Why not include Shaw scene
Of her building David back? Yes it was released before the movie but they could worked it in as a flash back, Shaw had no scenes!
shareOf her building David back? Yes it was released before the movie but they could worked it in as a flash back, Shaw had no scenes!
shareI read that the test screenings included the David/Shaw 'Crossing' flashback as part of the Davids bombing flashback (also Shaw was clearly visible in the 'take me home' hologram not as static),
as to why it was cut from the finished film - maybe Ridley thought itd be more shocking to just see Shaw as a dead body?
Yeah, I found it odd Noomi Rapace was given a credit in the film but was nowhere to be found. Also sucked that they decided to kill her off as she seemed like the most interesting character from Prometheus and the one we were going to go on a journey with to find answers.
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Because there was zero credibility that she would even find a skin and bone making tool etc in the Engineer's ship, considering they seemed to hate humans AND even more, androids.
Killing of Shaw was a real mistake, Noomi Rapace was one of the best parts of Prometheus (2012). Should have been the new Ripley.
shareI think that's what they were afraid of. They kind of lost control of Alien when it became a vehicle for Sigourney Weaver and I don't think they wanted to repeat that "mistake".
sharePossibly. I understand what you mean.
I heard (from youtube commenters so a mountain of salt is to be taken here) that Rapace asked for too much money to return so they axed her.
Well I would have preferred her return over Ridley Scott's, given that she at least gave a more passionate performance in Prometheus than what dreck Scott cooked up in Covenant. The film was incoherent, a complete retread of the first Alien, and had none of the thrills or memorable action from Aliens (2).
It was basically what The Force Awakens was to A New Hope.
If that were the case, they could have just cut 1/2 or more of the cast they with and paid her. I agree, she was great in Prometheus, and I was very much looking forward the continuation with her. Covenant was such a lazy, sterile nothing.
shareTotally agree !!!! Couldn't have said it better than you did , such a pity.
shareBecause Ridley Scott failed to expand on Dr. Shaw's bogus motivation to find the Engineers home world to "get an explanation" on why they wanted to destroy mankind. I always hated this presumption she made in Prometheus because her boyfriend got infected by Engineer "goo" and it destroyed him and it subsequently messed up her uterus.