Only in America

I have just watched the film after reading most of the user reviews 1st.

One user said they should show this is schools. Now this might be a good idea in America seeing as though there were over 70 cases in 30 states. But not in the UK as fortunately we have better police who don't operate like this over the phone and also people in general in this country wouldn't fall for this disgusting prank!(Fact)

I do give the film an average score still though as the acting was good, so I give it a 5 out of 10.

PS - Instead of showing this is school, just spend more time in making children/teenagers more clever in general.


We don't have police who operate like this in America either.

And Britain has just as many "dumb" common folk as America (percentage wise).


...No one is saying America has police operating like in the movie... /facepalm

And there is no research done to back up your claims to say there are as many ''dumb'' common folk in Britain as in America (percentage wise) /double hand facepalm

You sound pretty dumb.


"...No one is saying America has police operating like in the movie... /facepalm "

Actually, the original poster said PRECISELY that.

"And there is no research done to back up your claims to say there are as many ''dumb'' common folk in Britain as in America"

There is nothing to suggest that America is far dumber than Britain, either.


No he didn't.

And you are the one talking about percentage...

Hmmm you are not good proof of Americans not being dumb that's for sure.


"But not in the UK as fortunately we have better police who don't operate like this over the phone"

The obvious implication is that the OP actually believed police in the US operate over the phone like this. Hence why numerous people attacked the OP on this point.

Your comprehension skills are seriously lacking.

"And you are the one talking about percentage... "

I was pointing out that in all likelihood, there are just as many "dumb" people in the UK as there are in the US. This wasn't an insult to Britain; it was more just a general statement which should be obvious on its face.

You're not very good at this, are you?


Yes, Americans are really dumb. That is why we are the sole world super power with the world's largest economy, and rescued you wimps from the Germans several times over.

You can think us you don't speak German. Due to stupidity and gross mismanagement, the UK lost its global empire is now our subservient, "compliant," lapdog. Bowing to our wishes and whims to nauseating levels.

The Netherlands lost its small empire as well as any shred of world significance decades ago. Hopefully with global warming, it will be completely under water soon and will just be a sad footnote in the history books.


Good luck with the "fiscal cliff."


Sorry but this is just wrong if Britain is your "subservient lapdog" America is well on it's way to bring China's. Also your economy is faltering badly. Look up CIA account balance it's not a pretty sight.


"You can think us you don't speak German"

I gues you wanted to say "you can thank us"

Meaning, if it were not for you gringos, brits would be speaking german, probably as pow, or slaves to the nazi empire. That is partially true, as the Soviets helped a lot, did not they?

But I did not reply to you to correct a typing error, and trip a bit on it!

I just wonder, what is your issue with the Netherlands?


I love people who point out others grammar mistakes, while completely ignoring their own.


My men fight just as well when they are stinking of P*U*S*S*Y- Julius Caesar


You sound pretty dumb.

Funny, I was thinking the same thing about you. Did you just stumble out of a hash bar before you wrote this?


Ermmm, stokesy1012002, the police here in America don't operate like this over the phone either. Your assumption is insulting. It wasn't the police, it was a pervert calling from 800 miles away who was IMPERSONATING a police officer. He was caught and arrested in Florida. You call it a "prank". It wasn't a prank it was an assault by phone by some twisted creep who gets is jollies by manipulating the naive and innocent. You have plenty of creeps in your country too, so don't be looking down your nose at us.


yeah your right, only someone in America could pull this off. there is nobody in the UK smart enough :)

"Get busy living, or get busy dying."


And there is nobody in the UK thick enough to fall fall it!


but how would you know, if nobody with the same intelligence as this culprit has tried to make them fall for it yet?

and the way i see it, in a country as diverse as America, you will have very smart people AND very dumb people. they go hand in hand. you really can't have one without the other.

the manager who fell for it, she is one of the dumb people unfortunately. and the guy who did it was a terrible human being who just happened to be smart.

i would rather be dumb and a good person, then smart and a terrible person.

"Get busy living, or get busy dying."


So the UK isn't a diverse Country? We have 62,641,000 people living here, I'm sure we have many diverse people.

Any way...I hate America and Americans full stop. I am aloud my view as much as you are!

Most Countries have a saying about America and that is 'Only in America'

It's full of messed up people and the government and police suck!

Banning Guns all together would be a start to this messed up Country


I am aloud my view as much as you are!
That should be allowed. If you're going to slam another country for being "dumb," then maybe you should use the proper word in your posts lol.

I'm reaching for the life within me. How can one man stop his ending. ~ Blue October


So you know every single person in the UK well enough to vouch that exactly no one would fall for this? Regardless of all the Europe vs. US sentiment going on here, that's a pretty bold claim to make to vouch for the actions of an entire country.


"But not in the UK as fortunately we have better police who don't operate like this over the phone and also people in general in this country wouldn't fall for this disgusting prank!(Fact)"

This movie has nothing to do with "better policing", you irredeemable dweeb.


You said it... "this movies has nothing to do with better policing"...

I can't believe why so many people keep missing the point, and talk about the US , the UK, the service industry and all kind of nonsense..

When the story is a parable, a very simple one. We all listen to an inner voice that makes us do wrong things sometimes. It's NOT the voice to be blamed but rather the lack of a working, discerning moral compass that should tell us what is right and what is wrong, and act on the right and resist and refuse doing the wrong.

That's it. That's all. And STOP worrying about all the petty stuff that distracts us all.

A genius amongst morons is just another moron.


^Yes, said it better than I could have. That is what bothered me watching this movie. People were giving into their dark impulses and then blamed the "voice" like a nutbag rather than take responsibility. The only victim is Rebecca, the manager is disgusting IMO and shame on her for getting any money. She is *beep* dolt and enjoyed humiliating this girl IMO (based on the interviews I saw with her.)


