"it's interesting that a lot of the defence for TFA was 'it will be explained in the sequel' and then a lot of the defence for TLJ is 'well it had to happen that way because of what was written in TFA'. Each one's flaws are pushed onto the others."
Here here. If something goes wrong it's always the other sides' fault. And both is correct here.
TFA impossibly set up Luke as a guy who failed to prevent the same betrayal and Jedi immolation happen again. And worse, as a Jedi legend who then did not even try to redeeem and remedy the mess he created (Kylo, Jedi, Snoke) but ran away to "in the meantime" let the FO-Empire rise (to kill billions and destroy what Luke fought for in the OT - who cares?). Why? So he can hide and pout on an unfindable island, but leaving a silly mystery-map puzzle behind (usually coordinated will do in space).
TLJ just added insult to injury by going along with this by depicting Luke as a frustrated, cynical hermit loser refusing to help his family and friends and wanting the Jedi to end. He even tried to kill his young nephew in his sleep because he felt future "evil".
TFA and TLJ both neglegeted to tell us how OT-Luke became such a murderous and cowardly ST-character. So the blame lies with both movies, but IMO more with TFA as I cannot think one way to intelligently explain the absurd set up in TFA.