I totally agree, I've been a longtime fan of any and all sci-fi made for TV and B movies, and while I found the overall concept and execution and production value of this particular film well above average compared to sci-fi originals and asylum flicks and the like, that part REALLY did stand out for how silly it was compared to the fairly serious tone they were attempting for the rest of the film.
This could have been handled in several different ways that would have been better. I really thought that the initially alluded to water vaporizer/freezer thing they were talking about in the beginning for the human trials etc... were foreshadowing for later; which I think could have worked better.
Like if the guy was there to both lend his engineering expertise to the "strange readings" as well as facilitate the field test for their new DEW and then maybe after the whole figuring out what the invisible aggressors were re-tuning the other experimental weapons (which could have plot-feasibly been provided in several varieties like man portable blasters as well as larger squad operated/artillery pieces) and then using THOSE against the 'hyperspectrals'.
This could have even been done with a minor change to PURELY the dialogue; like when the head honcho showed up to that bunker with the helos and "all our remaining supplies and men" he could have been like oh by the way your colleges at the DOD sent over all this stuff for us to field test shortly before the FOB got overrun, and then all the "laser guns" could have been tuned to counter the hyperspectral frequencies they got from the big camera earlier rather than the guy just cobbling them together from random scrap and electronics. The whole making laserguns montage could have then gone on exactly like it did; and made much much more sense with this super weapons engineer guy re-configuring the stuff he made in the first place.
It is extremely bizarre that this whole other advanced weapon thing with a SIMILAR opposite premise was hinted at earlier (opening scene is them vaporizing a block of ice; the mysterious enemy is freezing people to death) and never brought back in.
And also as I said earlier, the whole sudden macgyver montage did feel somewhat out of place considering the general overall tone of the film otherwise.