I suppose I don't really understand why it's bad to be called a "slut" either. It could be that I've been raised rather differently and the fact that my parents have always been very open with me, but I see nothing wrong about someone being sexually active - of course, they were slandering her, and accusing a young girl of being a prostitute is not acceptable at all; But claiming that it is the worst you could call someone is slightly ridiculous.
I'm a Scandinavian teenager, and it could be due to my environment I'm in, the people I surround myself with or simply the culture, but sex is not considered such a big deal and certainly not something shameful. Most, according to statistics, lose their virginity at the age of sixteen - fifteen being the legal age of consent. Thankfully, we have biology from third grade, and we don't combine religious orientation with scientific facts, so we learn about methods used to prevent fertilization, abortion and how the human body functions. We have a relatively low rate of teenage pregnancies, and being fifteen, most people I know are sexually active (and safe). It's something that we often talk about rather openly, not necessarily with intimate details, but with nothing to be ashamed of. I don't know anybody who throws around words such as "whore" or "slut", but it could be that we are just more accepting of our sexuality.
But back to the thread, it sadly does not work like that. My best friend is incredibly beautiful, both appearance-wise and on the inside - I could be biased, but I've seen the way people look at her; While almost every guy is very interested, although sometimes intimidated, girls look furious. Especially if their boyfriend is there. She had been bullied for a long time, although it doesn't happen that often now. Apart from being abnormally attractive (of course, it really does depends on personal preferences, but she is objectively considered very beautiful, I suppose), often stopped by model agencies and of course, getting all the male attention, she's also very intelligent and well-spoken. I've known people who were morbidly obese, considered rather unattractive, unintelligent, obnoxious etc - they had it way easier than her. My friend has a very attractive girlfriend, tall, thin, high cheekbones, full lips, big blue eyes, naturally blond hair (almost white), could easily model for Chloé - she was being bullied incredibly hard and apparently tried to commit suicide once. When they were on a school trip, they cut her waist-long ponytail off while she slept, and the jealous classmates made her life a living hell. Poor girl.