

i want to talk about it though , I want to share my views on a movie forum and talk about why I like and dislike movies , lots of people have differing opinions so I talk about those opinions with other users, then I think of something ive not talked about or want to get of my chest so create a new discussion with the hope others may have an opinion on what ive just started a discussion on.


This is a 40 year old discussion about a fluke movie series. There's not much more to add. Characters either use the force or shoot lasers. It's only a few movies.


a fluke movie? explain


Star Wars was a fluke. It was a silly space adventure with puppets. If it weren't for the special effects being revolutionary, it wouldn't amount to much. It was a lucky break.


so why did it amount to much then ?


Look up the word "fluke."


i know what it means, a new hope was not a fluke, empire strikes back followed and was even better , the OT is the greatest trilogy ever made , if you dont want to talk about it, then fuck off


Oh no... someone doesn't agree with you. Poor baby.


you have the nerve to call me a baby when its you coming on here complaing that people talk about star wars too much


Yes. Enjoy the label. It fits you.


Godfather, a fluke couple of movies.

Why bother talking about flukes years later.

Why bother talking about the quality of later movies compared to the original movies.

Godfather Fanbois are such entitled dumbasses


A new hope was a fluke. No one thought it would make good money never mind become the cultural phenomenon it did. Just ask the bros at Fox if they thought it was going to be anything more than slight return on investment.

How else do you Lucas was able to hold on to the rights?


fluke is not the right word.


What is the right word then?


The right words are quality and imagination.

The reason they weren't sure about reception is because there wasn't really anything like it at the time to compare it to. The same issue still exists today with publishers. This is why we are seeing SW in it's current state - it needs to conform to an established corporate checklist.

But it IS a well crafted film, especially from a technical standpoint - that certainly is not a fluke at all. Fluke denotes luck as opposed to skill - this is not the case at all; hence why it's the wrong word. All this was prior to the completion of the film anyway, so basing the reception of the film on the standpoint of a publisher before it was even started is false equivalence.


So no one knew it would be a hit, luckily it hit the mark with audiences. Fluke works here.

For example, firefly, a well crafted tv show that did not hit with audiences until it was too late. The thing, a failure at the cinema, now considered a classic.

Taking chances works sometimes, others it doesn’t. It’s no measure of quality of the product.




Why bother replying if you’re just a knob?


I'm laughing because for some reason on the internet no-one's mind can ever be changed about any issue/topic ever. It's just the way things are (not saying I'm different).

I'm also thinking a more appropriate word would be 'unexpected' as opposed to a fluke.


Thats as wrong as it could get. But there were SciFi movies with way better effects then Star Wars. But none of them are as well remembered as Star Wars. You still dont get the complete package delivered with Star Wars. Im not a Star Wars fan, but even I understand that reducing Star Wars to special effects is simply amateurlike.


Or people put more meaning into a space story with puppets than what was really there. This movie is a fluke. Yes, the effects were revolutionary. The only difference beyond the effects was the swashbuckling plot. It's a pirate movie with pupperts in space.


mmmm a pirate movie you say , shiver me timbers , aye be after all ye gold

i dont think you have a fucking clue what you are talking about.


Swearing is a sign of anger. Don't join the dark side Aniken.


who is Aniken?


Figure it out Padme.


Calling Star Wars a pirates tale is really strange. ITs a fantasy fairy tale located in space. And it contains a lot of cliffhanger elements of the good old Flash Gordon serials of the 1930s.


Funny thing about Flash Gordon. That is also a space pirate story.


In that case I even agree with you :) . But .... a real good one. Liked the reruns on TV.


The movie is recent... these guys are lifelong fans... I empathise with their need to get things off their chest... In particular the ones who hate it are greiving, they need time to process it, as you can see them go through the various Kubler-Ross stages of greif...

- Denial: BoxOffice analysis threads, etc... Over 100,000 signature on a change.org petition to get the film de-canonised...
- Anger: Rian Johnson raped their childhood threads, etc...
- Bargaining: What if Lucas was i charge threads, etc.. (not that many fans in this stage yet)...

Most fans seem to be in the Denial and Anger phases...Some are in Bargaining and there are still the Depression and Acceptance phases for them to process... The process isn't linear...

I think for most other movies there is not such an attachment and dissapointment and grief when things go bad... So the discussion isn't so intense and people can talk about the art and entertainment of it or the themes of the movie, or parts that they liked or not... things they found odd or interesting, etc...




I'd accept that... only we've already seen this done to a majority of movies in the horror and comedy genre. This movie isn't the problem or solution. The fans seem to be forgetting that Star Wars is a fluke series with some terrible films. Now people are complaining or encouraging a movie that is neither the best nor worst. It's time for people to just accept that this is only a movie and it doesn't matter. They already have their favorite and least favorite films.


I think what's different with Star Wars is the level of attachment... There are generations of fans who, by their own admission, have defined their childhoods and adolescence on these movies...

Let that sink in...

... And maybe, try to have some empathy... They can't skip to acceptance that quickly... They'll end up getting to the state that you describe, but it takes time for them to come to terms with their loss...


