MovieChat Forums > Burnt (2015) Discussion > ENOUGH with the movies about chefs!

ENOUGH with the movies about chefs!

Burnt, Chef, Ratatouie, the list goes on and on.

Am I the only one who is literally sick to death of movies about chefs?

All it does is glorify a basic and overpaid job and lead to our nation getting fatter and fatter. There's no imagination in it!

The only chef film I want to see is one where the chef stops selling unhealthy food and starts pushing a healthier agenda, every chef I've ever met is overweight and disgusting. At least Bradley Cooper is fit, although I hope there are scenes of him exercising in admist of all the shots of him stuffing his face!

Hopefully next year they start making movies about people with jobs that actually contribute something worthwhile to society. Who's with me?


I have to thank you for your post. It's generated a nice little list of other chef themed movies. Two of which I have not seen. So a big thanks to those of you who have mentioned them. See this troll has done some good!


I'm more sick of movies about zombies, to be honest.


Yes but, shhh if they see this they'll make Zombie Chef


I'm with you! And Bradley Cooper was the totally wrong person to cast in this role!



Lets make a movie about janitors....or better yet that person that holds the stop sign for kids to cross the street. Or that person who does pee screening all day long...Would that be more of your interest? Would that make you go away? Idiot. If u dont like something dont watch it. There I solved your stupid problem you could figure out on your own.


Great. Now again but without insulting anyone.


I'm with jm4413... More movies about watching people pee all day long!


Overpaid? You've never worked in a kitchen, I take it.
Overworked, maybe, but overpaid is the last word I would use to describe this career after 13 years. Try working a 10 hour shift working in 45°C heat before you start criticising us.


I feel you, bro. Once the air conditioner went out at work and I had to watch YouTube videos all afternoon in 26°C heat. It was brutal. I would have lost my damn mind if someone came around and asked me to cook an egg or whatever.


Then stop watching them. Pillock.


Cant be fat with that "little dirt" they called food on the middle of the plate :)


I LOVE the chef movies! I'd rather watch them than watch the violent, CGI, depressing, heavy action, fantasy films that dominate the movie industry these days.
