MovieChat Forums > Cyberbully (2011) Discussion > I can't get the bottle open!

I can't get the bottle open!

I know i'm a terrible person for this...but that made me lol.
Also...if she didn't take any pills, how come she had to go to the hospital?


I watched this with my nephews and when she said that we literally burst out into fits. We walked around saying that for days.

------ You say tomato, I say pimp. - Burn Notice


If you've lost someone to suicide, you would not find it funny. No matter what lines were said. It's this kind of insensitivity towards other's feelings that leads to suicide in the first place.


The majority of us have lost someone to suicide. If you can't laugh at a mildly ridiculous scene in a movie without someone online trying to censor you for it, then when CAN you laugh? Does everything have to go through you for laugh approval first?


when on earth did i say anything about censoring anything or that my approval was needed? quote me where i did.

everyone has the right to display their insensitivity and laugh at a serious matter, but i don't have the right to voice my opinion that it's inappropriate? so, does that mean you're implying that i need YOUR approval to state what i think is wrong?

anyways, i find it very insensitive that so many people would focus on one line and find so much humor in it, considering it's content. this is not the first movie with horrible lines, and really, what did you EXPECT from an abc family movie? Shakespearean? the thing about this line is that, as weak as it may be, it is about suicide. think about the parents who walk in and find their child, their whole life, dead in their room or that person's friends and siblings. that's suicide. that's not funny, no matter what line was given to it. anyone who can find it funny is either too ignorant to realize the impact of suicide, or too insensitive to care. the fact that you imply you have lose someone to suicide and still think it's funny when a young girl tries to kill herself, and in the chaos says something ridiculous...well...that worries me about the species i have to call my own.

there are plenty of things that are okay to laugh at. my first comment merely states that it's this type of insensitivity, laughing at someone else's struggles and pains, and taking them lightly, that leads people to commit suicide in the first place.




you mad bro?


No brother, who uses long outdated memes that I thought only prepubescent boys thought were funnny, I am not angry...u just went on a whiny btch rant that was irritating...


lol whatevs hunn. my lacrosse team uses "you mad bro?" all the time. i guess that's the difference between us and you. we don't care if other people think our phrases are cool or outdated, we say whatever we want. i'm sorry you're self conscious and are unable to do the same. that makes me sad for you :(

also, i never went on a rant. my original post was what, two sentences? the only long post was not a rant, it was a response to a poster who responded to me, a poster who is not you, so why are you getting so worked up over my comment directed towards someone else?

moral of the story folks, suicide jokes are about as funny as 9/11 jokes. they're not.


yesi'm the one being self-conscious even though you defend your retort by telling me all your lacrosse buddies use it...what is sad is that some kind of approval over an immature phrase...and I never said anything about the phrase being "cool", just outdated, so it sounds like your self-conscious talking even more there...and there is something to using outdated speech, ever heard of antiquated phrases?...they are bad for the business common speech outdated phrases are considered awkward and not as sociable, language lives it is meant to keep saying that your "(lacrosse team uses it all the time)is a weak defense...


lmfao, bro, i wasn't defending anything. why in the world would i ever feel i need to defend a phrase i've said? it's self conscious people who don't feel free to say what they want. i was just stating that i like the phrase, and why i like the phrase. good memories of my lacrosse girls -------<#) <3 also, quote me where i ask for your approval.

and i was not quoting you word for statement about not caring what statements are "cool or outdated" was basically just saying we don't care if a phrase is cool or not...i just replaced the "not" with a quote from read way too into things bro.

i appreciate your concern for my self image, but don't worry, it is quite high. i am not self conscious because i reply to someone who directs a statement towards me lol. if you say something to me, i am bound to answer, that's just how i do. all that this implies about my character is that i reply when spoken to.

also, and this may come as a shock to you but i'm telling you for your own good, imdb is not the business world...if i were to go in for an interview or have a meeting with corporate, then no, i would never use the phrase "u mad bro?" but in an informal domain or with my friends, i have no problem being "awkward" or "not as sociable". in fact, it's for that reason, that i'm okay with being a dork, that the majority of my friends have said they like hanging out with me. you should try it sometime. instead of caring what is outdated or what is awkward, if you say what you want, you'll seem more approachable and able to have a good time without being too reserved. take me for example. i say what i want, and people love me :) and those that don't...well, i have never really given a *beep* before, and i am not going to start today.

