Mark Hamill and Episode IX

A couple items: first, does anyone else think that Mark Hamill had more leverage than he realized? He could have had some creative control written in his contract or else he wouldn't participate in TLJ. I'm sure he could have negotiated something as there's no way they would have done the sequels without him. Anyway too late for that.

Regarding Episode IX, a lot of people are saying they have no interest in seeing it because TLJ ruined star wars for them. I agree in that I no longer have interest in the story line, but I have to admit that I'm fascinated in seeing how JJ Abrahams will recover from the trainwreck that is TLJ and might see episode IX just for that.


IX: The Force Reawakens


IX: The MaRey Sue Saves the Galaxy


JJ never did a story. All he did was putting some stupid mystery boxes into a script when he didnt had the smallest idea how to continue with a script. Lost is the best example for this. He completely betrayed each and every viewer of that series.

And you still want to watch any sh*t done by him? Especially after Star Wars was destroyed with Johnsons braindead sh*t? You have to realize that there is no future Star Wars anymore. Its gone. Thats the problem with die hard fans. That they dont realize when things are history. You still have Ep 1 to 6. Thos are nice up to even fantastic movies. So why supporting the destroyers of Star Wars with your money?


I agree that JJ's work is shit. Lost was garbage, and The Force Awakens is way overrated.

My point is that I'm curious to see how he will scramble to salvage some sort of passable story for Episode IX. It's like watching improv comedy and seeing how they can handle ridiculous scenarios.


And you will support that queer gender queen KK financially by doing so? You will get the same information by simply watching YouTube reviews the day after the movie release. The most important thing now (if Star Wars should ever be revived again) is that KK got a major financial desaster. TLJ got already the most horrible profit of the new SW movies (after it was known how bad it was), but it was saved by the presold tickets.


Where did you get the idea that I am going to pay for it?


I think when MH signed his contract things looked very different. Then Darth Mickey altered the deal.

I guess I'm mildly curious what JJ will pull out of his ass, though not enough to pay to see it. Probably he'll rip off the template of some movie or other.


Yeah it's going to be interesting and will no doubt spark cognitive dissonance on a galactic scale.

It's almost like one of those chess problems. White to mate in 4. I mean, there is no story left to tell and how the fuck are they going to have a sense of connection to the rest of the films if they conjure up a whole new story line from nothing? I know Lucas just plopped Duko and Grievous in there but at least the prequels felt like they were a part of a massive galaxy wide story - the sequels feel like they take place in somebodies living room.

He's gonna have to bring Snoke back in or have Rey be Palpatine's 2nd cousin once removed or something.

And it'll be glorious to watch. Not the movie - that'll be shit - watching the fanboys and critics desperately convince themselves the emperor has at least a sock on his cock.


If I decide to watch EPIX it'll be for the same reason for which people like to look at car accidents.




JJ will retcon the fuck out of this.

the fanbase is divided and if they never made such a mess of a film it would be getting close to 2 billion and not stalling at 1.3 billion. repeated reviews is a big business and many were like meh.

expect a bigger more redeeming role for luke training rey, perhaps snoke not being dead, rey parent reveal and at a push a han and luke flashback

the film starts with lei's funeral and during it rey notices kylo is watching so she goes after him and they fight. rey wins killing kylo or he is messed up bad but then snoke's puppet master appears and defeats her, hurt she manages to escape and be trained by luke.

she faces the big bad and is in trouble so kylo helps her defeat him though he dies as well (yeh its kinda like tlj but its an idea)

fuck knows what finn and the others do - i don't care at all. i just want to see the characters with the force at this point. so bored with the rebellion.......


I doubt JJ picks up E9 directly after TLJ ends. A 10-year gap or so. Enough time for some changes to take place because there isn't anything interesting to pick up on after TLJ.


true dat
