MovieChat Forums > Harry & Meghan: The Complete Story (2022) Discussion > The most hilarious part. Her fake blackn...

The most hilarious part. Her fake blackness

There were few episodes in episode 2 which were truly hilarious at how ignorant she is. And I still wonder why any black person bows to her like she is their leader. Its embarrassing. She is not black. She is fake black who uses that for her gain. Basically we have very rich white woman who used oppression and suffering of black black people for personal gain.

- Ep 2 around 16 minute. After her graduation one woman at the parking lot called her mom N-word. Meghan says: "I never in my life heard the N-word. Very different to be a minority but never be treated as a minority. Now people are very aware of my race. Because they made it such an issue when I went to UK. But before that most people didnt treat me as a black woman. So that talk never happened to me".

Yes, you heard that right. Meghan was 18 years old and no one ever treated her as a black woman! Because she looks and is white. And all her life she was treated as white woman. But after she left UK she suddenly started identify herself as black and scream "Oppression" ))))
Why do black people dont call her out on that is beyond me.

- Ep 2. Around 38 minute. Her agent says he met her in 2007. He says he didnt know she was bi-racial. He thought she was sun-kissed California, with freckles. He doesnt remember when he found out. And when he did - he started to send her out for black roles )))))

But sometimes he would send pictures and casting people would say: "What you mean?" And he said: "Well she is biracial, her mom is black. And they would say: "No, she doesnt!"

You cant make this up. )))) I can imagine their eye role and laugh when agent send them pictures of white girl to audition for some black roles.

Again, Meghan, being white-passing girl who never ever thought was black - auditioned for black roles to steal them from actual black people. When she had her white privilege card. And now she wont shut up for a second that she is black and oppressed because of that.

- And there was hilarious moment when Harry declared that he is proud to be father of biracial children. Yes, he thinks that his two white ginger kids are black or something. Even tho they are whiter then him. And honestly growing up in that family I wont be surprised that those kids will grow up and start throwing black cared everywhere claiming they are "black and oppressed". "We have black grandma, ya’ll. Look at my passport, Give me role of Whitney Houston and Malcolm X now. Or you are racists".


Oh, so you're one of those far right white trolls who get uncomfortable when people talk about race. Great *eyeroll*. Let me add you to the ignore list. BTW, you seem to be obsessed with people you claim to hate. All the topics here are started by you.


You must be one of those woke cowards that covers their ears and runs away every time there is a conversation that requires exchange of views ))))

I dont hate them. I just dont like them for their hypocrisy and lying. Im not obsessed with them I just watched that series because it was advertised everywhere and made my opinion on what I saw )))

I noticed sad pattern that many tv shows and movies dont have that mush comments on this site despite many people are being here. There are too many topics. Honestly I thought there would be more people commenting on this show as there were on Twitter and news sites.

And there are many posts because many different subjects had to be cowered. Cant put them on one post.


Not many people at all. The original IMDB site had many more and even obscure movies had plenty of comments.


It's funny how clowns like this Argentinian actually think it's some kind of threat to be put on their "ignore" list. Seriously, who the fuck cares? Please put me on your ignore list, dude!


So in episode 3 one of her henchmen repeated same hilarious thing she once said. I assume she likes to repeat it in her circle. He said, I quote: "And yet there was a woman who just looked like most of the people in the Commonwealth. Meghan represented something".

Yes, Meghan Markle and her henchmen really think that she looks exactly like people in Africa and India )))) Same Meghan who was laughed at by casting directors in Hollywood when her agent send her pictures to get her to audition for black roles. They said: "What do you mean she is black?" And he said: "She is biracial, her mother is black". And they said: "No she isnt".

Even in race obsessed Hollywood no one thought and treated her as bi-racial because she looks white. And kicked her out when she wanted to audition for black roles. But she keeps insisting that people in Africa will see her white rich privilege arse and associate themselves with her )))

And this point black people should start calling her out for that mockery. Its disrespectful.


You shouldn't tell black people what to do.

Black people come in all shapes, sizes and colors. Some "white" people you're sharing a racist joke with can be black.

Meghan made it clear that she was biracial in school and her former blog.

It's obvious that she experienced racism when her child is referred to as monkey and newspapers created nonsense about her living in a ghetto. You also wouldn't be mentioning race at all if you weren't very aware of her blackness.

