MovieChat Forums > About Time (2013) Discussion > IMO, the worst movie ever... Let me elab...

IMO, the worst movie ever... Let me elaborate.

I don't write a lot here, as I believe there are much smarter and more eloquent people who can give better reviews of the movies. But I felt compelled after watching this catastrophy of a movie. I can see why it is so popular - it ticks all the boxes with the dialogues and the situations characters are put in, for a romantic movie. Problem is, they all seem like they are shoved down your throat, with no subtlety, or even intelligence. I could not believe that the director, or the actors for that fact, thought that what they were doing would look and sound good, and believable, for us viewers. Male lead - totally miscast. He looks like a 16 year old kid, and there was absolutely no chemistry whatsoever between him and R. McAdams at any point of the movie. Everything seemed so rushed, out of place, not one situation seemed natural. R. McAdams seemed so plastic, usually I like her in such movies (I've seen the Notebook and the Vow, and I watch many of the movies like this, so it's not like I hate the genre). It seemed like she was trying so much to be this likable, innocent, a bit goofy girl, with a big smile, "look at me, I'm so nice and everybody should like me", that it was extremely irritating and not natural at all. I honestly doubt that she can really act, outside of movies like this. It seems like she is not even trying any more. The situations they went through, the proposal, all the efforts from the guy, it all seemed so rushed and again, not natural, with no chemistry, that it seemed like a generic movie with no soul, like they wanted to put great locations, dialogues that just seemed smart and actors that all would like, and mix it up in this horrible, horrible mix that should be a movie. It's like some music these days - generic, like being made by a computer algorithm in which you put some characteristics in and then you have a new hit that masses will like, and it will top the charts for couple of weeks, and then it will dissapear forever. Terrible, just terrible. And why I say it's the worst ever? Of course, there are many who could fit that description. But since they had a huge budget for this, it is an embarrasment with what they came up with. The director, the writer(s), and the actors. So here are my two cents on the movie, hope I don't get bashed too much but it is my opinion, and if you don't like it, hey, were all entitled to have one. Cheers.


You gave your own review about as much effort and respect as any of the rest of us should, which is to say none at all.


Well, while some of the these opinions are quite stupid and foolish in all aspects and perspectives which I would simply call BS and hope you don't post until humanity has invented a device of which would explode in you head if you say something stupid, if not all of them.

Ever seen a real movie that shoves stuff down your throat? How about anchorman 2? I understand your underlying point about miscast which I totally don't agree with in this circumstance even though I have the exact same opinion about brad pitt in nearly every one of his films. Male lead was appropriately chosen, if not perfectly, wasn't gonna win any oscars but appropriate, plus I'm basing this argument on OP's definition of 'miscast', as miscast doesn't happen 99% of the time if the film wasn't based on an actual published project already viewed by audiences previously, but if you argue that this is the 1%, fine.

While an amusing description of generic music in offensive stereotypical language which I actually think stands valid, out of all the romantic movies, this one has no soul? It's like saying out of all the boring single lined games in the world, the original Mario has no playability even though hundreds of hours could be potentially wasted on it. In the end, you can't compare movie and music, there's no set algorithm to producing a hit film, you might be able to do it with pop music because there are some people out there who, no offense, 'digs sick beat'.

And forgive my objection to the 'the whole thing's rushed' point of yours, while it definitely is a more than common mistake in many films, I doubt you can slow this film down and still make it enjoyable, as for the chemistry problem, the movie isn't one of the typical romantic film in which cliches such as 'chemistry' could be seen (no offence to all other movies in the same genre), this one portrays a particularly mature aspect of a couple's love life in which I agree, could be a chemistry killer, as they become a family rather than a couple, additionally what really stood out was Tim's interactions with the rest of his family members, in which a major part of the film was about saving kit-kat.

What bothers me most is the 'worst ever' comment, while the film did get a huge budget, how on earth is that related to the quality of the film do you blame a drama film for getting too much budget? If you're just trying to single it out, fine, watch RIPD.

And this is how you make paragraphs.


IMO - hopefully still allowed here...

not the worst movie ever...fairly mediocre.
Nighy was great..
Gleeson was ok..
Gleeson and Nighy together were great...
Mcdams.. seemed forced...when Gleeson and McAdams were together.. I always felt they were acting, trying to be funny and cute... I never could get past that...

interesting storyline...
a 5 from me


Wow! no paragraph. such confusion. much disagree!


Hahahaha! Never thought I'd see a Doge meme without the actually Doge but this is amazing.

You heart me? What is that? Is that like I love you for pussies?


Paragraphs or GTFO



While I disagree with the OP that this is the worst movie ever, I think people are being really hard on him (I'm gonna assume OP is a him since the OP's reaction seems like a very masculine response to this film).

The film does seem forced and rushed. At times the time travel element feels almost incidental and gimmicky rather than central to the plot. Also the fact is, the film's strongest emotional crux has more to do with his relationship with his father, and to a degree his sister, and yet the film chooses to focus more on his romantic relationship which somewhat falls flat. The leads don't have awfully much chemistry as has been pointed out here.

This film also has some very dangerous messages for men out there. It presents a relationship where the protagonist acting like a "nice guy" actually gets him ahead. In real life that angle almost never works. I'm not saying one must be a total jerk, but anyone with an astute knowledge of female sexuality and psychology would understand that the nice guy angle is an instant turn off (and it shows with the lack of on-screen chemistry between the two leads). When Kit Kat says "a nice guy, you mean boring?" she has a point. That is how women tend to think. The movie, however, doesn't seem to understand this.


You maybe should keep your opinions to yourself!
