MovieChat Forums > About Time (2013) Discussion > IMO, the worst movie ever... Let me elab...

IMO, the worst movie ever... Let me elaborate.

I don't write a lot here, as I believe there are much smarter and more eloquent people who can give better reviews of the movies. But I felt compelled after watching this catastrophy of a movie. I can see why it is so popular - it ticks all the boxes with the dialogues and the situations characters are put in, for a romantic movie. Problem is, they all seem like they are shoved down your throat, with no subtlety, or even intelligence. I could not believe that the director, or the actors for that fact, thought that what they were doing would look and sound good, and believable, for us viewers. Male lead - totally miscast. He looks like a 16 year old kid, and there was absolutely no chemistry whatsoever between him and R. McAdams at any point of the movie. Everything seemed so rushed, out of place, not one situation seemed natural. R. McAdams seemed so plastic, usually I like her in such movies (I've seen the Notebook and the Vow, and I watch many of the movies like this, so it's not like I hate the genre). It seemed like she was trying so much to be this likable, innocent, a bit goofy girl, with a big smile, "look at me, I'm so nice and everybody should like me", that it was extremely irritating and not natural at all. I honestly doubt that she can really act, outside of movies like this. It seems like she is not even trying any more. The situations they went through, the proposal, all the efforts from the guy, it all seemed so rushed and again, not natural, with no chemistry, that it seemed like a generic movie with no soul, like they wanted to put great locations, dialogues that just seemed smart and actors that all would like, and mix it up in this horrible, horrible mix that should be a movie. It's like some music these days - generic, like being made by a computer algorithm in which you put some characteristics in and then you have a new hit that masses will like, and it will top the charts for couple of weeks, and then it will dissapear forever. Terrible, just terrible. And why I say it's the worst ever? Of course, there are many who could fit that description. But since they had a huge budget for this, it is an embarrasment with what they came up with. The director, the writer(s), and the actors. So here are my two cents on the movie, hope I don't get bashed too much but it is my opinion, and if you don't like it, hey, were all entitled to have one. Cheers.


well it was a film with no great ambition, other than to be a bit of romcom entertainment, so it sort of did well to hit you as the worst film ever. You must have been hurt once by something you saw in the film, I can empathise though, since I've seen stuff that hurt me done by characters and it's ended up annoying me.


I concur with most of your assessment which is thorough and on the mark and am glad you felt compelled to share your thoughts. My chief beefs with this film is that the chemistry between the two leads is non-existent and the characters - as hard as they try - are just not that interesting. I didn't find myself rooting for anyone, sadly. Given the premise and nonlinear storyline it's a very discombobulating experience, with no substantive payoff. Some parts might have been cute but they didn't come even close to eliciting a laugh for me. Every time this has been on, I tried very hard to watch it - due to many great reviews and the fact that I kept dozing off. Simply put, it's excruciating to watch. Maybe with better editing, each episode wouldn't feel like an eternity? Rather than feeling enriched when I finally got to the end, I felt (okay, I won't say bereft) meh...but now I'm free!!! It's not the worst movie I've seen as there are too many rotten movies I've endured, many of more epic proportions. Also, I must commend the inclusion of some good songs on the soundtrack like Ben Folds and the Cure and am truly glad some people appreciated this film because I usually like Richard Curtis productions and hope he'll serve up other great films in the future. For now, I've exhausted too much effort on this pointless movie and am done forever, never to return. Yay!


IMO, the worst movie ever... Let me elaborate.

No, don't bother. There's no need to even read your post. "The worst movie ever" is ridiculous hyperbole, and indicates you have NO knowledge of film history whatsoever. Hence, your opinion is invalid and ill-informed.

I delete all private messages without reading them, so don't waste your time.


Lack of chemistry at any point during the movie, you say? (And from hereon in we shall speak cryptically so as to avoid dropping spoilers.) How 'bout 'Love is blind' and often found in the depths of each others souls whilst in the dark? Electrifying chemistry was there.

As for Rachel, two things: cynically speaking, you could say was hired on as a lure for the USA to join in with the primarily UK cast to draw audiences both here and there. As for her phoning it in, (making it look easy), Why Walter Brennan would have to agree when asked once to give advice to young actors: "By all means learn how to act, but don't let anyone catch you doing it."


Yes this is the worst, EVERY movie made by ASYLUM is better than this and you are retarded. Hope the attention you received helped out, now go watch Sharknado 2.



For me, Tom Hollander's (Harry's) scenes were the only ones worth watching again. The story overall was a little dull.


Luckily your formatting saved me from actually reading whatever drivel you actually wrote.

You can go die now.


Worst movie ever? You must not have seen David Lynch's Inland Empire.
Or Highlander II: The Quickening.
Or Breaking the Waves.
Or The Cabin Boy.
Or Soldier.

I'll agree with you that the Mary character is a bit underwritten. There are also a couple plot holes. And perhaps Tim doesn't use his power the way I would have.

But still, for what it is, it's an enjoyable film.