Casting agents have stereotypes about how people should look and cast roles based on them. Meghan doesn't fit the stereotype for a black woman (too light), a biracial woman (too light) nor a white woman (too dark). Her acting career was always going to be hampered by racism in the industry.



I think she saw it coming.


meegan does not look white or black.

she look like indian woman - south asians. or maybe hispanic/oriental. should could pass for arab too.


Kardashians and Jenners dont look white with all the tan and make up on their faces. You can look at them and think they are exotic, spanish. But they are white )))

Her own agent says in the show that didnt knew she was mixed race for a while until she told him. He thought she was sun kissed and had freckles.

There are two kinds of people that come out from black and white parents. The ones like Zendaya with more european features of their faces. But their skin is a little darker so they can pass for black in USA. And those like Halsey, Meghan, Wenworth Miller who look completely white. And only have curly hair. And people look at them and think they are white people with tan. And are being shocked when they say they have black parent.

If no one knew that Meghan had black parent, say she was adopted by white couple, then no one ever would suspect and everyone would think she is white. Because thats how she looks.
















"There are two kinds of people that come out from black and white parents."

Not true. You're stereotyping.

Why are you so desperate for Meghan to be white when she's clearly biracial?


Curly hair does not equal black. You do know there are white people with black curly hair?

Brown eyes do not equal black. There are white people with brown eyes.

If you see child with curly black hair and brown eyes it does not mean they are black.

Look at the picture. There is only one black person in there. Its her mother. Color of Meghans skin matches her fathers color.

White children who go to beaches in the Summer have the same skin tone as Meghan does. White british women who go to tan salon have same skin color. Thats why no one even thought she was black or biracial when she grew up and was in Hollywood. Everyone thought she was ordinary white woman with freckles and sun tan. As everyone in Hollywood looks like these days.

Mixed raced people become so common in USA that they basically white washed black people. They get whiter and whiter, but use that black card to get oppression status. And everyone treats them as if they are black. And Hollywood hires people like Zendaya when they need "black actor". While she is very light skin and her face features are not black. But she gets the pass.

And eventually people start to call "black" every person with a tan who declares they have black parent. Like Meghan does. That why Rachel Dolezal could fool people so easily by just having curly hair and go to tan salon. Because people in USA are so used to tanned people to be called black. Rachel Dolezal would not fool anyone if she would show up in Africa with that fake tan and declare she is black. Because actual black people have dark skin and different facial features.

My point is that Meghan took white genes from her father that overpowered black genes of her mother. And she should stop pretending she is black. She does not even look biracial. Zendaya looks biracial. She doesnt. She gave birth to two whitest ginger kids. Her black genes are gone.








Your stereotyping is silly. She's black or biracial. Not white. African-American is also a culture.


Whats the obsession with black? Like if you can claim she is black because her one parent is black then with that logic I can claim she is white because her one parent is white ))))

Its actually very interesting. When you see all those mixed raced celebrities who proclaim they are black when in reality they can easily go and proclaim they are white and it will be truth.

Like why on earth you would proclaim "She's black or biracial.". She is white also. Literally. Her daddy is white. Why on earth she is going and claiming that she is black? Whats the reason except scoring woke and oppression points among woke press? She never presented herself as black woman until she and Harry left for Hollywood. Then she suddenly was born-again-black-woman.

Mixed-raced people should be called and identified as mixed-raced people. Because technically when they are light skinned and european features like Zendaya - they are neither black nor white. They are mixed. But they cant use oppressed minority card being mixed so they declare themselves black. Basically stealing from real black people. Mainly roles.


Historically, legally and culturally in the U.S., Meghan is black or biracial. Not white.

*Under legislation for slavery, Meghan would be a slave.
*Under legislation for Jim Crow, Meghan would be forbidden to attend white schools or use a white water fountain.
*Under legislation for miscegenation, Meghan would be forbidden to marry a white man.

"The one-drop rule is a legal principle of racial classification that was prominent in the 20th-century United States. It asserted that any person with even one ancestor of black ancestry ("one drop" of "black blood") is considered black.

In 20th-century America, the concept of the one-drop rule has been primarily applied by white Americans to those of sub-Saharan black African ancestry, when some whites were trying to maintain some degree of overt or covert white supremacy."


