And boy was that ending total shit. Where was the co-pilot to help land the plane? Why do we care at all about Idris’ character arc when it just ends with no resolution or reunion with his kid? How could the London cops be so dumb to accept the “cleaners” story after getting a 999 call? And why did the terrorist go after Sam in the end??? He had no way out, so he just made it even worse for himself. Completely dumb ending.
The captain staring at the door over and over again without running in and locking the cockpit was annoying. I didn't like the Amanda secret hijacker twist and I just realized the two guys at the garage that shot the prisoner are still alive and out there, among other conspirators.
The bearded hijacker going after Sam at the very end was totally unnecessary, they could have used that time to show people reuniting with families and loved ones instead, as well as capturing the remaining conspirators.
I agree about the scene with the bearded hijacker going after Idris Elba. That guy was done already. Even if he kills Idris Elba, he isn’t getting away. And we know this bearded hijacker is small potatoes compared to the crime lords, who put him up to the task. He isn’t some sort of final boss.
We never see Idris Elba reunite with his family: I think a scene where he and Daniel shake hands would’ve been great
And Amanda talking to her Daughter on the phone after they landed - ummm so no-one really had her hostage to begin with?
And the main role that the traffic controller had in the hijacking - wouldn't happen. It would be a Police matter.
And why were the cleaners cleaning Idris' place before they even killed anyone? They had gloves on the whole time. Were they actually compulsive cleaners? - lol.
And a nation has policies in-place to either negotiate with terrorists or not. It's not subjective and open for discussion on a per case basis.
And why was the AT controller asking Amanda/Idris what their heading was while over London. Do they no have radar or live satellite?
A painful show to get thru, but my Wifey liked it, so I suffered for her.
I liked most of it, but it fell apart at the end. Forced to make law enforcement idiots to advance the plot, and many other contrived moments that defied logic. Felt like lazy writing the last couple episodes.
In total, i enjoyed it.
And sometimes i was pissed off because things didn’t seem logical to me.
First 3 episodes:
Elba guy in first episode just had to send ‚plane hijacked, help‘ with his phone.
Instead he texts a shitty obscure ‚There is an incident on the plane‘ text. WTF why?
First he sends this utterly shitty message which totally makes noone on the ground believe plane is hijacekd.
Then he works all kinds of tricks (captain getting the flight off course for 3 degrees) to let the ground know the plan is hijacked.
Also his ‚trick‘ with charming the hijacker boss:
He tells the boss to earn his trust some insider info: that the pilot is a problem, ‚he could go anywhere with the plane‘. That it’s autopilot anyway, that hijacker boss should remove pilot from cockpit.
Result: Ground calls plane, they don’t answer, it’s suspicious.
For some strange reason hijacker boss is afraid of letting the pilot himself answer (why?) and lets co-pilot answer instead (who actively resisted before, while the pilot was always super-cooperative with the hijackers) – why?
Episode 5:
Elba lies that the hijacker little brother will die in the next hour – so hijacker boss agrees to land in Rumania.
Then Elba hears the little brother saying ‚don’t land for me‘ – now instead of just ignoring it and letting them land - like he wanted to - he does something different: he tells hijacker-bigger-brother that they should not land because little brother said so. I am not sure about Elba’s thinking and motives, why does he do what he does.
Episode 6:
2 bad criminals are released from prison. ‚Don’t follow us or people will die‘. They have a tracker on the car, but still follow them super-obviously with 3 black cars in viewing distance?
The bad guys great plan is to threaten the family of Elba guy on the plane? Because he ‚made trouble‘. But they already have total control on him on the plane and they know he will die with the plane in a few hours? Where is the sense in that?
That’s like robbing a bank, taking a few hostages on the way out for your own safety - and then call up some friends and tell them to kill the families of your hostages for no reason?
Elba sends around the milk package with ‚lets get ready to fight‘ to all passengers. Many get ready. Bad guy is about to shoot a passenger, it’s clear for everybody. Elba jumps on big bad bossguy. They fight for the gun… and nobody helps him, wtf.
Somewhere in there a mother was sitting in middle column seat at one end, on the other end sat the father. In the 2 middle seats there were their 2 children. ‚Suddenly‘ this little girl ‚got lost‘. In like ‚omg, my little daughter is suddenly not sitting right next to me anymore. And doesn’t get ‚found‘ for like a minute or something. That just doesn’t seem physically possible.