Nude scene

I wanted to walk out of the theatre after that first scene. That girl Nadine was not necessary in terms of walking around like that completely butt naked. I mean they can show that they had sex without having us see her 10 foot nipple or every hair on her body. I just would like to see a movie with my husband that doesn't have a naked woman in it just for shock value, it lasted too long in my opinion. Am I the only one? I ended up loving the movie regardless, but will just fast forward it when I see it on dvd :)


The scene is there to indicate that a voluptuously naked woman can turn into a conservatively-dressed co-worker in an instant. And then she can die in an instant. We're different people when we're undressed. It's just nudity.



Definitely a nice looking woman,
with a very sexy looking body-
but I must admit- the Nudity
felt a little bit out of place.

Not that I hated it... lol



I actually agree with you. Showing a woman naked to show that sex has taken place is one thing thing, but when it was as sustained as long as it was in that scene it is unecessary. Fortunately by the end of the film I enjoyed the message so much that it didn't really bother me anymore.


I loved it. heh.


At first I felt a little like the nudity in the scene was overly long and gratuitous. And then I thought about it a little more, and realized this film is by a master story teller. So here's what I think. During most of the scene, there are two things going on - Whip talking to his ex-wife on the phone and Nadine getting dressed. Why are they done at the same time? This isn't a director who puts anything on screen without a reason.

I think Zemeckis wanted to make two important points about Whip's character. First, Nadine means nothing to him. He's not really interested in her while she struts around except when she bends over right in front of him. We in the audience are drawn to look at her, but Whip couldn't care less. Second, even when she does bend over in front of him, he just glances and smiles, but keeps on arguing with his ex. So we know he can stay focused (could you carry on a phone conversation with Nadine strutting around nude in front of you?). So I don't think Nadine is there just for the prurient interest, but to make a counterpoint in the scene.


Todd, You are right on here. Too bad it took 5 pages of commentary for someone to point out that the nudity was not gratuitous -- it was a significant plot point.


5 pages? My view says it's 13 pages of replies! ;-)


The full frontal seemed to be a complete glamorization of partying and how fun it can sometimes be. I can't think of anything more fun about partying then bringing a girl like that home. His wife called giving us a glimse at how messed up his life was but instead of having to deal with her on a daily basis he was partying with a perfect 10. I think the scene was meant to do two things:

1. Beauty is only skin deep. Let's not forget that she got decapitated in the next scene.

2. glamorization of partying and hooking up which we know is not good for anybody.

I guess if you go balls out partying constantly you are bound to hook up with a good looking girl once in a while but the majority of alchoholic middle aged men are in pretty bad shape, and when they do hook up it's more likely to be a pretty nasty chick, so, in a way, it was gratuities. If we did see a super nasty check walking around naked my reaction wouldn't have been envious lust but comedic irreverance. Moments of pleasure pale in comparison to redemptive happiness.I think that was the point.


I absolutely agree with you. The scene was unnecessary. They could have conveyed the relationship without nudity and especially such graphic nudity. Tasteless. I also think they could have done the entire movie without any profanity.


I think I read it on another post, but I have to agree with what someone else was realistic. Maybe not her beauty...not many of us have that kind of beauty. But as far as getting up and walking around naked after sex or when first waking up. A lot of people don't rush to put on clothes, they walk around the bedroom and bathroom what was wrong with her doing so? After having sex with your husband, do you cover up to walk around your bedroom?

Plus honestly...I thought it set a good tone for the movie. It basically let you know that this wasn't gonna be just a typical fluff piece. If we had just caught a brief glimpse of her naked or just seen her from behind, something like that....that's one thing. But to see her completely naked and as much as we saw her...I just think it let's us know from the beginning that this isn't gonna be a movie full of saints(not that anything is wrong with nudity, especially from a woman that gorgeous!).

"Thank you very much you son of a bitch"--Stone Cold Steve Austin