Like you do know that we live in year 2022 and not 1850 or 1302?

If she lived in year 1850 and was product of relationship of slave and white person (or there were black people that were fee at some states) and her parents would not tell anyone and her white daddy would send her to city and say she is his daughter they she would live her life as white woman and no one would suspect a thing and treat her as white person. Because she looks white and its not like they would do dna test.

There were Spanish and Portuguese colonists in USA that look darker then her. And people back then very well knew what real black person looked like. Not that generations mixing people that there is USA.

If she would live in South Africa during apartheid time and her parents would too dont say she has black parents and pretend she has white patents - she would easily live as white person.

And I sure there were a lot of whose white passing children during slavery that were product of slave-white person relationship or graping. And owner had to so something with then when slave woman gives birth to white passing child. They could live them there and I assume thy took them either to house or move to be raised in another place where no one knew they were half black.


Racism persists.

Until recently, Irish, Italians, Greeks and Jews were NOT considered white. Arabs were considered white, but treated like POC by white people, so they said they DON'T want to be classified as white anymore and want their own classificiation. Jews are treated like POC, too.

White Hispanics are still not considered white which is the reason you see them classified differently from other whites.

Legally, she would still be black. That's called passing or passing for white, but she can't pass for white because her hair is kinky and her skin is tan, not pinkish.

Anyway, her white father would have kept her a slave which was the normal thing to do.

Race is a social construct. In the U.S., she is black or biracial. It's not possible to have a black parent and be white in the U.S..

Other countries define race differently. Remember, race is a social construct!
In South Africa, she would be Colored (aka: mixed), not white nor black.


No one in Europe payed any attention to skin color that much until American lefties made such craziness around that with their White Savior complex. At this point they need help.

No one in Europe considered Irish, Italians, Greeks, Spanish and Jews "not white" or something. They were all Europeans. Its the White American Lefties with their obsession with race who always do that.

Again - white people have curly hair since forever. That is not something that was invented by black americans. And no - no one thought they were black in Europe because of that ))) That the thing they do in America I assume? When they see white person with curly hair they automatically assume those are mixed race?

Americans need to stop being so obsessed with race. At this point its just ridiculous. Americans are the most richest and privileged nation on earth. Black americans who scream "oppression" looks really ridiculous considering most of them live in their own house, have cars and iphones. People in many-many other countries dont. In the eyes of whole world black Americans are as privileged as all Americans.


Europeans created racism, colorism, antisemitism, white supremacy and white-skinned privilege with their promotion of the Atlantic Slave Trade, land theft, colonization, Holocaust, Spanish Inquisition, etc.. Europeans created the concept of race which lead to its obsession.

Europeans are notorious for committing genocide against other Europeans. Armenians, Jews, Romani, Russians, Chechens, etc.. And now the Russians are trying to ethnic cleanse the Ukrainians.

"No one in Europe considered Irish, Italians, Greeks, Spanish and Jews "not white""
LOL! You need to speak to Southern Italians, Greeks and Jews living in Europe.

Meghan has 4A kinky hair which is rare for whites. Whites with curly hair tend to have 3A or 3B with a finer hair strand:
Meghan's hair appears "curly" in some photos because she likely put hair gel in it to loosen the texture. Even 4C hair will become curly with hair gel.

Actually, the entire world knows that black people in America are oppressed by whites which is the reason they joined the BLM Movement after George Floyd's murder and began their own movements in their countries.


Like you do know that right now in Africa black people are killing each other in endless wars, right? Its like every other country in there have some sort of civil war or fight with rebels and it never stops. But no one cares since they are far away and dont come to another continents.

Like do you know that Native Americans kept killing each other in wars? Its kinda racist for you to not know that.

This is the way of life of humans. This is who they are. They were fighting and killing each other for all the existence.

Russians give bad name to white people. Please exclude them from whites. ))))

Meghan has freckles, Jusus. Black people dont have freckles. What with this kinky thing? Again - white people have curly hair. And no - no one think they are black because of that.

Entire world has been sick of that endless whining from black Americans and their white saviors-masters. Those woke clowns shamed world into submission with that guilt shame and politics and few European woke idiots bend their knee for few weeks in solidarity. Mostly because they were afraid that blacks would start crushing things and loot stores in European cities. Then they moved on. No one cares about your police shooting your black criminals.

