Why do the critics love the Star Wars sequels?
To be clear, I do not have any problem with any single critic (or anyone) loving this film but what I can't understand is how *every* critic seems to be in love with it. Metacritic has 53 critics listed as favourable, 3 mixed and zero give a negative opinion. Zero. And yet there are clearly millions of people who don't just think it's poor, they think it's a disaster.
So how can this be? What is going on...? This is a genuine question and I am looking for answers.
Here are the options as far as I can tell:
1 - It really is as good as they say it is.
2 - Disney has bought them off.
3 - Disney hasn't bought them off but critics are worried about losing access if they are too harsh.
4 - They agree with it politically
5 - They're scared to disagree with it politically as they worry they will be painted as racist/sexist/etc
6 - Everyone else seems to love it and they are going with the flow
7 - They think the prequels were the worst films ever so as long as they're not like the prequels they must be good
8 - Star Wars is now in a very unusual position of having very low expectations buy still enormous amounts of hype resulting in a severe lowering of the bar.
9 - KK has the families of every single established critic on the planet locked in her basement.
I personally feel it is a mixture of 4 through 8 but even this seems a stretch to explain the critical reception. I mean, this is a massive corporation that's bought somebody else's IP for billions, to turn out two sequels that seem to actively undo many aspects of the original story, that don't seem to agree with each other AND that millions of people hate. Now if you were to tell me that you could do that without getting a single negative review from an established critic I'd think you were insane. But it's happened. But how?