Nude scene

I wanted to walk out of the theatre after that first scene. That girl Nadine was not necessary in terms of walking around like that completely butt naked. I mean they can show that they had sex without having us see her 10 foot nipple or every hair on her body. I just would like to see a movie with my husband that doesn't have a naked woman in it just for shock value, it lasted too long in my opinion. Am I the only one? I ended up loving the movie regardless, but will just fast forward it when I see it on dvd :)


You're absolutely correct--it was unnecessary. But that's Hollywood and its treatment of the gender binary. Certainly there should be discussion of it, and I'm glad you brought it up, as scenes such as the one you mentioned are disregarded far too often or explained away by cinematic convention as having anything to do with plot establishment. Notice that we get the chest of the male actor and the full body (several times) of the female? That's establishment of a gender power structure, but perhaps also indicative of Hollywood's (or, rather, society's) reluctance to endorse interracial relationships, most notably those between a black male and a white woman. Which could be the case here, though I'm also partial to believe the actress being Puerto-Rican is also victim to ethnic-fetishization and objectification. All in all, everything blows. The rest of the film was good, though--a further cause of disappointment in such a scene.

Personally, I think I have too much bloom. Maybe that's the trouble with me.


Annette, you should not show such distaste for the human form...Its the way nature made us and there's nothing shamefull about it


Why can't you just be mature? Nude scenes aren't poison. They won't hurt you. *jees*

You aren't stupid. Jazz is stupid. - Dwight Shrute


Why can't you just be mature? Nude scenes aren't poison. They won't hurt you. JEEZ

You aren't stupid. Jazz is stupid. - Dwight Shrute


I was shocked, but satisfied because I've always wanted to see Nadine butt naked. Her body is smokin HOT with clothes on if you have ever watched "My Name Is Earl". Her body is like perfection. Nothing is too large or too small. Hips and booty stick out at the perfect length. You saw Denzel was checking it out as well didn't you? I'm surprised his wife allowed him to do that scene. If I was an actor my wife would divorce me if I did a scene like that with a woman like her.

The point of the nudity was just to show that Whip had a very strong sexual relationship with Katerina. We don't really know much else until the end of the movie. Yeah, the nudity was a little excessive. They show every angle of your body (front, back, sides, etc). Unfortunately we get to see Denzel's fat butt as well. I guess Robert wanted to give the ladies something to see as well. Blech!!


Yes, the prolonged nudity in that scene was gratuitous. The long stare at her splayed privates (he did not "glance") and joke was also embarrassingly crass. I could justify the "crack" stare on the basis that the filmmaker wants to show us who the character is, but that is no explanation for the protracted leering nude scene. He is not doing the leering, we are.

This scene is also somewhat inconsistent with the moment when he decides to destroy himself, presumably because he cannot bear to falsely defame his dead girlfriend, since it strongly suggests he didn't give a damn about her. One of many missteps in this film.


I think the point of it was to show that it was an even sided one night stand and they weren't dating. But mostly they wanted to convey the whole cocaine users lifestyle and that denzel the pilot was a player and this was a normal day in his crazy life. If she had stayed snuggled with him it would have seemed like they were real lovers. If she wouldn't have walked around in the nude it might show that she wasn't promiscuous. She slept around and partied just like he did and that's what the scene uncovered within just a few minutes. It was done much better than most films I have scene. It wasn't tasteless and unnecessary in my eyes, a sex scene or them speaking dirty to each other would be. It was a little surprising though.

"the day I tried to live, I learned that I was alive"

