MovieChat Forums > What Is a Woman? (2022) Discussion > Why do people care so much about how oth...

Why do people care so much about how others wanna live?

After a while the only ques is why do people care about how others wanna live?

Don't like it? Ignore and move on. No one is forcing anything on you.

It's like religion. If someone else wants to practice a diff faith or no faith, how does it affect you? Similarly if gay people want to get married or live flamboyant or women want to get an abortion, how does it affect you?

Same things here.

Where is the tolerance for others and mind your own business view?

I think we can all improve and be happier if we just ignore what we don't like and move on and let others live how they want (obviously ignoring felony type situations)


It isn't as simple as you make it sound.

You mention religion. I don't know if you are religious or not, but I'm an atheist. I'm completely okay with anyone believing whatever they want, and worshiping however they see fit, until it affects others. If your religion requires sacrificing virgins at an altar, I'm no longer okay with it.

Let's pick a religion. Christianity is the most popular one here in the U.S., so I'll go with that. I'm fine with Christians right now. They do their thing, and leave the rest of us alone. I would not be fine if I were required to pretend publicly that I believe in god and love Jesus, and I risked losing my job and my home if I ever spoke out against Christianity. I would not be okay if teachers in schools were telling pre-teen children, some as young as 5, that they should worship Jesus, and offering to secretly tattoo them with "I love Jesus" tramp stamps without parent approval.

That's what people have problems with. Anyone is free to pretend they are whatever they want to be, but I should not be forced to participate in their charade. Children should not be subjected to any overtly sexual material in grade schools, nor should they be allowed to secretly undergo gender reassignment surgery or take hormone-blockers, etc. We don't let children under the age of 18 smoke for the same reasons, nor can they watch R movies until 17, vote, drive, and so on.

If it were as simple as letting others live their own private lives, no one would have an issue with it.


I don't care how they want to live. If they'll agree to stop parading, pushing their way into children's classrooms, invading women's restrooms and locker rooms, and ruining women's sports, I'll agree to ignore them and move on.




Well see it's a domino effect. You let them get married and next thing you know they are in schools trying to convince boys to choose their junk off and put on a pretty dress.


Why do people care so much about how others wanna live?

Most people embrace the "live and let live" philosophy, especially Conservatives and Independents. In other words, people are free to live their lives the way they choose. The problem enters the picture when the government uses taxpayer money to support/promote deviant lifestyles or -- in the case of abortion -- a crime (murder). The government does this because they're pressured by Lib leaders to do so on the grounds that the procedure or "therapy" in question is a "human right."

If some dude thinks having his pee-pee cut off and dressing like a woman will make him happy, what's that to me? (Don't get me wrong, I care about people struggling with mental illness but, at the end of the day, they're free to make crucial decisions about their lives). Yet why should I and other taxpayers pay for their surgeries? Why should we pay for teachers and "therapists" that encourage perverse lifestyles and fudge-up our children & youths?

In short, when taxpayers are forced to finance the absurdities of a person’s neurosis it ceases to be an individual matter.

Another issue surfaces when citizens are required to refer to an obvious dude with feminine pronouns at the threat of committing a “hate crime.” Not to mention Lib leaders mandating supposedly free citizens to do things that go against their consciences, like penalizing bakers, photographers and t-shirt makers who refuse to perform certain jobs for legit religious reasons. Keep in mind that there are plenty of bakers, photographers and t-shirt designers out there who would love to take people’s money and perform the task in question.

When loony Lib identity politics are preached at our learning institutions as legitimate attitudes/lifestyles it negatively influences our kids, grandkids, their friends & our neighbors. In other words, this kind of lunacy can really screw them up, mentally & spiritually, with the corresponding societal domino effect.

So, you see, what should be an individual matter (and can be) becomes something that negatively affects others and society at large.

That is why we care.


If someone else wants to own slaves, how does it affect you?


Why do people care so much about how others wanna live?

Because they WANT us to.

They changed the way we're allowed to use pronouns, and they monitor and even punish how we define man or woman.
They want it registered into universal empirical science that "trans women ARE women".
They want us to play along with their feelings in women's sports teams and bathrooms.
They enable, encourage and push the way we raise our children to become more like them. Just look up "theybies".

The list goes on.

It's no longer live and let live. It's (d)evolved to the point where it's now about affirmation and normalization. And to accomplish that, they NEED popularity, public approval, and lots and lots of controlled speech and thought policing.


Because you obviously want us to care, we are just not caring in the way you want us to.

If you decide you want to identify as the opposite sex of what you are, that requires participation from others. You require all of us to affirm that you are something you’re not, and if one person doesn’t it shatters your fragile self-perception.

That is why I say no to denying reality for you.


Interesting that "tolerance" and "acceptance" is a one-way street in this circus.


Image links not working.




Yep, those images are quite on point. They are always saying "why do you care, it doesn't affects you" while at the same time demanding that you celebrate it.


Mom told me what the gay community in Hollywood was like back in the 1960s (which would have been the time the Stonewall Riots occurred, and started their "rights" movement). She lived in CA at the time and heard a lot about it from gossip spoken by people who worked in the industry.

She said that at the time, they were a very bitter, angry, jealous community. They were jealous of all the "privileges" the straight, conservative community enjoyed at the time, such as being able to get married, live the way they wanted in public, glorifying their way of life on tv or movies without any judgement, being able to have a job and not be thrown out for their beliefs or orientation. The gay community wanted all of that, but they chose to get revenge in the process, little by little. Part of that can be seen in how the number of straight couples getting married at the end of many films started showing up less and less; or straight couples having relationship troubles that aren't resolved at the end, little things like that.

Then using excessive harassment at conferences held by the Mental Health Association in the 70s, as well as manipulating the system to take their condition off the mental disease list. Portraying themselves as victims has been a huge part of their campaign. So many bleeding heart liberals bought into the lies, revealing that P.T. Barnum was right. There really are suckers born every minute.

All this pushing they've done in the past 50 years was never about "equality" or "love." it was about gaining power and getting revenge on the straight community, as well as destroying the institutions that refused to accept them in the first place. You can read it in the manifesto they wrote in the 1980s, and they have followed it almost to the letter. Don't believe a word they say about it being "satire." It's not.

But now, with the gender revolution turning their movement into a laughingstock, there's been a lot of bubbles bursting, and if you listen in on their conversations, there are some members of the rainbow community that want to divorce themselves from the trannies. There now is infighting among the different alphabet groups, but they keep it quiet and from the public eye.
