MovieChat Forums > Burnt (2015) Discussion > ENOUGH with the movies about chefs!

ENOUGH with the movies about chefs!

Burnt, Chef, Ratatouie, the list goes on and on.

Am I the only one who is literally sick to death of movies about chefs?

All it does is glorify a basic and overpaid job and lead to our nation getting fatter and fatter. There's no imagination in it!

The only chef film I want to see is one where the chef stops selling unhealthy food and starts pushing a healthier agenda, every chef I've ever met is overweight and disgusting. At least Bradley Cooper is fit, although I hope there are scenes of him exercising in admist of all the shots of him stuffing his face!

Hopefully next year they start making movies about people with jobs that actually contribute something worthwhile to society. Who's with me?


So you mentioned 3 movies which span over about 8 years. Is that it? Lol....


TV programs about Chefs got so worse when it was realized that the Robert 'Dinner Impossible' guy lied about his resume as most 'reality' programs do. All those programs including Ramsey are horrible. Contrived pieces of *beep* I liked this film as it ventured into his addiction and rebuilding. Ego's and rant's aside, it was a good watch.


This pathetic, insecure, vociferous, child troll hasn't been back to this site since his O.P. which explains all and certainly was not worthy of this many replies.
Unfortunately he doesn't have the balls (like chefs do) to debate the issue which he would most certainly be so embarrassed by the schooling he would receive he would probably go down to mommy's basement and hide instead of just his normal room where he has lived for probably the last 30-40 years.
And if this is all because some good looking talented chef stole your job or your girl or guy (yes there are many gay chefs people) then I feel doubly sorry for you because that means you suck not just at relationships but at your occupation as well, which if you think chef's are basic, overpaid with no creativity, I cringe at the thought of what you do for a living.
And lastly wrapping this all up in a ridiculously unintelligent argument about the social issue of childhood obesity is so inanely ignorant, out of context and reality that it's not even worth discussing, you are the Donald Trump of this argument and anyone with half a brain would agree.
The only "future" you will "star" in is the family Christmas special where you open your Peanuts pajamas and do your Snoopy dance around the tree...

"Good Day Sir"
(Willy Wonka)


I liked Burnt and I'm open to any good story that illuminates some area I don't know a lot about. I have no problem at all if it takes place in a commercial kitchen. Why not?

I didn't see Ratatouille. I'm not 10 years old. You might be interested in knowing that you're also not required to watch any movie you're not interested in.


ENOUGH with the movies about chefs!

Enough? If anything, we need more movies about chefs. It makes you appreciate eating out more.


Am I the only one who is literally sick to death of movies about chefs?

Yes.... Yes you are.

