Nude scene

I wanted to walk out of the theatre after that first scene. That girl Nadine was not necessary in terms of walking around like that completely butt naked. I mean they can show that they had sex without having us see her 10 foot nipple or every hair on her body. I just would like to see a movie with my husband that doesn't have a naked woman in it just for shock value, it lasted too long in my opinion. Am I the only one? I ended up loving the movie regardless, but will just fast forward it when I see it on dvd :)



Wow, I just watched this on Netflix and I didn't realize until I read these comments that the nude chick in the beginning was the flight attendant who died in the crash. No wonder he didn't just deny he knew anything about her drug/alcohol level - he did drugs with her.


The nude scene was a bit out there for me when I first saw it, only because I expected a different movie. I thought it was going to be a lot more campy. But the scene was supposed to convey a night of drinking, sex and drugs so having her nude wasn't really out of place when you think of it. Bonus points for having such a hot body!

"They say hunger is the best spice" - Spike


I'm a 44 year old woman married 22 years but I found nothing wrong with this being one of the first scenes in the movie, nor did I find the scene gratuitous or too long. I watched it alone, but would have no problem seeing it with my husband or anyone else for that matter.

Aside from appreciating a beautiful young human body (cripes, I would have loved to look so good even when I was her age!), I was curious as it went on, that shocking sense of intimacy when I least expected it -- but also how depressing and emotionally 'dead' the scene felt. A young woman (and for that matter, ideally all people) 'should' be waking up to a partner who cherishes her. We're conditioned to think that sex should be synonymous with emotional involvement or intimacy. But instead of any clue that these two slept together for anything other than naked self-interest (pun intended) - which can be seen as another form of addiction, unfulfilling sexual indulgence + substance abuse with neither achieving lasting psychological/physical relief - we see something that *on the surface* seems quite exciting and desirable when it really isn't - the closest they get to each other is when she's offering him the joint. No real signs of tenderness or deeper appreciation for each other.

So I found the scene to be an interesting opener for the film as a whole, juxtaposing beauty and visuals that are normally associated with deep intimacy alongside excessive self-indulgence and a sense of emotional disconnect - even contempt. Just like each of the characters is using various substances to deaden their feelings, they are using each other as well. Anybody catch the look on Trina's face when she first rises from the bed? And how blazing bright the room is; added to other evidence of depressing themes it was particularly jarring.

Those who would equate such a scene with porn probably haven't seen much porn to begin with. My opinions only.


I think the scene was meant to be every bit as gratuitous and explicit as his drug and alcohol use. It was meant to show that he is engagaed in a purely sexual interaction with a woman who we later find out is a coworker. If not for that scene, we would would not have been surprised to see her show up on the plane and them regard each other in such a "professional" yet still flirtacious way.


As a straight man I of course loved it. If anything she wasn't even fully naked for that long, as she puts on her thong soon after using the bathroom. When we do see her fully naked we only see her front for a few seconds.



Oh annette you poor thing. Made an innocent little comment and everyone jumped up and down telling you to 'grow up' and 'stop being a prude'

Well you are entitled to your are the rest of us I suppose. I'm not really fussed with that scene. I will say that if I'd gone to the theatre and watched the movie with a boyfriend or something I probably would have squirmed a bit thinking "sheesh I hope he's not expecting to see *that* when we get home" but then I'm admittedly insecure about my imperfections as I'd guess most people are (who are honest at least...)

We do have the perfect female figure rammed down our damned throats constantly and it's hard not to compare and feel a bit unsure of ourselves. So I can understand people who are made uncomfortable by such scenes.

Anyway, what made me laugh about many, *many* of the replies were the guys saying "nothing wrong with nudity" and "I loved that scene" or "the female body is beautiful" Yeah it is. But I'm willing to bet that they wouldn't be saying those things if the woman in that scene was Phyllis Diller (Lord rest her)!

The naked female body is a beautiful thing to these blokes so long as it's in the form of hot nubile 20 somethings. If it was an old crone in that scene, or even a realistic woman in her 40s or 50s, these very same men would be all "eww! Totally unnecessary scene!" and "what was that point of that scene" and "it went on waaaay too long!"

You fill me with inertia - George Spiggott


That scene was specifically there so people like you would walk out. if you cant handle seeing naked human body, you know, the way ALL of us are untill we cover it, then go away.

Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.
