... Even though Lucas tried to secure the Flash Gordon license in the early 70's, failed to do so, and then altered the setting and characters SLIGHTLY and called it Star Wars.

The Flash Gordon story he was going for (yes this is a real Flash story): Flash, a naive young man from Earth (Tatooine), joins Dale Arden and Dr. Zarkov (Leia and Kenobi) to fly off toward the weaponized planet Mongo (Death Star), run by Emperor Ming (Emperor Palpatine), which is approaching Earth (Yavin IV) to destroy it."

And? Pretty much everything you see is inspired by something that came before. Only the thing here is that despite the fact he "ripped-off" an older idea, he made his success out of the "Star Wars" name without anything with the same title preceding it.

The Force Awakens on another hand made its success using a very successful title, and didn't really bring anything new to the table.

Of course, TFA and ANH are not 100% similar, but enough for me to feel like I was "tricked" to believe that I was gonna watch a brand new movie... But ended up with a feeling of rewatching another movie FROM THE SAME FRANCHISE.


Rey is a Mary Sue.


And Luke was a Gary Stu. Lots of fantasy characters qualify.

The difference is that the guys don't get criticized for it, because fictional men are allowed to do just about anything.


Luke wasn't a mary sue, plus the term is gender neutral..

But I get it, no-one has ever bought up that Luke is a mary sue in 40 years, now magically he is because you can't handle criticism of rey's character.

sjw logic indeed.

p.s. rey is cemented as the greatest mary sue of all time in tlj.


No dog in this fight...but Mary Sue is not gender neutral...I however prefer Matry Stu😉


How about Mary Stu?

The terms are equivalent with regards to writing however - hence why they are indeed gender neutral and 'Mary Sue' should be the only legitimate form.

It is actually sexist to qualify the term in this manner.

This misconception is why people like Frogurmumma get so butthurt when they see the term.


And the word we are all looking for is...anyway...


Reading that JJ Abrams had done drafts for both 8 and 9 made me mad, because he was an executive producer as well. JJ is who pushed to have this trilogy made, it's his baby.

Yeah, but JJ also scrapped Lucas's outline of the whole ST and Ardnt's script based on it, so I guess what comes around...yadda, yadda.


Because of how Finns arc has gone I agree with 1. Rose was pretty worthless so 2 is good too. I am not sure I can buy 3 only because both Rey and Ren have shown to be pretty weak Jedi fighters, if Luke could muster even a little bit of the knowledge he had from the end of OT he would have killed Ren. In fact Luke falling as a hero against a still living Snoke would have made a better use of Luke and his death if that needed to occur. 4 I agree with as well, that was an embarrassing sequence. 5 Poe was poorly written in this film, so almost anything might have been better. 6 she didn't add much either.

I would also add the humor in the movie was so poor they should have scrapped alot of it..and of course the casino sub plot. Also If they were not going to use Phasma in any special way they should have just left her out as well.


The casino scene would have been a lot better and more humorous if they had had the old Star Wars cantina band playing their farewell tour


Pretty much every scene! LOL no that’s a little harsh maybe.


Nude Rey


Even though I don't find her particularly gorgeous, at this point I would agree that it wouldn't had hurt lol.


wtf? getting some landofree vibes here....


Making it completely different would help a lot!




#1 showing Ren actually training. going us plausabilibility as to him beating Luke and gaining strength
#2 him being part of the tricking of Rey. maybe give him redemption in movie three
#3 don't kill snoke.. Ren is 0 threat and is great as the secondary trainee.... he's been bested twice basically....
#4 if Luke dies, have him show at the end, after pulling his X wing from the water, and going out obi wan style


They flirted with the idea that Ray and Kylo would join forces. Of course this is a paralle to how Vader tried to convince Luke to join him too. But at that moment I would have wished they would have joined forces... and then have Luke as the protagonist.


Cut out the humour. Nothing against comedy in movies, but bad comedy can ruin any movie. The opening scene alone alerted me that I wasn't watching a Star Wars movie, I was watching a Marvel movie masquerading as Star Wars.

Cut out the Leia floating in space scene. I don't mind Leia having Force abilities, but you could have shown it any other way. Heck, even if the end of the movie where they are trapped in the cave and need to move the rocks, could have been Leia who saves the day.

More time spent with Kylo and Snoke, reveal more of how Snoke led Ben Solo astray.

Cut out the scenes where Hux acts or is treated as a doofus. Have Hux actually be an intelligent and efficient leader, he sees the recklessness of Kylo Ren and attempts to turn Snoke against him, which would end with Snoke torturing Hux to death and then Kylo killing Snoke, making everything Hux said throughout the movie true.

Cut out the DJ character.

Cut out Rose. Have Poe and Finn go on a mission together. Nobody cares about the relationship between Rose and Finn. I think a lot of people would agree, she was one of the many weak spots in the movie. I don't see why her character is there. We were just getting to know Finn and Poe, it makes no sense to introduce another female character that does nothing but blurt out "social commentary, social commentary with political subtext"

Have Luke actually train Rey, so he actually serves a purpose in the movie. No not fan service. I don't need Luke to be the hero, I understand this is Rey's trilogy, but Force Awakens set Luke up as someone important, so The Last Jedi should have just focused on Luke training Rey. Since Luke doesn't even train Rey (not that she needs to be trained in any way) makes Luke's presence meaningless and he may as well of not been in it.

Have an actual lightsabre duel in the movie.

I'm sure there is more stuff, but that is what stuck with me.


All good ideas.
