Did not like S4 at all.

S3 was best.
S1 was worse than S3 but watchable.
S2 was worse that S1 but I would not watch it again.
S4 was really terrible.


Did S4 ever get better? I watched the first 2 episodes and just found it boring .. oh the cgi animAl’s, Native American folklore and corny ghosts really did not help things lol


watched 1..can't get into it.


S1 worse than S3? lol. How much crack did you smoke before typing that? Season 1 is a masterpiece. Easily the best season by a million miles.


Yeah that guy is a moron on crack


> How much crack did you smoke

Nah, that is the sign of a low-grade moron expending effort to disagree on a matter of taste.


"A matter of taste" lol. I can tell you smoked a lot of crack then if you think it comes down to taste.


S4 is absolutely terrible.
Just terrible.


It's a pretty huge letdown. There were some cool technical aspects. Cinematography, some beautiful images. I liked the ice cavern set. But damn, compared to S1 this is elementary school level.


4 was shit!


Season 4 is trash


If I had to bet on something about S4, I'd say they wanted to drive it with Jodie Foster's name and found her price, and she didn't even read the script or care much about her career - a money driven propostion.


Season 1 is so excellent, I am confused about your season order. I didn't like s2 or s4.


What's to be confused about, it is merely my opinion.
Really I could just let S3 stand for the whole series, it was the best acted, the most interesting and unique plot, and probably the most true to life. If I had to rate, I'd say

S3 10/10
S1 3/10
S2 2/10
S4 1/10

I know most fans of this series disagree, but that's life.


Three was ok, 2 was...I really couldn't get through it. One was amazing to me. I really enjoyed it.
