Rose Byrne accent...
was terrible. Really annoyed me throughout the film.
sharewas terrible. Really annoyed me throughout the That's her real accent, dude.
This is a major palm in face moment
shareI love when people try to act like masters of accents and then something like this happens. That's her actual authentic Austrailan accent pal.
shareAustralian accent is annoying to many people though. Especially the english and french. He's allowed to not like her natural accent.
shareAs someone with family in France, the French aren't allowed to like most things, lol.
This does remind me of when I saw the Prestige, and thought 'my god, how terrible is Christian Bale's accent?' only to find out it was real. Some accents just sound strange, I suppose, once we're used to a specific accent.
I always figured his deep raspy voice in Batman was his real accent!
Wouldn't that be funny if that was how he actually talked and he has to make himself sound normal in other movies? And when he got the role of Batman he's like "good I can finally talk normal."
He said her accent was terrible, implying that he believed it was a fake accent.
shareHis claim though was that he found it annoying because it was a bad attempt at an Aussie accent
shareThe French don't care about the Australian accent. Most of them can't even make the difference between an English or American accent anyway. And those who speak a good English will need some time to adapt because they're not used to it. It's not a question of "liking" it or not.
I like it. I love Australia and Australians are very welcoming. They made an effort when I couldn't immediately understand them.
The higher you fly, the faster you fall.
Australian accent is annoying to many people though. Especially the english and french. He's allowed to not like her natural accent.
It can't be that annoying because Poms move to Aussie and NZ in droves.
Get on the scale! Get off the scale.
Lol tell it to her Parents in Australia then.
It's funny because i find American accents annoying because they sound fake. I'm too used to only hearing them on tv lol.
shareI'm a native Texan and my accent is a dead giveaway as to where I'm from. I haven't ever been told I sound annoying though...most people like it lol. =P
"Eat some makeup because you are so ugly inside" - Olivia Blois Sharpe
Every single person from anywhere except the US finds American accents annoying, and far more phoney than Rose's accent. Which is the one she was born with, needless to say.
Every single person? Is that a fact?
shareYep, that Rose Byrne slipped out the birth canal, wiped her mouth and said "G'day" to the Doc.
You are not born with an accent.......
really? i didnt realise people are born with accents?
shareOh really? Many people from English speaking countries find the general American accent to be pleasant, and easy to understand. It isn't an imposing accent that is all in your face.
Having visited both Australia and the UK, several people from each country enjoyed listening to my accent, and made harmless fun of the way I pronounced certain words like dynasty, literally, yarra, scones, etc.
There are definitely people who don't like American accents, but you should get out more.
đș "The North remembers"
Which American accent? The southern, New Yorker, Boston / New England, Texas, Southwest, midwest, or west coast?
The most common American accent is the "midwest accent" --- it's the bland accent you hear from most American news anchors.
The midwest accent is the most common? Um, no. Unless you're only watching newscasters from the midwest. Having grown up in the midest I can assure you it was not prevalent in the media outside of local news.
shareThe midwest accent is the typical bland accent you hear all across the US. The Boston & New England accent are only found in that area. The NY accent is only found in that city. The southern accent-- of which there are several different (South Carolina vs deep south vs Lousiana) is found only in those areas. The California accent is found only in California. Etc.
The actual name of the accent is 'General American' accent. It's often referred to the midwestern accent as they are closely related.
Texas has different accents depending on what part of the state you are in...but we all speak in a southern drawl that is different from any other southern state. Louisiana is the same way...some speak with a thick French Creole accent and others just have a southern accent. I can't attest to other southern states. Anywhere I go I am told that I have a Texas accent and I'm proud of that. =)
"Eat some makeup because you are so ugly inside" - Olivia Blois Sharpe
I think he's trying to be funny.