MovieChat Forums > Black Mirror (2011) Discussion > San Junipero was the least "Black Mirror...

San Junipero was the least "Black Mirror" episode yet

There wasn't anything dark or disturbing about it. It was just some cheesy romance with a happy ending. It felt like a completely different show. As far as I could tell, there wasn't even a lesson to it. Just a way the future could be better.


Humanity creating heaven is not disturbing at all. šŸ˜


Even though I really got in touch with the characters romance, I kind of wished it had ended on a sadder note. With all that said, I think the disturbing part is when they show the company's storage at the end, with people uploaded in a computer and stuff like that. It really got me thinking about afterlife, and I definitely don't think it was a good use of technology, but rather some sort of depressing statement that humanity can't deal with existence and how it ends.


Yeah, it was just code being run on a computer, not the real people anymore. They were dead.

But scientists think we might achieve physical immortality by the end of this century, so it won't be like that ending with code just running on a server. We will really be immortal, replacing faulty parts as they wear out.


I enjoyed it, it was good for a change of pace and mood. It felt kind of a "Vanilla Sky"-esque rip-off, with the LGBT theme (and the consequential upon-frowning, at least throughout the '900) thrown in.



Reading this thread I'm amazed to see that having your consciousness transformed into code to fill the servers of a massive private corporation seems a good ending for everyone. Eternity is acquiredā€¦ at what price? Classic Black Mirror themes like merchandised happiness and corporate control were central here, with some clever thoughts about how the oldest and the disabled are handled by society, embellished by a well balanced lesbian romance. I saw the contrast between a too perfect happy ending driving towards the sunset and the cold lights of the electronic cemetery horrifying, and totally Black Mirror-like.


Reading this thread I'm amazed to see that having your consciousness transformed into code to fill the servers of a massive private corporation seems a good ending for everyone. Eternity is acquiredā€¦ at what price?
It wasn't even eternity. They could have left out the part about how it wasn't a prison. How you could end at any time. But instead they made it "you can live here as long as you want, and when you don't want to anymore, you're free to end it." The writers went out of their way to make it as happy as possible.

It's made even worse by the fact that they already did something so similar in White Christmas with "the cookie", but made it dark.


I saw the contrast between a too perfect happy ending driving towards the sunset and the cold lights of the electronic cemetery horrifying, and totally Black Mirror-like.

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Less than forget. But more than begun.


Just finished this one. Man, what a boring episode.


I've watched all but the last episode so far and this was my favorite. It was refreshing to have an episode that everyone didn't get screwed in the end. That is to say we don't really know if it will be happy forever. I feel eventually no one there would want to keep on "living" as evident by the Quagmire. To me the moral was "be careful what you wish for", even an eternal heaven isn't perfect as it would eventually get boring.

Not to mention the logistical issue of what happens if one day the corporation running those servers closes or there is some war and the power goes out or the server farm is bombed.

No matter what it could never, truly, last forever.

Then there is the issue of whether it is really them or just a copy of them like a cookie.

I think it would of been a good story to even make a part 2, like what happens when people start turning on each other or someone gets in that is really a maniac and starts harassing people.

I also liked at the end how on the inside it's this beautiful paradise but on the outside (like another poster said) it was just a cold, electronic graveyard.

The whole show is suppose to be about what would it be like if potential technology was pushed to the extreme. I thought this played well into that.


I think it would've been a lot darker if she hadn't said they can opt out whenever they want. That kind of kills any what if scenario. What if it gets boring, or they start hating each other, if they hate the city, if the hate being "alive"? Oh well they can just leave. They should have to choose then get stuck there. Flash forward a hundred years and see how miserable they've become. That would make a good Black Mirror episode.


The problem with the episode is that it was slow, boring and finally when we got to the twist it was slow and boring.


You just don't get it - the show was lesbian horror. You've spent most of your life in a coma. They finally hook you into a virtual reality world where you find out that you're a lesbian and the closest thing to you is a bi-girl that marries you - only to change her mind and leave you alone in that world for eternity. I'm not a girl, but I am a male lesbian, so can understand.


I thought it sucked
President of the Uncle Benjen fan club
