I'm a 44 year old woman married 22 years but I found nothing wrong with this being one of the first scenes in the movie, nor did I find the scene gratuitous or too long. I watched it alone, but would have no problem seeing it with my husband or anyone else for that matter.
Aside from appreciating a beautiful young human body (cripes, I would have loved to look so good even when I was her age!), I was curious as it went on, that shocking sense of intimacy when I least expected it -- but also how depressing and emotionally 'dead' the scene felt. A young woman (and for that matter, ideally all people) 'should' be waking up to a partner who cherishes her. We're conditioned to think that sex should be synonymous with emotional involvement or intimacy. But instead of any clue that these two slept together for anything other than naked self-interest (pun intended) - which can be seen as another form of addiction, unfulfilling sexual indulgence + substance abuse with neither achieving lasting psychological/physical relief - we see something that *on the surface* seems quite exciting and desirable when it really isn't - the closest they get to each other is when she's offering him the joint. No real signs of tenderness or deeper appreciation for each other.
So I found the scene to be an interesting opener for the film as a whole, juxtaposing beauty and visuals that are normally associated with deep intimacy alongside excessive self-indulgence and a sense of emotional disconnect - even contempt. Just like each of the characters is using various substances to deaden their feelings, they are using each other as well. Anybody catch the look on Trina's face when she first rises from the bed? And how blazing bright the room is; added to other evidence of depressing themes it was particularly jarring.
Those who would equate such a scene with porn probably haven't seen much porn to begin with. My opinions only.