Nude scene

I wanted to walk out of the theatre after that first scene. That girl Nadine was not necessary in terms of walking around like that completely butt naked. I mean they can show that they had sex without having us see her 10 foot nipple or every hair on her body. I just would like to see a movie with my husband that doesn't have a naked woman in it just for shock value, it lasted too long in my opinion. Am I the only one? I ended up loving the movie regardless, but will just fast forward it when I see it on dvd :)


The scene only shocked me because it is a Zemeckis movie and all his movies are pretty straight-laced without any sex scenes. Neither are there any sex scenes in this one but the full frontal nudity seems as if Zemeckis was exploring new territories. Apart from that, I knew from the start that she was his co-worker. The nudity was unnecessary.


Envious much, annette?



Agreed. Cheap titillation.

Can you fly this plane?
Surely you can't be serious.
I am serious,and don't call me Shirley


I didn't know nudity was supposed to be shocking. It's the most natural thing in the world. Maybe you're just jealous your husband got to see an attractive female form for a change.


I do not go for nudity in movies, but the scene was useful and effective.

This scene was very important in building up to the main story, it wanted to show you that you can view something in your life as just ordinary, done on a daily basis and very casual. You know you'll do it, have sex and get a very normal morning then go to work. In my opinion, it was meant to be a long scene so that you get completely unprepared for what's next and to shock you with what something you can constantly underestimate do to to your life.

So sorry that you view movies only on the basis of "nudity" and "whether any "awkward" scenes would come up" ..


I like nude scenes in movies, but have to agree with another poster in this thread, that nudity isn't ever really necessary in a film.

So, the movie didn't hinge on the opening scene nudity, but it's still nice all the same.


and your hubby never jerks off right? cause there's no internet or nothing like that


As someone who served 9 years and killed a lot of Yugoslovians I am sickened by the fact Americans are so perfectly comfortable with loads of violence (including rape) in their movies and tv shows but they cringe at nudity and sexuality.

This is a seriously sick problem and I wish Americans had the reverse issue. I wish they were less tolerant and accepting of violence. I wish they were better about nudity. Not as a hormone stimulant but just as an every day fact of life.

As for the movie in question, I will acknowledge the nude scene had little to do with the plot. But most of the best scenes in movies arent plot driven, they are just filler but either interesting or funny.

Most of Pulp Fiction is not plot, but filler scenes that happen to be pretty darn good.


by travinitrav

As someone who served 9 years and killed a lot of Yugoslovians I am sickened by the fact Americans are so perfectly comfortable with loads of violence (including rape) in their movies and tv shows but they cringe at nudity and sexuality.

This is a seriously sick problem and I wish Americans had the reverse issue. I wish they were less tolerant and accepting of violence. I wish they were better about nudity. Not as a hormone stimulant but just as an every day fact of life.

As for the movie in question, I will acknowledge the nude scene had little to do with the plot. But most of the best scenes in movies arent plot driven, they are just filler but either interesting or funny.

Most of Pulp Fiction is not plot, but filler scenes that happen to be pretty darn good.

But you're obviously ok with the, "...loads of violence (including rape)...", in Pulp Fiction, then? But it's ok because of the past killing that you've done - or are you just bothered because we don't also embrace nudity as much?


Usually when I drink to excess on the weekend (every weekend) I end up naked in bed. Sometimes with a lady who is also intoxicated and on drugs. I'll admit it.

Now, we don't look like her, persay, but when we wake up we tend to stumble around like that in the nude.

I thought the scene was 100 percent realistic.

"I can't help but notice that there are skulls all over everything. Are we the baddies?"
