MovieChat Forums > 22 Jump Street (2014) Discussion > So Jonah Hill punching a girl is funny b...

So Jonah Hill punching a girl is funny because????

In the trailer they show Jonah Hill punching a girl as hard as he can. I'm no feminist but that clearly was not funny. Why is it suddenly ok for this to be a joke?


My problem with this is, that men beating up on women is all too common, and becoming more so. If you doubt me, check out the newspapers.
So the more we see it in movies, the more it becomes normalized, like this is okay. And there are circles in society where slapping your woman around is perfectly fine, and the women have so little self respect that they don't even know it's not cool.
I would say that movies have some responsibility to try to improve our culture, instead of dragging us all down lower.


My problem with this is, that men beating up on women is all too common, and becoming more so.

False. Statistically men are the victims of the most crime. Rather it be murder, assault, burglary,etc by an epically huge margin.

The only thing where the victims are dominantly women is domestic violence. However this is due to the fact men don't report it. If every single male actually called the cops when a woman would hit them then it'd be closer to a 50/50. Considering statistics show that over 40% of the time women actually initiate the domestic dispute. (IE: Hitting first)


My problem with this is, that men beating up on women is all too common, and becoming more so. If you doubt me, check out the newspapers.

Whaat? People still use those??

INTERSTELLAR - Mankind was born on Earth. It was never meant to die here.


What!?!, there's a joke about punching a chick in the face? I'm definitely seeing this.
Sorry but some c@nts deserved to be punched in the face, but because of this thing called the law, I rather see it in full glory in movies whenever I can and laugh my ass off.


I would love to watch a woman get punched. About time.



It's his delivery of the hit and his reaction to it. Its not the actual hitting thats funny. If he just hit her and called it a day, it would of been shocking. Since he hit her and acted like a fool, it was funny.



In the movie it's the context which it is what makes it funny. I'll put a spoiler tag if you don't want the ending spoiled.

They are fighting because the girl is a suspect. Jonah's character refuses to punch her because he doesn't want to punch girls. Then the girl agrivates him into punching. Then they take turns punching each other. Suddenly the girl wants to kiss Jonah. They argue about who wanted to kiss who, then they fight to a bedroom which she falls on. She says "Are you gonna fight me or *beep* me?" Which makes the whole situation awkward again. The whole fight scene is awkward an funny really. The fact that she's a girl and Jonah's character doesn't feel comfortable hitting a girl makes it funny.

I know it doesn't sound funny on paper. But almost nothing does. You just need to understand the full context.


Actually I thought there would be some context to it, still a scary out of it though !!