Black people in America are privileged beyond believe. They have everything they want and lots of free stuff. Because they are lucky enough to be born in a country that Europeans build. So they have that along with their passport ticket. Yet they are ungrateful and still whine and whine.

Real black people in Africa cant stand those black Americans with their constant whining and "oppression Olympics". There are so many poor people in the world who truly suffer. They dont have anything to eat, where to live. And then come those black Amerians with their iphones, cars and houses and white how THEY are poor and oppressed souls ))) You really are so self-centered in USA that you dont see how privileged you are. You have "American Privilege".


More racist nonsense from you.

You have a crush on Prince Harry, but he chose a black woman and now you're upset.


Ok, at this point I dont even know if you are trolling ))))

Just stop with that illusion of "black princess" which you obviously have. Prince and princess is stupid anyway.

At this point its just pathetic.


You didn't deny it. And you're obsessed with her even though BOTH appear in the series.


Honestly I dont understand why white woke people in USA is so obsessed to put this white rich privileged woman into "oppressed category" and then feel sorry for her. There are a lot of actual poor black people that need help, not white multimillionaires.

Same with constantly feeling sorry for "oppressed" multimillionaire black celebrities like Oprah, Serena, Jay-Z, Will Smith and other. They fly on private jets and live in 15 millions dollars homes. They are not oppressed - they are privileged. As no person (black or white) should have that much money.

I dont think that any black non-woke person think that Meghan is black and deserves her "woke oppression card". They would laugh at that nonsense.


You're stereotyping, again. You're equating being black with poverty.

Black people who are wealthy are also victims of racism like Obama and Tulsa.

Meghan is also a victim of colorism.

"They would laugh at that nonsense."
Black people don't laugh about white racism.


I dont think that any black non-woke person think that Meghan is black and deserves her "woke oppression card". They would laugh at that nonsense.


If you think that Meghan Markle is black then go and let her try to play the role of Whitney Houston, Michelle Obama, Beyonce, Serena Willliams, role in Wakanda tribe, playing alongside Viola Davies in Woman Kings and see how real black people would laugh and scream white-washing )))

That all you need to know how "black" she is.


If you think that Meghan Markle is white then go and let her try to play the role of Britney Spears, Jackie Kennedy, Loretta Lynn, Chris Everett Lloyd, role in Nazi Party, playing alongside Elle Fanning as Russian Empress Catherine the Great and see how real white people would laugh and scream "Woke!"

That all you need to know how "white" she is.


Not one person will have problem with that ))) No one.

She cap play Birtney Spears all she wants as they have same skin color.


No, they don't. Britney is pinkish. Meghan is light brown.

Anyway, I win this argument since Meghan left acting after she couldn't get "white" or "black" roles which I mentioned in a previous post.


What do you mean "left acting after she couldn't get". She left her career as a D-list actress when she grabbed Harry.


No, she didn't. She couldn't get the roles she wanted. Her goal was to be a movie star - not a D-list actress.

Her new "career" move was to land a rich guy. She asked a friend to introduce her to a rich British guy. A friend did introduce her to a guy, but then another friend introduced her to a royal which was better. She ended up ghosting the first guy and the matchmaker friend.


You're right.

She is ugly enough to be biracial (it's a joke and you can take it how you want).

This is NOT black. PERIOD. Multiracial, biracial, whatever. But NOT BLACK.,c_limit/gettyimages-906665902.jpg

Her skin is whiter than mine.

Could she had been discriminated based on the fact that she is multiracial? Sure.

I'm discriminated for being an east European immigrant with a strong accent. Does that make me black??? Everyone that is discriminated for some reason is black???

Get the fuck out.


"I'm discriminated for being an east European immigrant with a strong accent."

Of course, you are! Western Europeans look down upon Eastern Europeans. And Europeans with light features consider Europeans with dark features to be inferior.

Emori - "No one in Europe payed any attention to skin color...".

No one in Europe considered Irish, Italians, Greeks, Spanish and Jews "not white" or something. They were all Europeans."

My response:
"LOL! You need to speak to Southern Italians, Greeks and Jews living in Europe."

"Europeans are notorious for committing genocide against other Europeans. Armenians, Jews, Romani, Russians, Chechens, etc.. And now the Russians are trying to ethnic cleanse the Ukrainians.