Yes they can. It's Just a movie. Star wars is nothing more than a movie. If people are so enamored and attached, they need to stop living in their childhood. Grow up and accept the truth that it won't matter in a few years.


There are starwars fans who are in their late 40s... it seems they're only just realising that these are just movies...


Poor soyboys


hahaha a pretty lame trolling attempt.

Pity you arent getting the reaction you were hoping for :(.


Yet all these people, and you, reacted because someone had a different opinion. This is only a movie and its constantly on the discussion forum. Why? Because people assume its more than a movie. That the series means something. It's only a movie and so is the rest of the series.


no , its one of the most popular movies ever made, hence why people talk about it , just cause you dont like it doesnt mean you should expect people not to talk about it , you foooooooooooooooooool


Or ill just trigger fanboys like you and laugh.


Lol yeah but they aren't replying the way you are hoping, they're just talking about the film's in general while you are trying to get a specific reaction and it's not working haha.

So yeah, just calling you out on it.


And what reaction was I looking for? Please tell me what was my purpose?


You are clearly trying to diminish SW as 'lucky' in an attempt to upset fanboys etc ... but it didn't work :(.

It probably didn't work because this is so obvious :S.


Are you still on about this?

Get over it.




*Irony of this post is noted

Then I will undo the irony by refusing to post a response to this discussion.

Oh wait...


Oh.... I thought you were going to save the snark for your Donald Trump posts.
Have fun talking Star Wars fanboy.


Definitely a fanboy! But not a fan of TLJ or Rian Johnson.


why be a dick dude? you got a problem with people talking about there favourite movie franchise?


Why talk endlessly about the same movie? We have more than a century of films to talk about and this movie is neither the best nor worst film. If you really wanted to talk about the franchise, post on one of the other movies in the series. Btw, it's only a movie and nothing more.


because its the most popular franchise in cinema history , so if its only a movie why are you bothered?


Because it's annoying. Why else?


why does it annoy you ? are you jealous of its popularity ? and why are you monitoring how many talk about it? if you didnt care, you wouldnt know or think that people talk about it all the time?


I'm talking to fanboys who think it's more than a movie. It's not. You just disagree because you want it to be something great. Its only a movie. Nothing more.


who said it was more than a movie ? can you post quotes please ? we all know its a movie, and one that many many people love



hahahahahaha highly amusing post, telling me to grow up and then write an immature comment about playing with playpen puppets and diapers , Timmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmy



At this point i can only assume i am speaking to someone that is not yet hit pubity.


Assume as you wish. Star Wars is still only a movie and discussions about it are just as annoying today as they were in the 80's and 90's


well, off you go, dont come back to this or any other star wars board, bye



*but it isn't though is it?

You want to sit there and be above it all. Like a cunt.

So please.

Do fuck off.


I will thank you. At least I get some regularly. Get over it and accept the fact that it's only a movie.


Get over it and accept the fact that it's only a movie.

Oh I see the problem here... You're not looking in the mirror.

Here, let me rephrase your own sentence: Get over it and accept the fact that it's only a discussion.

That should make things pretty clear.


Hence the irony comment.


This is a forum, a place specifically for discussion, about movies. It seems really odd to encourage people to stop talking about a movie here.

Maybe at the lunch table at work it might get old, but this is a movie forum!


The key word is "movies." TLJ is only one movie. It's not even the best or worst. Pe heaps you can find another film to enjoy.


People like discussing the negative aspects of things as much as the positive. And people like going into deep discussions, negative and positive. If it bothers you, don't read it. We will continue to discuss.


Deep discussions? That's a laugh.


That's what movies are. Windows into certain aspects of life that people can debate and talk about. I just don't care for the ones making this all about name calling and other garbage like that.

I'm trying to go for an entertaining, informative youtube channel so, if you have the time, take a look. Hope you enjoy what you see and if you have any thoughts or criticisms, i'd love to hear them. Thanks in advance. Review right here- https://youtu.be/nerCnafPUm8


Let's be honest, movies are like most art: it has a heyday of being new and iteresting. It eventually delves into recycled and formless voids that needs discussion and mass explanation to justify its existence. The mass nostalgia based marketing show me that movies are now meaningless and filmmakers aren't creating new art so much as feeding off the carcass of the last generation's work. The constant discussion of themes, production, and story are a sign that movies need justification for their existence. This is backed up with dwindling film viewings and TV ratings. The purchase of movies is also decreasing as thed next market is moving into shorter and less expensive entertainment trends. This is a dying art.


You know that this is a movie board ;) ?


A discussion of movie fandom is a movie discussion.


Which is perfectly fine located at this .... movie board. So the point is: Stating "Its only a movie" at a movie board is like stating its only a game at a soccer stadium in spain :P .


I've only done that in Austria and Germany.


I went to a public toilet and took a piss. Noticed that other people were taking a piss in that public toilet then started waving my arms around asking them why they were taking a piss in a public toilet, such douche nozzles.

One of them even dared to say to the other that the public toilet wasnt as clean as it used to be.

What a Fuking asshole.


Sadly, yes.

