Star Lord's father

So who do you reckon Peter Quill's dad is?
MY guesses

Tony Stark
Open for more suggestions?


sounds like a Vorlon to me... Kosh, maybe?




I highly doubt Yondu or Stark are Peter's dad. Yondu is known to the Nova Corps. Also, Peter would've been fully human if Stark was his dad. As others have said, Stark was young when Peter was abducted.


Looks like it might actually be Kurt Russell. 


Yeah I saw the rumors yesterday.


Please Oh please Mr Russell,work something out with Marvel. *fingers crossed*


An a-hole, angel, ancient species, being of pure light...

Not a human, so not a Stark (unless Stark is an Alien?).

Yondu and the Ravagers all met Quill's Father and called him an A-hole, so not Yondu.

You definitely are in need of suggestions, lol.

They also said he was a being a pure light and very ancient race of species not seen for a long time. Have the Nova Corps seen Thanos recently, well, he's a Titan, so is his bro StarFox so that may rule him out. Could Kurt Russell pull off the role of Thanos' brother the sex-obsessed StarFox? Maybe... but he's not really an "Angel" or a being of pure light, really...

Obviously, we've seen the Kree around so probably not Mar-Vell/Captain Marvel, unless they really mess with the origin there.

I've heard the idea that the father could be an Inhuman. That makes a lotta sense given that they are making The Inhumans movie and want to give some entry points there, but then again with AoS using the characters it's less likely.

So, what does that really leave? Not much... Warlock isn't really the right fit, and he's not exactly an ancient race descendant.

Gunn has said it's important that Quill be the only Terran and that he won't be using J'son of Spartax as the father.

To be honest, I'm kinda lost on this one.

I'd say that StarFox is the odds on favorite. Warlock is a savvy bet. Mar-Vell makes zero sense unless you change his origin and make him not a Kree - so what'd he be?

Anyway, I'm gonna go with an original answer - THE BEYONDER is Quill's father.

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Yeah, lol I don't know why I said Yondu either lmao.



Most likely yes, but not sure

Gee, thanks.........O.o


i know about azzhole and ancient species but who mentioned angel or pure light?


His mom I believe.


i assumed she was just talking warmly to him. not actually meant that he was an angel


Yeah I guess thats what most people (her character family) were supposed to think but it was somebody who literally descended from the heavens, an angel.


yeah but what makes you think that it wasnt just sweet talk. his father being alien is kinda obvious, there is no possibility that its sweet talk but in the case of "angel" there is no need to take it literally because its a common expresion. unless i am missing something


I figured it was a way of saying that he'd come down from the sky. Maybe through a tractor beam like the way Peter was taken up.




Yoda makes sense -- ancient and alien.


Ash Williams from Evil Dead is Peter Quill's father (His Illegitimate Son)

My Reasoning List
Both are Womanizers
Both are Imbeciles
Both are Witty
Both are Heros
Both are The Chosen One
Both are wise Cracking
Ash is about the right age.
Seems like something Ash would produce.
Ash disappeared for about 30 years ago.
Said Star Lord's father was an ancient being. Ash lived in 1300 AD.

Edit Added

Peter Quill is only 1/2 human. Well this shoots the hell out of this silly theory, cause Ash Williams is 100% all he-man.

Let's head down to the cellar... and carve ourselves a witch.






I'm not familiar with the comic book background. I know Meredith (Peter's Mother) called him her little angel. I remember Nova Prime mentioning an ancient being. Did she also say something of pure light?? Wasn't it Yondu who states his father was an a-hole?

Is that all the clues we have to date?

Let's head down to the cellar... and carve ourselves a witch.




Thanx for the tips and link. James Gunn has to be the king of hiding Easter Eggs.
I now have a little better background on the movie and comic book history.

Let's head down to the cellar... and carve ourselves a witch.