anyways, like i said before, i'm not defending anything. whether a phrase is cool or not is a matter of opinion, not fact, and you cannot argue opinion and have an ultimate true answer. you think it's outdated, i think it's rad, those are our opinions, and i'm not arguing for the situation to be anything other than it is. i'm just replying to someone who has directed a comment towards me. also, the fact that i've hinted that you may be self conscious for caring wayy too much what other people think of the things one says and you attempted to redirect it to me doesn't really help the whole "i'm not self conscious" case. nor does it that you imply you are concerned with what is considered "awkward" and "not as sociable"'s okay little baby caterpillar.....break free from your insecurities and be a beautiful butterfly with all the cheesy sayings you can muster to utter. (i realize that you are a little slow to joking around, so let me point this one out for you.....i'm joking around.)

ps. i apologize for the lengthy response. as it would have it, not only am i a writer on my spare time, but i also write the opinion column at my universities school new's paper, so i'm accustomed to writing a lot without trying. i'd imagine, however, that reading it wasn't too much of a problem for you as i assume you have no other arrangements that i've kept you from.



lol it wasn't that lengthy, but i am much obliged for you taking concern in my arrangements :)...that was cute of you...anyways next time acquaint yourself before calling someone bro-i'm not that type of gurl ;)...(p.s. i LOVE jokes, it made the read all the more enjoyable =p)..p.s.s. you keep bringing up the cool part, i was trying to say i dont care about was the outdated part that was annoying, like i said language is living and it shud stay that way...p.p.s.s =P im stealing "baby caterpillar" and i don't care who thinks i w am "being a dork" :)...


ah, i apologize for my error in your gender. i'm not sure why i was so sure in that presumption. and i agree, we should keep making advancements in our language, and remember to keep adding new words and phrases, but what's old doesn't need to disappear. truce?

p.p.s.s: go ahead and steal it lol


yes, truce :)
p.p.s.s. thx for the steal ;)


The majority of us have lost someone to suicide.

When I read this statement, I first thought, huh? Project much? Do we have to have lost someone to suicide to be interested in watching a movie like Cyberbully?

Than I sat back and thought for a minute. I did very briefly meet someone who had later committed suicide.

I thought it was truly a waste and felt especially bad for his parents. He was a young man in his 20s.

But on topic, about the scene, I merely felt a bit of relief, as I thought a promising teenager who has a lot going for her DID take her life.

Guess it depends upon your mood. Sometimes people laugh easily. Seems most on this thread are like that.

Heck, I guess I get in that laugh at everything mode occasionally, too. But not too often.

Laughing at the scene is nothing to be ashamed of. Neither is not laughing. Wouldn't want to be accused of cyberbullying here, don't you know.


The comments on this thread are making everything so much worse.


That kind of made me laugh. I know I opened a bottle of pills once, and I'm not even 17.

And when you're suicidal, you usually go to a hospital or a psych ward, get evaluated and get put on a 24 hour hold to stop you from further harming yourself. They probably also give antidepressants, I'm not sure.

-Kindan no akuma to no keiyaku; te ni ireta kono chikara-


They probably also give antidepressants, I'm not sure.

It's very likely they would. Precaution.


Oh yes, they would seeing as it was a suicide attempt. My bad.

-gobanme no doukeshi wa kyou mo yamiyo ni odoru-


one of the funniest things ever. lmao. that was just hilarious.

i hope you choke on your bacardi & coke!
*Team Landa*


Seriously one of the worst scenes in a movie I've ever seen - the movie could have had a decent message, but instead it's known for "I can't get the cap off!". Awful.


Now if she had posted a video of the "real Taylor" and she showed she could not open a child proof cap...she would likely have been applauded at school for uploading the best comedy video of the year.


They would put you on a 72 hour psych holdand suicide watch and most hospitals have a floor dedicated to being a psych ward.

"Phalanges, phalanges, phalanges! Dancing phalanges!" - Dr. Bones


Psych. eval. I had to get evaled twice. The first time was total *beep* but they took me by AMBULANCE (which I thought, and still think, was the most stupid thing ever) to wait ten hours to get to the REAL psychatric hospital where I was just let go because my situation wasn't severe enough. A year later I was right back in the same place except I got to have a two week stay on the adolescent unit.
To go off topic for a moment; the entire system is *beep* Two girls inparticular said, flat out, balls to the wall serious that if they got out they were going to kill themselves. One girl, three hours before her discharge, said during group check up that no, she was not safe to go home. The doctor turned to her and in the most cold fashion you could imagine said,"You have three hours. You better figure it out." And then moved on.


i thought it was funny too. but that was also the moment i bursted into tears.

I hope you like feminist rants because that's kind of my thing.


She was hospitalized because she was an acute suicide risk.

Trust me, I'm a doctor.


The scene would have been far more effective without that line. It could have just been her about to open it or she could say: "I can't do this" and then she bursts into tears. With that line, it just made the scene silly.

I do not honestly care what people say. This is a crappy movie. I really do care about bullying, though. I was bullied for over half my life. But the movie was pure cheese and badly written.

