MovieChat Forums > V/H/S (2012) Discussion > Am I the only one who thinks this is ter...

Am I the only one who thinks this is terrible?

Please no hate here, I just want to voice my opinion. Anyway, I think this is one of the worst horror films I've ever seen, especially considering the "buzz" around it. None of this film, in my opinion, was even remotely scary, just the occasional "Thrill". Here's the layout for me:

Amateur Night - I liked the build up, but the drunkenness was incredibly annoying. It also felt too much like "been there, done that" and was just a simple creature feature. Sadly, this is one of the better ones.

2nd Honeymoon - Somewhat tense with the masked assailant, but absolutely terrible in regards to the ending, and so much filler. This entire clip could've been less than 5 minutes, and the impact would not have been any different.

Glitchman - Abysmal. The story was terrible, completely contrived, the effects were awful, the acting was a joke, and the entire creature or strange entity made no sense whatsoever. Overall, the worst in a horrendous line-up of found footage.

Strange Thing That Happened To Emily - This one could have actually been great, and it almost was. The tension kept mounting up pretty successfully, yet once again, the film took no interest in explaining or further investigating the happenings of the "aliens". Overall, the best one out of the anthology, but still disappointing.

Tape 56 - Sloppily done, with a completely predictable ending that was just dumb.

Haunted House - Again, could've been pretty good, but the potential was squandered with run-of-the-mill material, YET AGAIN no sufficient explanation, and one of the worst endings in the whole bunch.

Overall, I found this movie to be atrocious. Believe me, I do not go into this expecting the Academy Award for best original screenplay, but Jesus this was poorly executed. No connections were made between the tapes, the stories were overall just flat out bad, and the resolutions to each tape were horrible. No definitive conclusion or insight into what exactly is going on. I don't want my horror films to be spoonfed to me, but I also don't want everything to be left in complete ambiguity. 4/10, and that's being generous.


Nope. It is indeed amateurish and completely awful in every way a film can be awful.


Yes, it's terrible, but not that terrible. I've seen a lot of unwatchable movies, this one doesn't fall into that category. The story is too chaotic to keep up, but it doesn't really matter since this movie is all about replaying lost tapes. It's quite entertaining, despite of the fact that they overused sex affairs.


I just finished watching this movie, and honestly, for the life of me, can't even recall what Tape 56 was about.

Anyway, the first 15 minutes or so of this move was horrendous. I didn't think I was going to be able to endure anymore of this poorly shot film. Yet, somehow, I toughed it out. Actually, I must say, the movie grew on me a bit as I continued watching it, however that does not change the fact that the two hours runtime felt any less than 3 hours.

The first tape with the succubus was probably my favorite of the bunch. After you get past the annoying drunkenness and trying to figure out what exactly we're watching, things pick up when we discover the weird girl is a succubus. Stupid characters that don't know when to make a run though ultimately led this to fall far short from great. 6/10.

Glitchman, what an utter waste of time. Basically a Friday the 13th spoof, with Predator replacing Jason as our killer. At least Friday the 13th has a back story to it. This version just made absolutely no sense. 1.5/10

Skype scene: Had a semi-interesting premise, but utterly atrocious acting made it hard to watch. At points, this story was almost laughable when the little kid runs around in the background. The saving grace here is the concept, but we have no idea why the boyfriend is working with aliens. 5/10.

Honeymoon: This story felt like it just went on and on. However, the on-screen interactions between the couple wasn't bad, and the acting in this scene was probably the best in the movie. And the nightvision scenes were quite creepy, and I was happy to see the jerk boyfriend get stabbed through the neck. This story along with the Succubus were overall my favorite two. 6.5/10

Haunted House: Another video that is slow to start (seems to be the only common theme between all these stories!), but slowly builds up to an almost thrilling climax. Again, stupid characters and poor direction go on to kill any hopes of greatness. The train scene was ridiculous. The first time you realize your power locks aren't working, you KICK OUT the damn windows! 4/10

Overall, I won't call this movie horrible. But it's very far from being good. Some decent ideas here and there, but poor execution time and time again really prevented this from being as solid as it could have been. I must say though, it's refreshing to have some new anthology horror films coming out. However, we need better direction if this type of film is to survive.

Overall film rating, 5/10. Now I'm going to watch the sequel, because I hate myself.


I think I've just been RickRoll'd again. Thumbs waaaaay down.


All you niggs is crazy.

The apple iphone came out in 1990.I HAVE PICTURES OF THE BERLIN WALL COMING DOWN ON IT. -DChupra


Wow for hating it you sure wrote an essay. So tell me what does impress you?I thought it was genuinely creepy and different. Sorry nothing excites you, try the Hunger Games.


You're far from alone. This is the worst movie I've ever seen, and it's not even "so bad it's good" like "Birdemic: Shock and Terror" or "The Room". It's just 100% garbage. If it were possible for me to rate this movie lower than 1/10, I would. It's worthless in every single way. What a complete waste of time. The only people who could ever enjoy this movie are obnoxious, immature doucebags who love movies that are as retarded as they are and wouldn't recognize a brilliant movie if it bitch-slapped them.


No you're not. I watched it with a friend of mine and we both shut it off after about 45 minutes. (Although I am still tempted to watch the rest just to see if the last two segments are any good.) While I thought the first segment was very terrifying and well-done, the other two segments were just bad. The second one was just plain boring and felt very half assed and the third segment was just plain hard to follow.


lol my question would be who likes this film? It's so dumb. Some of the segments are pointless and go nowhere. Crazy shaky cam even for found footage, haven't seen that bad isn't the original Blair Witch Project. Plus you're watching douchebags watching douchebags, all unlikeable characters beginning to end.


On the other hand VHS 2 is good lol. I read it was much better than the first, very true. There's one segment involving zombies that is hilariously well done. I guess all these guys needed was a real budget to make it right. Skip part 1 and just watch the second one. It's basically a superior remake of the first film.
