MovieChat Forums > Inside Llewyn Davis (2014) Discussion > It was boring. Why no one* admits that?

It was boring. Why no one* admits that?

Don't get me wrong, I love the Coens. I've seen almost all of their movies and I like most of them. Even the less good ones are still 6/10 in my book. But I don't understand why this one is praised so much. High user rating and extremely high critics rating. I'd give it a 5/10.

Of course it's not bad in any sense. Coens can't do a honestly bad movie. The dialogues, the characters are O.K., good acting, nicely filmed etc., etc., I just don't know what to enjoy in this one. Little of Coen's black humour, little of funny situations, no tension, and the story is uninteresting.

"Why no one admits that?" --> this question wasn't meant for everybody. I'm sure half of the praisers are actually enjoyed it for whatever reason, but I'm also sure there's another half who didn't and acts like they did because it's the Coens and they look smarter enjoying an "art" movie.

*EDIT 2015.12.26.: English is not my first language. Incorrect word "noone" was fixed. It confused some people who didn't understand the point, and kept pointing it out for almost two years.


Completely agree. Some have called it melancholy, I would say dull, lifeless and uninspiring. I am also a big fan of the directors, however this is a generous 5/10. Their more recent movies have garnered minority appeal. I'd ask that they start issuing guidance warnings. e.g. This movie will only appeal to mid fifties Jewish males who want to laugh at their own shortcomings; once or twice in 90 minutes. For a good example of how to do melancholy and still create an appealing and inspiring movie, check out Von Trier's Melancholia. That is a masterpiece. This film is to my mind a little bit of the emperor with no clothes phenomena. Meaning, people feel obliged to praise it because of the directors; not because of the film itself. It may be moody, beautifully filmed and acted. It's still no excuse for such a lack luster overall package.


I didn't like it because it was an "art" movie but understand the point. First, if you don't really like the music, I suspect it would be difficult to enjoy the film. I loved the music--I had downloaded the soundtrack in advance as an Avett Brothers and Mumford & Sons fan, thinking I would enjoy it, and have always liked T. Bone Burnett's musical choices in film. Second, I enjoyed trying to figure out the story behind the story and the emotions expressed in dialogue--I believe the Coen brothers' are very good at this (Tarantino more fun but Coens more subtle). For example, to me it was clear that Jean loved and still loves Llewyn and that Llewyn was at this best when he was with Mike, and has not been the same since Mike's death. Jean had to choose between Llewyn and Jim and Jim represented a safer, more responsible future, but clearly it is Llewyn who she truly loves--no one can be as mad at someone else unless there is real passion there. By the end of the film, he simply expresses that love and she quietly accepts it, knowing that it will not be enough but still good to hear. Third, the road trip to Chicago was good fun. Big fan of Goodman and his character is just a big dick. Fun to see. Fourth, Llewyn can't catch a break. He is such a putz that bad things seem to happen. His karma is negative and he appears to be paying for it. Fifth, what does music mean to Llewyn? Is it the only way for him to tap into what is decent and kind. Is he becoming aware of this as the movie ends--apologizing to the Gorfeins and expressing love to Jean--or is he utterly hopeless?

Just a couple of things I liked while watching the film.


Perhaps because noone is not a word.


Well, I watched this sullen movie again, and as others have said, it actually was better the second time around. Before I re-watched it, I read up on the folk music scene back in the day. That helped! And the cat was so sweet too. Couldn't get enough of the cat. I love cats. Folk music, not so much.


It was boring because watching paint dry *is* boring. What really marked this out as tripe -- or, it certainly did with the London audience I was in -- was the Coens' cliched preoccupation with indifference and alienation, two words that seemed so cool back in the late 60s (think Antonioni) but now, of course, have but a prepubescent resonation. The result is a non-character who isn't really that interested in, er, very much at all. Isn't galvanized. Isn't passionate. Isn't. . . Alive. Would actually be the very last person to want to get up on a stage and sing his heart out / change the world / give voice to a New Generation in those seminal early 1960s days. When the Coens stick to the realm of pure imagination, they do fine. When they visit an era they never knew (and clearly, haven't remotely understood) then as film-makers they really should be doing much, much better than asking audiences to look inside a character as one-dimensional as a sheet of veneer. There is no inside to Llewyn Davis. . . And *that's* why the movie is such a pretentious time-waster.


The IMDB rating is way too high for this film, but I chalk that up to not many people actually seeing this movie other than hipsters and the elderly.

It's a solid 5/10 movie. Pretty pointless.


This is one of those films where you have to be prepared to go along on the journey to enjoy it.

As a massive Bob Dylan fan, I had an idea about the folk scene at the time and it was interesting to see what it was like for someone unsuccessful.

For me the music was a real highlight, I was intrigued by watching Llewyn Davis as an 'anti-hero' and see an artist completely fail because of being too principled (something that has rarely been seen on film).

I put this film just below the Big Lebowski, Fargo and No Country For Old Men in my list of favourite Coen Brothers films.


People who don't find the movie boring don't have to admit to an opinion they do not share.



I felt as though the music wax the best part of the film.
