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HAL 9010 (907)


The blood Question of the two times Question about ending (Spoiler) Let me get this straight.... Question about why Reva went after Luke? Angelina Jolie Question about Smith A thought... Green Arrow So who was Q before Ron? View all posts >


On a scale from “I don't recall any scenes to 10,” OP meant to say. He was superb, but isn't he always? thank you. That makes sense. I agree. No goat reappeared after her experiment concluded that her plan would work in some shape or form. That Ray met an oblivious (new) Nyles contradicts this conclusion. He should have met no-one. So, it is a plot hole… …. unless each loop is to a parallel reality. This means Nyles finally escaped to a reality-time-line, and whatever Ray would escape to hereafter would be to another - they would never meet again. So when Nyles leaves, Ray loops into one where Nyles is just one of the others… this does not explain the missing goat, but it explains how she might not find the goat again…. it just seems missing, as in this loop is it over a few hills. Incidentally, this, too, explains the dinosaurs. If each loop is to parallel timelines, few of those still have sauropods roaming. Each loop was to different parallel realities… and in some of those, dinosaurs existed. And the final reality they escaped, too, had them as well. It means she is predictable in her actions, and he has repeatedly broken up with her before.. I believe it represented a change in the balance and the natural power structure. They sensed it — confusion, sound wars, etc — and it drew them out of their usual comfort zone and into human space. Also, we hear earlier of a saying that says seeing deers means a fortunate change in one's future, and when they had the showdown at the Hutt, we (the audience) know the daughter had found refuge for them all… so some magic was in there… “ Everyone else played their part in the industry that is his chosen profession” The client too. Eradicating any ends pointing to him? No, it is an illegal alien superhero beetle View all replies >