Eastern Europeans aren't black. You're treated like you are. Marginalized.

She has light brown skin:

In the U.S., biracial = black.


"No one in Europe considered Irish, Italians, Greeks, Spanish and Jews "not white" or something. They were all Europeans."

And here you don't understand the problem. I'm not discriminated for "not being white". I'm discriminated based on culture and differences in language/accent.

If I would had been born in USA (or Western Europe) and those differences would not be visible NO ONE would give a shit about my skin color, I would still be white.

"In the U.S., biracial = black."

Nope, even in the US biracial = biracial.


"No one in Europe ..." isn't my quote. It was Emori's.

"I'm discriminated based on culture and differences in language/accent."
As are all ethnic whites in the U.S..

"If I would had been born in USA"
In the U.S., Eastern Europeans are considered lower than WASPs. It depends which country since there's a pecking order. For instance, Poles are considered lower than Hungarians. Italians are considered lower than Poles.

"those differences would not be visible NO ONE would give a shit about my skin color, I would still be white."
You mean that you would have white-skinned privilege.

I also assume you're hoping to pass for a WASP.

White ethnics have complained to me about their treatment. It depends what your ethnicity is and your actual skin color. You sounded swarthy since light brown Meghan is lighter than you. When Greek Dukakis was running for president, WASPy George Bush pointed out Dukakis' swarthy complexion to remind people that he wasn't a real white person, therefore don't vote for him - a type of race-baiting.

Biracial people were historically subjected to the same exact racist laws and discrimination as other black people, therefore biracial = black.

““Not Quite White”: Arabs, Slavs, and Whiteness in the U.S."


Everyone looks down upon everyone everywhere ))) Welcome to real world.

Americans look down to everyone. Thats why many people dont like them. Countries in Latin America looks down at each other. Countries in Africa look down at each other. Countries in Asia look down at each other.


You admit you're wrong about European bigotry.


You lost in our argument. But thank you it was interesting to argue with you.


Emori yesterday:
"No one in Europe payed any attention to skin color".

No one in Europe considered Irish, Italians, Greeks, Spanish and Jews "not white" or something. They were all Europeans."

Emori today:
"Everyone looks down upon everyone everywhere"

You're a confused mess contradicting yourself.

"You lost in our argument."
More confusion from you.


When I first saw her, I mistook her for being Spanish or Italian. Had no idea she had any black genes in her until they mentioned at the wedding she was biracial. Then I saw the black preacher and all the black Brits attending the wedding (never seen that many cornows at a British royal wedding before) and I knew she was gonna be trouble. I was not wrong.


yes she does not black. she does not look bi race like hallie barry or obama. she does not look black at all. and her attitide stinks. she is drama queen.

i dont know what prince herry sees in her.


Based on what I read, she did everything she could to convince him she was a reincarnation of his mother. She wore Diana's favorite perfume to their supposedly "blind date," she pretended to like all the same things Diana and Harry both liked, she made him feel special, and she blew his mind away with sex. He was so stupid and desperate (especially after being turned down by two other women), he took the bait and was wrapped around her finger in less than a few months. He was so enthralled by her that when his family warned him to slow down with the relationship, he took it the wrong way and interpreted their cautious behavior around her as "racism" like she had trained him to think. Meghan also played on Harry's regret that he couldn't protect his mom when he was a kid, and that he shouldn't make the same mistake with her, the "reincarnation" of his mom. She truly manipulated him into believing the press would treat her the exact same way they treated Diana, despite all the protection and laws that were written to protect royals from that very issue. He fell for that BS as quickly as he fell under her spell while she served him "roast chicken" (look it up in the Urban Dictionary).


she marry a prince. a ginger prince. a ginger english prince with that funny regal accents! this is every girl dream! im sure she use every trick in book to achieve dream. she is envy of most woman. and she is actress. and actress know how to maneouver and get what they wants from man with performance.

"She wore Diana's favorite perfume to their supposedly "blind date," she pretended to like all the same things Diana and Harry both liked,"

hahahahahahahahahahah! seriouslys? what psycho! they will be divorce within 5-10 year when he meet younger blonde american bimbo and meegans look hit wall in mid to late 40s . all man like him do this!


I'm sorry...she's black? 🤣
