Better than The Dark Knight Rises
Does anyone else think The Dark Knight Returns is better than The Dark Knight Rises?
I'm prepared to be the minority on this one. Just curious what others think.
Does anyone else think The Dark Knight Returns is better than The Dark Knight Rises?
I'm prepared to be the minority on this one. Just curious what others think.
The world is crazy, nuff said
Both movies are way better than The Dark Knight Rises.
In some ways I did yes.
shareI agree,
Dark Knight Rises was a huge disappointment for me.
After seeing this movie (I still haven't read the book, but plan on it) I can definitely see where "Rises" got A LOT of its inspiration to the point where my mind compares them and I'd have to say I think I like them both equally for different reasons.
"The Dark Knight Returns" (both parts) is definitely one of the best animated batman movies I've ever seen. While "The Dark Knight Rises" is a very solid, and entertaining conclusion to Christopher Nolan's version of Batman.
However, if you put a gun to my head and asked me to choose between both of them I think I'd have to go with "The Dark Knight Returns". I watched Returns Part 2 twice in a row, once in conjunction with part 1 on the 29th when I rented it, and again by itself the next day when it arrived from Amazon.
While I've only seen "Rises" twice, once in theaters and once since I got the Blu-ray.
Man I don't know why I like writing such long responses.
why was it a dissapointment to you? Or are you just being a *beep* troll who is one in 5 million who didnt like it. TDKR Was sick and though i hvent watched these yet(ijust bought them) I bet there good but TDKR wasnt bad in any shape or form. I'll throw it out there that its one of the best movies of 2012 and in terms of batman stories its in top 3 for sure. Mask of the Phantasm was the best and is the best animated Batman. We'll have to see how tdkreturns movies are tonight. But i bet in ur head u know tdkr wasnt a dissapointment.
share"why was it a dissapointment to you? Or are you just being a *beep* troll who is one in 5 million who didnt like it. TDKR Was sick and though i hvent watched these yet(ijust bought them) I bet there good but TDKR wasnt bad in any shape or form. I'll throw it out there that its one of the best movies of 2012 and in terms of batman stories its in top 3 for sure. Mask of the Phantasm was the best and is the best animated Batman. We'll have to see how tdkreturns movies are tonight. But i bet in ur head u know tdkr wasnt a dissapointment."
- so if you don't like the dark knight rises then you are automatically a troll?
GTFO you moron! opinions vary, you need to learn that or life will get tough down the road.
the dark knight rises was a steaming pile of crap
at least this cartoon has an emp after a nuke even if all the police had aim like storm troopers it was better than all the police losing their guns good god you just reminded me how bad the dark knight rises was
As much as I hate to use the term "real fan" I feel it's appropriate. Even if you like the Nolan movies no real Batman fan can say they liked Rises better than this.
share[/quote]Even if you like the Nolan movies no real Batman fan can say they liked Rises better than this.[/quote]
Thats stupid. I loved Part 1 (havent seen part 2), but its not on the same level as TDK trilogy. It is probably the best animated Batman movie.
Nolan Haters -
Is it? You're saying an awesome adaptation of what some would say is the best Batman story ever is not as good as what many are calling the weakest movie in the Nolan trilogy?
Look, I get the appeal of the movies and I know you're not saying Rises is better than the DKR comic book, but the cartoon is so close to the original that you might as well be saying that.
I know there's a huge fallacy in that argument so lets break it down.
Story- Returns has a better one. It's not even worth arguing even though I'll inevitably have to in the next sections.
Action- I did enjoy the action in Rises especially the parts where Batman wasn't talking, but there was just too little of it and I honestly think it was doen better in these two movies (even if old Bruce is basically dodging bullets or the GCPD has worse firearm training than Imperial Stormtroopers) And while we're on action Batman vs. Superman > Batman vs. Bane
Batman- Like the Nolan films this movie shows an alternate version of Batman. I happen to like the DKR Batman better than the Bale Batman. It's not just because I personally enjoy Peter Weller's voice more than Bale's cartoon growl that's more of a personal gripe, but because Batman in this story is written better. Sure both Batmen quit, but I think DKR Bat's reasoning is more justifiable. We're lead to believe his actions have gotten Jason Todd killed, a child who he was personally responsible for and there's the whole government anti-superhero ultimatum thing. Nolan tried to draw parallels to it with Rises, but in his story Bale has been Batman for less than a year, and Rachel Dawes dies. He hasn't really earned a break. Plus from a story standpoint Batman coming out of retirement wasn't necessary. Because we have to watch Bale get out of his funk to become Batman twice int he movie because of it, once at the beginning and again after he crawls out of the pit. It cheapens the whole "Rising" theme. And finally Returns actually had Batman in it for most of the movie.
I wont go into acting that much. I'm tired of explaining why I don't like Bale as Batman and to be fair voice acting and acting on film are two entirely different disciplines. And to be honest both films had very good casts.
It's a very good adaptation of the book, I'll agree, but I don't think it's awesome. They left the humor out almost completely, they didn't go with a full R rating so a lot of the more philosophical parts were omitted (the lunatic who killed people at the theater, the guy who pushed someone in front of a subway train, etc.). Frank Miller had a theme going with the book that I just don't think was fully emulated here, instead a lot was watered down to appeal to a wider audience.
That being said, Rises also suffered because Christopher Nolan was too heavily inspired by the comic books, so he used a lot of elements from The Dark Knight Returns and the Knightfall books in places in the movie that didn't need to be there.
Bottom line, for me, anyway, is that they are both very good movies with flaws, and considering the two I honestly don't feel like choosing. For me, too much was missing from the book in Returns to get the feel of what Miller was trying to do, and too much was added to Rises to mess up what Nolan originally was trying to do, with the far superior Dark Knight and Batman Begins movies. So, in my humble opinion, it was a draw.
My thoughts:
My book:
You didn't come here to make the choice, you're here to understand why you made it.
You´re wrong. I´ve been reading comics since the 80´s and i think Rises is better than The Dark Knight Returns.