I actually do work in a takeaway in the UK, and whilst nobody I work with would ever go to the lengths depicted there is a fair chunk of the population I unfortunately often come into contact with that are incredibly stupid, illogical and quite frankly a cancer on society. The type of people that failed at pretty much everything in school, live on the same council estate as half their extended family, haven't worked a day in the last few years, pikeys gypsies etc etc.

Every country has a mix of brilliant and stupid people. If you find one where everyone is reasonable let me know.


LOL, I was thinking the exact same thing while watching the movie.
Only in America can people be this dumb.

I still can't believe it's happened over 70 times!!!


Lol I love this America bashing, it reminds me that we're still on top. Everyone knows and criticizes the class president, no one knows of or gives a sh*t about the kid in the back of the room who gets straight C's (I'm looking at you UK).

All joking aside though, I'm a doctor from NJ/NYC area who used to produce music in Europe in my mid 20's (2007-8) before I started my residency & the sentiment of these boards is an internet only phenomena. I spent months at a time in London/Bristol/Brighton UK, Koln, Bologna, Copenhagen, Amsterdam, etc. meeting dozens of people each night at clubs/studios and let me tell you real people don't give a damn where you're from as long as you're not a jackass. This whole "the world hates America thing" may apply to their general view of what the media reports with the usual bias on foreign policy or certain sub-groups of people's extreme beliefs but it's a product of the internet not something that carries over to when you actually meet face to face.

In my travels most of the people I interacted with were educated and very social people - none of whom thought Americans were any different than the rest of the Western World's population. I mean the US has rednecks/thugs/illegals and the UK has pikeys/gypsys/illegals - it's all the same through the rest of Europe as well; and while I hate generalizations I have to say this, that out of the 1000+ Europeans/British I met throughout all this it seems that while the average European may know a little more about random trivia and global affairs on average, the Americans I know seemed to be more down to Earth and focused/mature on average. By that I mean I met so many Europeans who just float around doing not much of anything (even though they're quite well read) vs most of the guys I knew at home or met over there who were American (as well as Canadian) were making something of themselves via career or working on something ambitious. There were plenty of exceptions but it was definitely a trend I noticed.

The one bit of truth I will admit to about all this though is the US police & govt being much more invasive and much less "of the people" than those in other countries. It seems our police force exists as a cash machine and often a haven for those with anger issues (and this is coming from my 2 uncles and 2 cousins that are officers in urban NJ) which has become almost a force working against the people over the last few decades.

I don't want to go on and on (too late lol) but I had my car towed and I was brought to the police station for forgetting to re-new my license, and had to pay $600 in fines. My license wasn't suspended, I just forgot to re-new it by a month and was never sent the form. That's just one example but it reminds me of when I saw 2 officers fish 2 drunk dudes out of a canal in the red-light district of Amsterdam. As Americans, my production partner and I were like "oh wow this guy's finished!!" only to see the officers pull them out, laugh, bow to the crowd in jest, and drive off. So while the "only in America" regarding this movie may be true (of the Western World of course, American police are puppy dogs compared to the rest of the world) it's not bc of dumber citizens, but less freedom and more oppressive policing.

WOW, I've never written anything so long on IMDB before!!


Excellent post. Thank you!


I still can't believe it's happened over 70 times!!!

The fact that you think this MOVIE played out over 70 times in the U.S. speaks to your own intelligence...or lack thereof.


Police don't operate like that in the US, either. Those are fast food workers. Not exactly the brightest or the best the US has to offer.


I wish people would study some basic statistics, learn what normal distribution is, and how intelligence follows a normally distributed pattern. Then they would stop posting *beep* such as "all Americans are dumb" and "all British people are very intelligent."

The truth is that the majority of people throughout the world are on average similarly intelligent, while a small percentage is either more intelligent or less intelligent that the average individual. This is of course without taking into account impoverished countries where malnutrition and disease will affect intelligence.


Oh yes you are so clever (not)

What about the London nurse who was just fooled into giving up the royal families sensitive medical info? She later committed suicide.

Or the European man we just had to duct tape to his seat for being drunk, choking a woman and attacking passengers on a flight?

Quit whining about America and get your own side of the street in order.

665: Neighbour of the Beast


I think some people here are missing the point totally - this film wasn't a dig at Americans or any race/country or how stupid/gullible that country is, it was a dig at how far one person could push another person into fulfilling his strange 'fantasies'.

This has turned into a bit of a America vs the World internet fight and it makes me smile how easily people start ranting on about this country or that country simply because ONE film dealt with ONE idea set in ONE country.

The main fault/blame lies with Sandra who was unfortunately so dim & scared of her business failing, lack of any good management skills and complete lack of correct procedures, that this happened.

Bear in mind at the beginning, it said "Based on True Events". Based as in "it might've happened something like this, maybe."

When the "policeman" first phoned up, fair enough, but when it started with all the undressing/spanking/sex acts/getting fiance to guard her etc. it did make me question the sanity of the manageress.

Normal people would simple say to the 'policeman' - "No - you & your officers get here & do it yourself" - regardless of what country they're from.

Just because it was set in America, doesn't make ALL people like that.

If it had been a French film, would this thread be all about how thick the French are?


Thank you. That is the true point.

And as for "based on true events," it did happen, and pretty close to this. One guy made over 100 calls that resulted in 70 incidents across the country over a span of a few years. And yes, it happened in American, but it could have happened in any country. The basic human urge to please people and follow authority doesn't have nationality boundaries.


HAHA you have just proven my whole point lol

Jacintha Saldanha is not British you dick! She is Indian. And the European man is also not British.

You really are thick!
