MovieChat Forums > 22 Jump Street (2014) Discussion > So Jonah Hill punching a girl is funny b...

So Jonah Hill punching a girl is funny because????

In the trailer they show Jonah Hill punching a girl as hard as he can. I'm no feminist but that clearly was not funny. Why is it suddenly ok for this to be a joke?


Wait, so I thought women wanted "equality". So you're telling us even in MOVIES girls cannot be hit by men because they are girls? That doesn't sound like equality to me. that sounds like favoritism. What a surprise there..

So women hitting men in the balls = Funny. Women hitting men = funny.

It doesn't matter if the guy is 10 feet tall, a hit to the balls by a 4 year old girl will put a man down.

But hitting a female in a comedic way on movie = NOPE, ZOMG SEXISM DON'T HIT GIRLS ZOMG DOMESTIC VIOLENCE ZOMG..

STFU idiots.


It was totally necessary to have Jonah Hill punch a girl...because Chris Brown wasn't available to do it.


I may be wrong but I think that girl was a villain and tried to attack him first...if anything it's sexist to say that female characters can't be evil.


OP, go watch the film and this specific scene in its ENTIRETY before actually causing an "up-roar" over an actor PRETENDING to hit another ACTOR in the face.

The chick TELLS him to hit her, he is reluctant and doesn't want to BECAUSE she's a girl.


It's funny as fvck


It's a brilliant scene:


By the way in real life I would 100% definitely knock a female out if I felt she was endangering my life (she has a gun in the film) however I would never physically harm a woman even if she was beating on me. I'd restrain, never it.

Regarding domestic abuse. My dad has suffered this from his now ex-wife. Domestic abuse against men from women is MORE common and they are also more likely to be able to get away with it.

In my fathers case, the neighbour called the cops. They came into the house, arrested by dad who's face was covered in bruises and left my drunken abusive step-mum with my 10 year old sister alone in the house whilst my dad had to give a statement purely because he'd "pushed" his wife off of him when she was punching his face.

Since then the police have reviewed each statement. Realized they made a mistake and charges are now being put against my ex step-mum. Domestic abuse against men is all to real and the law is biast towards females on the matter.

It's pathetic.


You're judging it by one clip from the trailer that has given no context?! Watch the movie and then judge!
I watched the movie the other day and in the context of the story it is hilarious!

'You people. If there isn't a movie about it, it's not worth knowing, is it?'


many things that are not funny in life are funny in comedy. people punched, falling in a way that in real life they would break their bones, car accidents, being arrested etc.
and yes its also about a context. it was said that it is wrong to punch girls because girls are weaker. but if they have a character that is a strong and great it fighting, it would be etc.

and note to the few who bitched about feminism here: the OP said s/he is not a feminist. and i am and it is me who finds it funny.


Feminist don't want equality, they want special treatment.


lol :)












I'm intrigued. What "type" is that?
