
Eli (63)


Mark Hamill and Episode IX Rating Manipulation View all posts >


Very good but neither a masterpiece nor sci-fi in my opinion. It struck me more as psychedelic psycho-drama. There was an interview with the director and actors after the credits in the theater where I watched it. Alex Garland discussed how he purposely kept the effects budget low so that he could maintain creative control, and that it was a standard trade-off in movies. Avoiding old tropes and cliches is completely independent of quality writing. The movie is shit regardless of how "irreverent" it is. Poe's Law: "an adage of Internet culture stating that, without a clear indicator of the author's intent, it is impossible to create a parody of extreme views so obviously exaggerated that it cannot be mistaken by some readers or viewers as a sincere expression of the parodied views." I don't think it's either/or. It is possible to satisfy fans with new content. Just requires more effort and quality. Your response is the epitome of the entire TLJ debate. Detractors of the movie write long detailed responses, and supporters such as yourself write curt content-free insults such as "knuckle-dragging crazed lunatics". Makes it really clear who put thought into their statements. Also makes me wonder if you are associated with the studio and are "butthurt", as people such as yourself like to say. Where did this idea even come from? I see everyone repeating it but no evidence that it's true. I'm guessing someone speculated that's why the score is higher than it seems it should be, and someone else took it as fact, and the rumor propagated. And in fact two of the most famous Chinese actors played central characters in Rogue One and it worked well because they did an awesome job and the plot made sense. We shouldn't even be giving this douche nozzle views, but it seems he meant the Anthology Series, which are the standalone films of which Rogue One is the first. Rogue One was amazing by the way, and I'm hoping that the strategy by Disney is that the Anthology Series is for adults while the Sequel Trilogy and further Rian Johnson films are for the youth. View all replies >