MovieChat Forums > Golfaddict666

Golfaddict666 (546)


WHAT Judas Priest Best Western Daniel’s She has I banged Ron Harper Haven’t seen Stupid thing about this movie I can’t believe he committed suicide in the end View all posts >


You need to get laid Huge difference Bub was played beautifully by a good actor who didn’t cross the line. You saw him evolving as the movie went on by there were also limitations to his smarts The evolving big daddy character in Land was just comical, played by a bad actor who crossed the line from the start. And those screams were mind numbing Land was lame as hell and the smart evolving zombie was a complete joke. Let’s see where this one takes us. Problem is big Hollywood would probably lead this to fail. After all when Romero’s flicks strived they were independent and unrated Alba 10 days a week It’s an important part of the movie and actual history you dope. Glad I can be of some assistance Your post just proves you had no idea what you were watching. It wasn’t ABC news crew, it was the ABC sports coverage crew. And that was part of the story within the story But I guess that flew right over your head, or……you probably didn’t even watch it and someone just told you about the movie. I hope the latter for you, because if you actually watched it and didn’t understand that part of the storyline, then you should just stick to simpleton movies. So, if you’re on onlyfans, you should have no opinion.? What crackhead whore shit you out in a cardboard box? I did You’re an idiot. Although this is far from his best, 95% of his flicks are real winners Go back to watching your Lifetime movies View all replies >